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 May 2015 Summer Jackson
Justin G
Lets go for a joy ride
I want to take you on a trip
Straight down enormity
I'm talking grand larceny
You know
A little vandalism
Here and there
I think
It'll be fun
To raid someone's home
Degrade their throne
Take what's theirs
And break their phones
Lets not care for fear
We have no time for tears
Just spit in their face
And tear up the place
Paint the ceilings red
if you have too
Just don't forget
To spray the walls
Along with each door
Because we can't leave any
We're still going to need a few
Graves to **** on
My crack at the crimespree challenge.
 May 2015 Summer Jackson
Justin G
Her Love belated
Like flowers
She only arrived  
for funerals

She would often smother me
but unfortunately
She suffocated first

Fade the last verse
She is not deceased
but jaded

When everyone else died
I cried
Life never felt dissuaded

Erase the eleventh line
nobody died
I just been forgotten

But honestly
They should be less
And more rotten

Because all I ever did
was simply pathetic
And misbegotton
A series of 10w stanzas
 May 2015 Summer Jackson
Justin G
Too much poetry
So many lines
A bunch of words
Too little time

Confused by the lies
She yells out only in writing
Pouring out her pain  
It rains storms and lightning

Cold showers for a dead flower
Hearts lost in this tug of war
She wants what she wants
So she gets what she gets

It all comes full circle
Remember this is a story of wits
Her poetry is deep
Defined by a lover

In a pool full of lnk
Squids blind each other
She finds discomfort in solitude
So she rooms his attitude

Lonely nights soon forgotten
Sublime to the stars
Its light ignited compassion
Redefined by her scars

I heard it all and read it all
She lives just across the hall
Red coated kisses
Caught him red handed

Where he falls on his knees
Every tear wasted
When yes slips from her lips
Yet another slit on her wrist

The towering love of a child
Ruined by mistreated wounds
Before it even reached the moon
Her power breached a tomb
Time is not treatment
It is cruelty
We get just enough to live
But not enough to learn
Do I type a "Hello?"
Shall l Click a "Like?"
Shall I "pose in my best outfit,seductively, on my Bike?"
If I "typed you a message," could you "be social?"
If you recognized me "outside the box"....Would you be the first....
To "throw the rocks?"
"Critique what I say"..... "Weigh" the words on "screen..."
"Mimic" my "actions" on the "Youtube"
"Laughing" at "me" as I'm shoved to hurt on  "life's scene?"
"Bullied" to the point of...
Or just "what are the actions, online," that "you think" that you need to "debate?"
"Enjoyment," " social expressions," " points of view," and "such..."
They are "freedom of speech" such, no one needs to "Break a leg"
and then have no one to "Hand them their crutch."
Bullying... Now What does it do?
My angel conquered
Innocent touch made me bleed
Cut with light feathers
As I lay in bed, swimming in a sea of darkness
my body remains still like the air.
I think of everything that could falter
and I'm left with a feeling of despair.
My stomach turns, my body shakes
and I can't escape this feeling.
Anxiety has made a home in my head
and covered the path of healing.
Much of what you told me
was a lie
A lie you were willing to expose
with a risk
A risk of it being revealed with all of
it's invisible strings
That's not you
That's not the idol I used to
look up to
But truth always comes out
despite a lie's efforts to conquer
leaving the innocent and naïve
in complete confusion
The truth's cold breath brings
despair to life
*A life I thought I knew
Believe wisely
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