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 Apr 2016 Simone
i can confirm
 Apr 2016 Simone
and yes,
I can confirm
(for all the still-lost)
there are good days.

they will come—
days when you feel free with every breath,
moments when your heart beats light in your chest
(steady, stable, alive)
times when there is this wonderful clarity in your mind.
they will come.
days everything—mostly—goes perfectly right.
they will come and you will smile.

you’ll finish all the things that must be done.
someone loved will offer a hug.
there will be triumph over the smallest things,
and you are allowed to feel proud of how far you have come.
there will be companionship,
and it will feel warm where it blooms in your body.

it will come:
the days where you will smile at anything.
you will be so happy it is as if you are afloat.
everything will go back to feeling like home.

I can confirm.

for the ones still hanging on,
I can confirm.
there will be good days,
and they are coming.
for all the still-lost, myself included. we'll get there.

a genuine, truly good day is so - difficult to describe, with all its brimming wonderfulness, and i find i can never do it justice. may you have a good day.
 Apr 2016 Simone
Kathryn Paige
and now poetry in coffee shops and paintings of flowers make me want to cry, and i didn't know memories of you would be so deeply engrained in the moments i took for granted.

the sunrises that were once a gentle reminder of being one sunrise closer to seeing you, i now realize, were just counting down my last days of being able to love you.

our time together ended before it ever really began, so i'll pretend my hands aren't shaking because they'll one day forget how it felt to hold yours. i'll pretend tears haven't been blurring my vision for forty-eight hours straight, and i'll pretend i didn't fall so hard for a boy who seemed to have given up on me so easily.

-k.w//sometimes, i wish i couldn't feel
 Mar 2016 Simone
Gwen Pimentel
Be careful when you fall in love with a poet
We kinda don't really think in the same way as everybody else
If everybody's thinking outside the box, were probably the ones thinking on the box
Or with the box, or in another box
Yeah see that was kinda weird
We think in metaphors
We write with our own blood
We write about anything and everything that makes us feel
Which means we will probably write about you
And will continue to write about you even after we've broken up and you moved on and youve forgotten about us
We will still write about you
Because you engraved feelings in us which we have immortalized into words
Think of it like this
You come into our lives
You spill wet cement on the walls of our hearts
We write all the feelings we get on the wet cement and when you're gone it dries up

Be careful when you fall in love
With the girl who can compare you to the sun
One minute she can tell you that the sun is the source of life in this world and brightens up her day
And the next, she can tell you that the sun's UV rays are actually harmful and the sun sets too
While you are talking
She is thinking about how your eyes crease at the corners when you laugh
And how your smile is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen
And how your hair is the perfect mix of messy and hot
She will try to put all these feelings into words
And despite her vast vocabulary and experience in writing
She will never find the right words to describe you
Searching for words will be like using internet explorer as your browser
Or riding a snail
Or looking through a dictionary when all the words are crossed out

Be careful when you fall in love
With a girl who writes
Because you just might be the reason for her writer's block
And she will probably hate you for it
But at the same time love you for it
Yet you can also be the reason she can never stop writing
Because you are more than enough inspiration she needs
You will be the driving force of the pen in her hand against the paper
And that's pretty **** amazing if you ask me
She can turn your world into words
Turn your thoughts into lines
Turn your feelings into poetry
She will say the things you never knew how to say

Be careful when you fall in love with a poet
Because you just might be turned into intangible literature
 Mar 2016 Simone
may be
 Mar 2016 Simone
my fingertips may be rough
but i'd still hold you with care
i may be selfish
but since you're special, i'd share
i may be pessimistic
but i'd give you hope
i may be too clingy
but i wouldn't bother

you may be not interested
and my heart may be broken
but i'd still love you
with all the pieces of it

— The End —