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I S A A C Feb 2022
I feel the crack of the dead leaves underneath my feet
reminding me I stay wondering around this dead place
once upon a time this was an oasis, once upon a time it was colourful
now it is all dead, storms more violent than the ones in my head
I guess I feel comfortable here, I imagine there's nothing to fear
make friends with the bloodthirsty, prove to myself I am unworthy
of anything better than this bitter taste
deserve anything better than this polluted waste
I swim in the chaos, I dive into the unhealthy
goodness is too overwhelming
Exhale Your Mind Oct 2017
I searched for you in the alley of conversations.
In the backyard of a smile.
Between the walls of simplicity.

I searched for you in the corners of affection.
In the garden of butterflies.
In the unsafety of my dreams.

I searched for supernatural, divine encounters.
For beating hearts and shaky voices
For mindblowing realities.
I searched for God in a man.

Instead I found sincerity
I found differences
I found fear and jealousy
I found mistakes
I found acceptance

I found human.
Tabitha  Nov 2013
Star-Night Walk
Tabitha Nov 2013
Dark, cold, and still lit up; The night awakens as the sun goes down,
Walking on the sidewalk, looking at the stars,
A wish I have deep inside, while watching the rush of city cars,
The world itself makes my problems seems so insignificant,
The calm quietness takes over my body,
I'm still and silent, closing my eyes and hearing the sounds,
The breeze, drifting by as the water by the lake peers in close,
The constant rush of water, upon a roaring rock,
The fog-horn is clear, the sirens are near,
The people yelling, the screaming, the anger built in,
The honking, the fights, the gun-shots at night,
The murders, the horror, and the unsafety outside,
Once we take a walk at night, we fear death come by,
The inability to calmly live life,
How calm it once was, in split seconds died out?
Being able to live a peaceful life without the fear of dying,
Without gossiping; without deception and lying,
Oh what a wonderful world that would be.
TheBookKeeper  Mar 2015
TheBookKeeper Mar 2015
It's not real to you
but it's real to me
this feeling of unsafety
there is something in me
I can not tell
No wait!
I can
It's my own living hell
Leroy J Harris Mar 2014
I was gaseous infant, then liquid child, from that was born solid youth.
Now I am fragile, a crumbling adult watching it all solidifying faster than past can hold.
I am learning to know myself, but I don't want it to be so, I'd rather revert back to a liquid, free-flowing, and happy.
Gas gave me trust, but he burned it, set it all ablaze. As liquid I was free to roam as I wanted, I'd become aloof, distant, lying to myself unknowingly. He was two matters; between gas and solid, his hands warmed my structure and I'd be gas once more. Clues dashed upon variables, broken and tired from naive effort, he wasn't matter at all, though he mimicked it. He was sublimation, an anomaly in love with itself.
When I learned to stay as liquid, my gases coalesced around objects I could reach. Constants amidst a frequency of unknowables, I'd feel more than see. School, it was a warm place, there I could remain as liquid wanted to be, free and uncontained. Filling in what I was given, I latched onto any chance to forget the coming fear. Drops of that prior state dribbled as I left one safeness to the next unsafety.
Prose. Personal reflection of a facet of my extensive past.
Daan  Jan 2017
Care less
Daan Jan 2017
Outcomes used to rule,
inconvenience smiled,
they reconciled in the unsafety
of a pool, used me as a tool.

Eager, desperate for compatible
masses, as time passes
in this changing state.

Games, denied of their existence,
yet with undoubtable resistance
against persistence took away
the passion solely based in joy.
From now on
life will be my toy.
Kate Copeland  May 2020
Wet paint
Kate Copeland May 2020
The realisation that this violent red came up in me, that it had put itself out there, against my peaceful blue

hidden underneath my skin I thought, but once this/the disconnection came up, this unsafety, the red escaped 

and in an instant, alien became less distant, fluid in my daily countenance. How I've always assumed you

were the rock and I the water, how it turned out to be still and all. Me fully capable of standing my stones 

in the fluidity of waves, in this life of ebbs & flows. And even while I peak over the cliff edge, with the wind 

in my face, drawn into depth & distance - I know the cracks of then and the hills of now will become a passage,

a progress through the fragments I breathe, for the joy I feel. You went along to trust my inner world, while

you wouldn't anyway. So I decided to wend my place that provides me to dream up and survive nonetheless. 

Once your heart has jumped out of your body, the rivers & tides will smooth over. Structured daydreaming will bring

out the bright, fresh morning I need to scare off the ghosts of my lost night, a subverted realism to coast through a

clear consciousness over some guilt and uneasy vulnerableness. What's done, is done. True. Imagine that.
Lorenzo Neltje  May 2021
Lorenzo Neltje May 2021
Shards of glitter flick against dark windows,
Lit to sparkle from city lights
A hypnotic pattern of movement,
In hands
Fluffy toys, keys
The soothing soft voice,
Impossibly gentle
Peeling away at softened shells;
No, I won't answer that question,
Not because of defences
Or pride,
But simply because I do not have the words
To explain exactly why I am at peace,
In a calm moment
From pre-occupied turmoil.

Yellow lattice fences and dimly lit
   train tracks
Are whisking me away to
Some place of unsafety,
And I only want to thank you
For this respite,
Sweet little shard
Of glitter
Petra  Mar 2021
Petra Mar 2021
I heard of a girl.
Her pen was her sword,
Crusading the world.
She bled from her wounds
Echoing somewhere,
Crying from afar,
Not knowing why.

She wrote to gain silence
Somewhere in the city.
Somewhere in a city,
Her mind wrestled more loudly
Than the force of anger.
A butterfly prevented from soaring?

It was something she couldn't name.
It bound her wrists.
She could never breathe there.
She could never breathe.

So she rose from her seat and tried to leave,
But the floor beneath her started to fall,
And her heart was pounding, then the air was gone,
And there is no one else there but the pen  
so she bleeds.
She bleeds onto the pages,
And through her finger tips,
And lets the words cover her
like a blanket of unsafety.

Would she ever have the heart to escape?


Earth paused to hear her voice.
It all stopped moving, and
The girl kissed the end.
It kissed her back as her sword fell to silence.
It was soft and easy.
But it was also final, and
She was not ready.
It hurt, coming so close.
She's still hurting.
But she's still there.
She continues to crusade
The pages, and the world.
cry ,one of the two birds that delivers his pleasure,
impossibly, here for sure,nothing is less than nothing,
surmounted, surrounded, captured and grounded,
predated by a whole lot of somethings,
something always there to remind me,
something always there to catch with unsafety net,
something old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue.
When Maria Madalena went to the tomb, she was told her Lord was with the living not the dead

— The End —