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 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Ma Cherie
I want to find my mate
my very best of friend
not just a guy I date
an in him I will depend

oh to love me all the day
an more so in the night
an when he touch an kiss me
is both our pure delight

well make love an have silliness
an laugh our way about
we will trust each other truly
an never have a doubt,

the sun will rise with me
an set there in his arms
when I see his crows feet
I'll melt easy in his charms

the day will last forever
the night- E-ternity
I will love him always
an he'll be loving me

no other in our eyes
love only for our one
I will be his lovely moon
he will be my shiny sun

I want to find him yes
I want my baby near
I want to touch him now
an call him darlin dear

I'll be true in a million kind of ways
I'll be true forever through our days

if you bring your warm and sunny rays

I will wait in the silver moonlight for you dear
come to me tonight.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Deep in the cups of your eyes
I drink in the high shot,
Blood of sense sacramental,
Wine and veins piercing
The after loves of morning.

Lost in the reaches of your hair
I have found belonging,
Ambrosial of lark and meadows,
Like some primordial dawn,
Awakening the first lovers.

And our bodies, broke, chalk ****,
Shimmered in ghost of live moon,
Like the one white dove loosed,
Into the holy airs of flaming hope,
Above blue tranquil seas of peace.

The ocean slid with our rowings
And the air, so sweetly uncatched,
Moaned in moist heat of breeze,
Drunk in an ever last of new hunger,
Under all the heavens we plunged.
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
on rock
in centre stream
I balance,ungainly

slick dark green algae
and well worn sneakers
do not provide adequate
friction, to maintain
perpendicular functions

in centre stream
on rock
I sit, hard and painfully
now, hours later,
on cushion
centre couch
I lie gingerly.....
(adding yet.)

there is no number on my gate, the house has a name. the lane

does not.

liking labels, i also like numbers on things, denoting nothing

in particuar.

she once said that though the name sounds romantic in it’s



it does not. she is correct.

the box is emptied, found numbers hid to please us, come


a worry is will the colour run, & if it does will we mind ?

the larger road here is also numbered, and lettered.   a470.

 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
I sit here in the local laundromat
on a aluminium park bench
amongst the fish eyed dryers
and icberg washing machines
that rumble with never siated
coin fed hunger, the smell of
artificial spring and wet dog
swelling on the humid breeze

In the corner an o.d lady sits
reading a mills and boon love story
two young men  stand
leaning against the door frame,
smoking cigarettes, they look
like casual warrior guards, on their day off
all surfer dude tan and body buff
guarding the inner sanctum of local cleanliness

Another mother, you can, tell by the handbag
is playing a game on her tablet, some tinny music
wafts over, and she glances at me with apology in her eyes
I have brought nothing except my phone
on which I am writing this, and carkeys and wallet
I watch the tumble dryers tumble, and am mesmerized
by the kaleidoscope of linens,playing at being acrobats
it is warm and cozy in the evening light, a world apart

Out side on the still warm sidewalk and old dog lounges
his eyes focused on old Mrs Mills and Boon, her load finishes
and as she gets up, so does the dog, both slow and methodical
as she folds her washing the dog noses the air, comes to the doorway, where one of the young blokes offers his hand
for a pat, the dog allows the contact, but his eyes remain on the old lady as she packs her wasing into a wheeled bag,
the pair then leave, walking down the street into the dusk,
the dog's nose mere inches from the old ladies gnarled hand
and his tail wagging furiously. I fell I have witnessed something
beautiful and intimate, as they wander away...
Washing machine broke....led me to this ...vignette...the love the dog had for this aging romantic was palpable in the evening air..
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Pagan Paul
'No man is an Island'
Maybe not true my Dear friends.
Perchance in general, contact is good.
But take a good look.
There are many Islands in the emotional ocean
with closed harbours and sealed ports.
Refugees of romance; Tortured traumas;
Insane individuals; Mental mercenaries;
Each one a lonely star,
a pinprick of light, disconnected,
on a girdle of the sky,
protected by a carapace of experience,
cold, distant, drifting further from the source,
in a race for consolidation and annihilation.
Islands of safety become Isles of danger.
Selfishness; Self-hate;
Self-perpetuating; Self Destruct;
The inward circle and downward spiral
cloaking the Island, shielding its existence,
shunning the continents of integration.
So can it be true my Dear friends,
no man is an Island?

© Pagan Paul (28/06/17)
I wish I could remember how to swim! PPx
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
So then, let's take the Foraminifera.
They lived, since they were, and were since they lived.
They did what they could since they were able.
In the plural since the plural,
although each one on its own
small limestone shell.
Time summarized them later
in layers, since layers,
without going into details,
since there's pity in the details.
And so I have before me
two views in one:
a mournful cemetery made
of tiny eternal rests
rising from the sea,
the azure sea, dazzling white cliffs,
cliffs that are here because they are.

Wislawa Szymborska from Here New Poems
translated from Polish by Clare Cavanagh
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Night I call you
portal of silence

the true divided light
of the moon through
my window leaving

shadows like crosses
of time, that old bandit

on my wall, the panes
stained, broken and sharp.
I saw the deer early morning
in our communal garden
Tried to get some photos
But she kept disappearing
into the shady glen of the large trees
She seemed to come from the park
along the busy main road
Breathe out the bad stuff
The fear anxiety depression
And all the nasty evil thoughts
Breathe in the good stuff
Wisdom and light
From a clear clear sky
No clouds
And inner peace and calm will come
Just as a bubble bursts
All the nasty stuff
will disappear
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