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 Feb 2015 Short Sands
Forgive me, I know I’m not perfect
my loving ways aren’t perfect
but my love for you is real
fear may have concucted my mind
fortune tellers may be redundant in this matter and somewhere along the way I will hurt you
but don’t let the hardships change the way you perceive me
the way you turn my imagination into reality
my soul recognises your scent instantly
my heart has countless beats
when I pour my feelings to you
when I contemplate on the windows of your soul
that lets me into your garden of mind
that lets me rest for a while in your deep breaths
'cause really what’s life with getting the wrong direction
I lack patience
sometimes I ride way too ******* my sense of humour
I’m misunderstood of my sarcastic ways
of my ironic mindset of love’s understanding
ups and downs mend our connection
melancholy, interestingly, keeps us intact
forgive me, for I am not perfect
speak up, might wanna change my ways.
By Elijah & Ofentse Tsie

#Heart #Love #Melancholy #Soul
In the quiet of your home
in the corner of your room
in the rushing of the street
in the time you're on your own

when the stars light up like candlesticks
when the moon begins to pray
and the oceans hear you groan
in the time you're on your own.

When the milkman comes and the sun's not shone
but the night has packed its bags and gone
and the dew is you upon the floor
in the time you're on your own.

One small kiss can resonate,
make universes hold their
breaths and wait
and still we wait
in the time you're on your own.
Give me a witch with a broom that can fly
give me a night to try
give me a cat that's silent and black
and give me the reasons why.

Send me a doll with blue eyes stuck with pins
slap me some skin and
let these things begin,
send me a witch that can fly.
 Feb 2015 Short Sands
Warm Love
 Feb 2015 Short Sands
Warm bodies
Meshed into one
Cold night
blocking the sun
Hot fire
Heating my cheeks
Shy smile
showing through my teeth
Brown eyes
Full of love
Gentle touch
of your arms
Hearts beating
Like the sounds of a drum
now I know
You are my only one
I like the simple things.
The things like
Eating an apple with a knife
And jamming out to music
And the feeling of soapy warm water
On my hands when I wash dishes
And the sun coming through the window
And quiet walks on a starry night
And fresh chocolate chip cookies
And a clean house
And the smell of old books
And wearing my favorite shirt

There are times
When my heart sings
Because the sun
And because the moon
And because the stars
And the trees
And dirt
And light, and just

But then there are the down times.
Those morbid
When nothing
Is good
And I can't
There is only one thing I can do.

Remember the good times.
I am so happy today. The sun is shining, and if you ignore all the snow, you can almost pretend it's summer if you are sitting inside. I am listening to a good song, and wearing my favorite shirt, and my cousins will be here soon, and my hair looks nice today, and I am just really happy :)
 Feb 2015 Short Sands
Josh Allen
our first space date will be in over 20 years or maybe even a lot more
we'll be traveling at the speed of light
i'll be holding ur hand and then we arrive at saturns rings
i pull out the picnic basket and we have a picnic on the second biggest planet in our solar system !!
while we're eating i kiss ur cheek and tell you i love you
we fly out to the local galactic group and observe the andromeda galaxy, the second most beautiful thing ive ever seen
and then we makeout for like 20 minutes and then we travel back to planet earth
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