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My Grandfather said,
"Don't bite off more than you can chew."
He choked to death.
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
Damaré M
She answered the door half naked and almost woke. As I closed the door behind me slowly, she attempted the route to her bed until I interrupted "Stop right there! Put your hands up and place them against the wall. You look dangerous and I'm about to frisk you". She surrendered.
Let's have a troublesome
Poets are..
Forgetful. But they remember everything. They forget appointments,and what time dinner is.But they remember what you wore,and how you smelled…
On that first date.
They remember every story you've ever told them- like ever. But forget what you just said.
They don't remember to water the plants,or to take out the trash. But they don't forget how to make you laugh.
Poets are forgetful.
Because...they are busy remembering the important things. Like how to love someone with all their heart.

Randy McPeek
Fire to ashes
Mountains to dust
Water to ice
Metal to rust

Like to lust
Lust to love
Love to hate
Hate to love

Breath to life
Life to death
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust

By Lady R.F (C) 2016
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
I am a son
You are a daughter
We’re not related
But, it doesn’t matter

I am a father
You are a mother
We each have a child
Just, not with each other

I love and cherish mine
As I’m sure you do yours
And yet somehow
This hatred of others occurs

Love does not discriminate
We know that it endures
If, I can love a child of mine
I can also, love a child of yours
When you are on top
Don't forget to respect small things
Because they are the foundation of your success
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
Patient, "Doctor, I cough
10 minutes continuously, once get up from bed."
Doctor, "Simple, get up 10 minutes late."
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
Patient, "Doctor, I see everything double?
Doctor, " Okay, for this Why four of you came??"
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
 Oct 2016 Stan Gichuki
Patient, "Doctor, I see everything double?
Doctor, "Okay, Sit down."
Patient, "Which chair Doctor??"
If God loves us then why do so many young and loved ones have to die?
And if good loves us why do people want, destroy others and cry?
If God loves us then why is the world rife with pain?
If he loves us then why do these things happen? It's driving me insane!

Now I'm far from a rocket scientist, but I do belive the answer to these questions is
That if the world didn't have needs, then we wouldn't need a God
Now I know that that answer does seem kind of odd
But I believe that terrible tragedies happen so we stubborn humans would actually call on his name
Because we love to pray when rain clouds come over our lives but not when the weather is calm and tame
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