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Am in love with the sun, in love with the moon
when April rains come, hope I'll see her again soon
in love from Jan, I walk her through June
and whenever I can, I play her this tune
so that she can know I love her more than starlight
because in dark times, she's my hope for day light
People tend to ask too much of me
Because they know I am willing to give them everything I have

It's such an easy way to get mistreated, manipulated, and taken advantage of

But I will never stop giving all I have, especially to the people that deserve it and even to the people that don't

The happiness of others is way more important than any amount of money, time, or sleep

So let me pay for the little things you want
Let me be late to work so I can spend 10 minutes kissing you goodbye
And let me wake up to answer your phone calls at 4 am when you can't sleep

I will always cross oceans for the people I care about
Whether or not they would cross a puddle for me

I just hope that one day
Someone will return the favor
Its funny how my hand fitted perfectly into yours
Funny that you'd wait for me by the school doors
Funny that you'd attack me with your little kisses
Funny that you'd also want us to be mr and mrs

Whats more funny is your hands have disapeared
That you're not at the dooring waiting, thats weird
More funny that I've no lipstick stains on my cheek
Hilarious its that you're miss popular and I am a freak
Am learning to crawl
since I can't move on...
 Jan 2017 Stan Gichuki
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
It seems the morality of the world has thinned,
and it's hard for me to differentiate
how to be good, and how to be great.

There's so much bad stuff swirling around,
and unfortunately, as I have found,
it's so easy to get swept up by society,
and so easy to be remiss in one's piety.

I long to be a better person.
I don't want to just worsen and worsen.
Can you help me be a saint?
Make me in your image, the way only an artist can paint.

I just need your guidance and your aid,
I need to have more confidence in the me that you made.
Because if I stare really hard right into a mirror,
There's a person I'm becoming, and frankly, I fear her.

Help me to be in the world and not of it.
Help me to embrace my true self and love it.
And in the face of the world's ignorant braying,
help me to just keep on loving and praying.
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
Meet me
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
Meet me for coffee
At the corner of 29th Avenue
On a sunny summers day
Some time in June

Meet me
Next to the fountain in Trafalgar Square
It will be a frosty
New Year's Eve

Meet me
Just past the junction
Junction 21
Not sure where it's near to
But I need to follow the M4 to get there
I'll be driving a red Morris minor

Meet me
At the end of my street
You should know where to find me
If you've kept all the above dates that is
It could be raining
Bring a brolly
12 noon
April 2023

Meet me
Come celebrate my birthday
Its cold outside so wear a warm coat
Don't be late
I've missed you like crazy
12 Feb
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
i'd let you break my heart in pieces to see the poetry they would become
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
To heal a wound you have to stop touching it.
So I'm ignoring you.
 Dec 2016 Stan Gichuki
Ju Clear
Mr president
I have a conflict of interest
I am not keen on how you go about your business
I am saddened by your big banking boys with roles
I am not sure you can run the US like a business
I feel more empathy is required

Mr president
Am still conflicted with your reign
Not over joyed by your chosen minions rolling in billions
Having money don't mean you know how to govern

Mr president
For me too take you seriously I feel you should liquidate your assets
Invest in the bottom
So all can be on top
Be kind
Give it away
you have another holiday
Put kindness in charge
Make America kind again
Kindness rules
Listening to the 5 pm news while cooking Mexican food
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