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Carl m Sep 2020
In one ear and out the other you whisper sweet nothings
I’ve always been told to listen to the truth but no one ever said why
The devil says if I fall in love with him I’d be a ***** sinner like him
Being a ***** sinner never seemed so pleasing until I met Lucifer himself
His eyes daring and lustful, my mother always told me I could find the good in others
I whisper back only to receive no reply
Feeling your grip tighten around my hips bringing me in
I feel my lips split. I can't catch my breath, where have my wings gone?
Once a god now a sinner your sweet words filled me with hope
Now I live with misery with your name tattooed on my heart
I was a god meant for your cage.
Hi..another one thank you
573 · Sep 2020
Randy. By Xavier M
Carl m Sep 2020
My palms are cold and ******
Your name stains my tongue
I prefer sleeping with my eyes open
Bloodshot eyes and boiling skin
I can’t believe they let you out
Randy, Was it worth the laugh
Does my blood still stain your hands
Do you close your eyes and remember me
I want you to feel the pain you drove into my veins
The smile you craved into my brain stains my teeth
My smile likes yours I no longer know myself
My childhood smells of tears and blood
But all you cared about was a rub and some ***
Using a woman as your toys, you see them as objects
You see me as an object no longer will I be yours
Randy, was it worth the laugh you had that night
Before the cops came and shocked your night
Shocked your life and made your night a living hell.
My brain still screams in agony at the sight of your name.
Hello, I'm new to publishing my poetry places, please leave feedback, and constructive criticism.
312 · Sep 2020
Sharp Tongue by Xavier M.
Carl m Sep 2020
Purity is something your body once knew
When you met me your lips were sealed
That night our skin touched purity was filled with sin
You made me feel as though my body was a temple only meant to be seen by you
Which was only the truth, you watched me every night as my head hit the pillow
Sleeping was the only way I could be away from you.
Do you guys like my poetry?
Carl m Sep 2020
Oh Lady heart eyes my heartaches of love
My heart bleeds the name of someone I mustn’t love
The moonlight sits on her skin so gently, she is made of stardust
A jewel of many colors no other reaches her beauty
Her simple words sing in my head as the birds do at the crack of dawn
I enjoy her company but I mustn't love another woman.
Another poem, I am anxious.
Carl m Sep 2020
My skin crawls when people notice my existence

This body that i had once loved was turned against me

The power my body once held as a temple was ruined meeting you

I used to seep yellow as my aura now it seeps red for the man who killed my purity

I enjoyed hugs but now I refuse a simple handshake

Was it that night worth it, i ask myself as i relive that night

The way you clawed at my skin and clothes

The blood that rushed to my cheeks had not been from excitement

My cheeks flushed red my eyes filled with tears coughing up blood

I shiver remembering the revolting things you had done

That night my body had said goodbye purity hello hell.
I'm not sure this one makes sense, but I've been struggling with PTSD for a bit and it has been worse lately and needed it off my chest
Carl m Sep 2020
Waking up is like a horror movie
One day after another I speak in pain
I sit with questions running in brain
I dream things no child should dream
Taking a dagger to my chest i wonder who’d care
I take a deep breath and remember all the good found in others
Taking the bad in and making it good is all i ever lived for
Yet I can't find the courage to drag the dagger into my heart
I find myself thinking about you, I live for you.
I'm unsure how to feel about this one.

— The End —