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Lyla Sep 3
Moonlight on my face
I cannot go back to sleep
When I think of you
Driven crazy by moonlight, or something else?
Lyla Sep 3
strong coursing river
torrential wild summer storm
together, a flood
Lyla Sep 1
A unique glint compels the eye
Towards desolation
Pluck a stone from the desert floor
For examination

Would faceting reveal a prize?
Do its flaws void its worth?
Could it ever shine so brightly
It seems not of this earth?

Yet inclusions of baser stuffs
Are threaded through its veins
Harsh mineral imperfections
Which this beauty contains

They cannot be excised, you see
It would transform the stone
Into a hollow, pitted thing
So best leave it alone

Just drop it back into the sand
With spots you so abhor
Another hand will pick it up
One who can love it more
Not quite a ballad but I'm throwing it in the collection anyway, sorry not sorry.
Lyla Sep 1
If you can't touch me
no one should
If you can't love me
no one can

Forgive me

I don’t want any other match
I would have it be you
Anything for you
Everything for you


My heart celebrates yours with words
My spirit celebrates yours with a spark
My body celebrates yours


I tremble before you
As a thrill surges through my core
Let the world fall away and

in me

I said I would pursue you
with a passion of the kind recorded for posterity
That is but the merest shadow of how I want you
I will wait

Lyla Aug 31
Consider the garden of your life
and remember I am a wild rose
I can be cut back
but I will outlast walls
Lyla Aug 29
when love blossoms
from a crack
in the sidewalk
of your life


a garden would grow there
if you let the concrete crumble
Inspired by George Washington Carver's thoughts on weeds.
Lyla Aug 29
Lying in my bed
Petrichor through my window
Awakened by you
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