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  Sep 2017 skyler
there are so many
i want to write all over
my skin
so that maybe
just maybe
the bits of me
might come outside
and show that i
in fact
am not a shell
just a body
with so much lost
and so little left
to lose

the thing is
we're all bodies
going through a day to day
like there's never anything wrong
like there's never been anything wrong
like there's never going to be anything wrong

but there's something wrong
with pretending
because it hides
the truth
from even yourself
you think you know everything
until it's early in the morning
late in the night
and you're screaming
who am i
to no one
because no one is always there
and no one always listens
because no one cares

and we tattoo ourselves
that mean something
so that when someone passes by
they just might see
instead of just a body
just a life
that can never be as complicated
as our own
because nothing is as good
as our own

our own

our own

our own

that at least make us
some semblance
of own
some picture
of self
some symbol
of who

we are like nothing
until proven something
we are guilty as one of many
until innocent as individual

i want my name to adorn my forehead
so i can scream
i am here

i want your name on my lips
to whisper
i love you
like it's the one thing
you can always believe

i want alone pasted to my hands
as though
anyone can see
all the hands i've never held
and will never hold
and the holding i'll never get to do
by being

i want a's grafted into my chest
once upon a time
i was told they define me
so if i ever
get ripped apart
they'll see
my worth
as a grade
a minus
a plus
a bit of self-worth
assurance i am worth it
approval of who

i want praise shaped into the thinning skin of my stretch marks
there should be
no reason
to give a ****
about the carefully placed
skin caterpillars
after all
as soon as they become butterflies
everybody loves
once more

i want feelings plastered on my legs
because i'd love for what
i hate
to be covered
in someone's love
even if only no one cares

i want to be covered
crown to toe
with visions of me
to make
and individual
out of
no one
the only one
who cares
  Aug 2017 skyler
India Hares
Goodbyes never hurt me
It's always the memories that follow
To live in such a cruel reality
A world so insensitive and shallow

A goodbye is just a moment
But the memories are stuck on replay
To think we deserve such torment
We remember each and every day

A goodbye will not hurt you
But the memories will shatter your being
Break your heart into pieces
Your life may even lose meaning

Goodbyes do not hurt you
They are only the beginning
A life that was once so simple
Turned into a life not worth living
Another KI
skyler Aug 2017
one of the hardest things
she had ever done
was sit next to someone she loved
and feel their skin against hers
but not have the courage to kiss them
to grab them and pull them in
for it felt like swimming in the ocean
but never feeling the water

skyler Aug 2017
find me
under the stars
and we can make memories
that will sting your heart
months down the road
and fill your mind
like the full moon lights the sky

skyler Aug 2017
losing you
was like losing a limb

i made you a part of me
and depended on you
for so many things

so your abrupt departure
feels strange
like i'm missing
a piece of myself

and i can almost feel
where you used to be
but now there is just empty space
with nothing but pain to see
skyler Aug 2017
i can see the ocean in your eyes
and taste the galaxy on your tongue
but that's only if i ignore
the bloodshot glaze
and bitter taste of smoke

skyler Aug 2017
rock bottom
is when you no longer feel the need to hurt yourself
because the pain in your heart is overwhelming enough
that the physical aspect is no longer needed

so you sit
and build
this weight in your chest
thinking maybe

just maybe

this alone
will be enough
to do the trick
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