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phantom Apr 2014
if we could see what it is to physically fall in love
i imagine it is cherry blossoms
falling on her wavy brown hair
it's her scrunched up nose as she laughs
it's her strong hands steady on your chest
the worst side is not being able to remember
how it felt to fall
after the love has gone
3am thoughts
phantom Apr 2014
i cut my hair and shaved my beard
figure i have no one around who loves it anymore
i got new glasses, i think i look quite intellectual -
i can imagine you would laugh right now
i'm slightly more soft spoken
than i ever have been before
i'm filling more pages of your memories
than i have ever needed to before
i don't make much conversation
because really what's the use?
i know this time next week
one thing i won't have to do
is make your favourite homemade card; but still happy birthday you
  Apr 2014 phantom
Joshua Haines
Don't say it's okay
Don't say it's fine
I drag
the heart
you tore apart
into a straight line
phantom Apr 2014
i remember when you would beg me to read to you
in the early hours of the morning
when conversation had kept us awake
i could tell you were smiling by the sound of your exhales
although my eyes never moved from the words on the page before me.
we would make love
until you were too tired to finish a whispered 'goodnight'
i would follow you into dreams
my last and first thoughts always of happiness

this was a long time ago
before i left you, before you left me

that's the thing with love;
it changes
it begins like a fire
embers and smoke
until it's Winter
you're alone
and the smell of ash is making you remember
everything you wish you could forget
can't sleep
phantom Apr 2014
i could sleep against a wall for hours
if you were leaning against that same wall
with me in your arms,
then i realised it was a pillow
but it still smelled like you
i proceeded to tuck it into my bed
leave the house and swallow down love once more
hashtag true story
phantom Apr 2014
promises are made to be broken
if not by you then the one's that you love
by God himself
He saw me standing over her
weak skinny arms, long blonde hair
half the size of me
He saw the words flow from my mouth
like icey breath despite the cool Summer evening
He watched me promise my life to her
secure her safety in my own hands
and He must have laughed and thought to Himself
'this boy thinks he can promise a life, promise safety'
and He must have decided to teach me a lesson
out of ten dead girls
you were the only one I promised to save
and He knew that if loneliness couldn't **** me
then broken promises would lead me to **** myself.
phantom Apr 2014
maybe this is the last poem
i will ever write about you
i have come to the conclusion
that there are two parts of me
both look the same;
dark brown hair, fading eyes
yet on the surface i have discovered
that i do not hate you nor like you
i am indifferent with no feelings towards you
sometimes it feels like i don't even know you
but then the other half of me
in the pits of hell inside of me
in the deep end of my heart
is the person who is madly in love with you
who can't and won't live without you
a disgusting cliche of a boy who longs for you
and my two halfs argue and fight each other
until the moon begins its shift so the sun can rest
i smoke my cigarettes
taking each urge and longing
in the pits of my stomach
and converting them into smoke
i exhale my love for you out of my body
until i'm left with emptiness
this empty creature doesn't write as good poetry
but at least he isn't drowning in the sea of love
where everyone would love to drown
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