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I perhaps have to say helo'
for long i have lost on the low
poems that not trend
songs that are meaningless,
are those elsewhere,
in the world i've just left,
there is no sweet.
i missed you at hello poetry,
the daily stuff,that make my heart skip a beat
the poems i read more than five times,
not because they were tough,
they were nice and everytime isatiable,
so i had time,
to read and read...

everytime finding a new line to stress
getting a new point to chew,
and reading a new phrase aloud to recal,
in all,i missed hello poetry,
i missed the golden poets,
the friendly and guiding Nicole,
the inspiring Prandip,
the very concerned and confident Sahideen,
not to fotget Rao,
and all i cannot name,
this made me say heloo.
maybe,i need you reply me heloo.
i'm writing this out of inspiration,i haven't corrected it;i am writing on the site,
please make it taste.add lines and maybe post a comment.
Helo, helo por do viene   el moro por la calzada,
caballero a la jineta   encima una yegua baya,
borceguíes marroquíes   y espuela de oro calzada,
una adarga ante los pechos   y en su mano una azagaya.
Mirando estaba Valencia,   como está tan bien cercada:
-¡Oh, Valencia, oh Valencia,   de mal fuego seas quemada!
Primero fuiste de moros   que de cristianos ganada.
Si la lanza no me miente,   a moros serás tornada;
aquel perro de aquel Cid   prenderélo por la barba,
su mujer, doña Jimena,   será de mí cautivada,
su hija, Urraca Hernando,   será mi enamorada,
después de yo harto de ella   la entregaré a mi compaña.
El buen Cid no está tan lejos,   que todo bien lo escuchaba.
-Venid vos acá, mi hija,   mi hija doña Urraca;
dejad las ropas continas   y vestid ropas de pascua.
Aquel moro hi·de·perro   detenédmelo en palabras,
mientras yo ensillo a Babieca   y me ciño la mi espada.
La doncella, muy hermosa,   se paró a una ventana;
el moro, desque la vido,   de esta suerte le hablara:
-Alá te guarde, señora,   mi señora doña Urraca.
-Así haga a vos, señor,   buena sea vuestra llegada.
Siete años ha, rey, siete,   que soy vuestra enamorada.
-Otros tantos ha, señora,   que os tengo dentro en mi alma.
Ellos estando en aquesto   el buen Cid que se asomaba.
-Adiós, adiós, mi señora,   la mi linda enamorada,
que del caballo Babieca   yo bien oigo la patada.
Do la yegua pone el pie,   Babieca pone la pata.
Allí hablará el caballo   bien oiréis lo que hablaba:
-¡Reventar debía la madre   que a su hijo no esperaba!
Siete vueltas la rodea   alrededor de una jara;
la yegua, que era ligera,   muy adelante pasaba
hasta llegar cabe un río   adonde una barca estaba.
El moro, desque la vido,   con ella bien se holgaba,
grandes gritos da al barquero   que le allegase la barca;
el barquero es diligente,   túvosela aparejada,
embarcó muy presto en ella,   que no se detuvo nada.
Estando el moro embarcado,   el buen Cid que llegó al agua,
y por ver al moro en salvo,   de tristeza reventaba;
mas con la furia que tiene,   una lanza le arrojaba,
y dijo: -Recoged, mi yerno,   arrecogedme esa lanza,
que quizás tiempo vendrá   que os será bien demandada.
John F McCullagh Oct 2012
The Helos hovered silently
as the Seals roped to the ground.
They touched down on Sesame Street
where the “Big Bird” could be found.

The C.I.A. had tracked him
Using feed from P.B.S.
President Mitt o.k’d the hit
when we tracked him to his nest.

A blue grouch in a garbage can
liay bleeding on the floor.
That **** named Cookie Monster
won’t eat  cookies anymore.

Ernie, Bert and rubber ducky
Were in the bath they say
When Seal team six broke through the door
and blew them both away.

Big Bird hid in Hooper’s store
While all this had transpired.
Then he laid down suppressing fire
With a weapon he’d acquired
Several Seals lay silent
in that sleep that isn’t sweet.
Snuffleupagus opened up
and forced a Seal retreat.

A stealth Helo exploded
raining wreckage on the street.
Maddened Muppets hurling Bricks
compounded Mitt’s  defeat.

As of today Big Bird’s at large.
Him we couldn’t whack.
The briefing failed to tell us
That a Liberal Bird fights back.
a bit against  the grain but all done in fun
Carlo C Gomez  Nov 2022
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2022
I saw an old man crying at
the precipice of his sanity,
ten stories above the sea,
and the world at his feet, a helo-deck:
a principality that had the worn out lay of home.

So trivialized.
So fantasized.
So immobilized.
Transmitting pirate-radio-waves eternally.

Seized the tower.
Hoisted the flag.
Crowned the queen.

"I've no blood right, only a passport," he said. "But do have the right mindset: I can't leave, we're so dangerous. Don't be a stranger now, we'll never be this dangerous again..."
I'm not a typical teenager
I don't facebook things
Or post my life to the world
I don't tweet
Or Twitter
Or all the other
I don't instagram
In fact
I don't like pictures
If me. I hide from the camera
Hoping no one will
Click the photo button
I don't party
Or stay out late
I sit at home
Watching TV
Or better yet
Cuddling up with a good book
I don't waltz around
In revealing clothes
Hoping for a boyfriend
I don't act all bubbly
I cry and worry
I don't worry about boys
And dates
I worry about depression
And cutting and if my
Friends are really fine

I don't doodle or draw names on a binder
I write poetry on a site called helo poetry
And the only thing that upsets me
About that, is that I didn't find it sooner
Helo, helo por do viene   el infante vengador,
caballero a la jineta   en un caballo corredor,
su manto revuelto al brazo,   demudada la color,
y en la su mano derecha   un venablo cortador;
con la ***** del venablo   sacarían un arador,
siete veces fue templado   en la sangre de un dragón
y otras tantas afilado   porque cortase mejor,
el hierro fue hecho en Francia,   y el asta en Aragón.
Perfilándoselo iba   en las alas de su halcón.
Iba buscar a don Cuadros,   a don Quadros, el traidor.
Allá le fuera a hallar   junto al emperador,
la vara tiene en la mano,   que era justicia mayor.
Siete veces lo pensaba   si lo tiraría o no
y al cabo de las ocho   el venablo le arrojó;
por dar al dicho don Cuadros,   dado ha al emperador,
pasado le ha manto y sayo,   que era de un tornasol,
por el suelo ladrillado   más de un palmo lo metió.
Allí le habló el rey,   bien oiréis lo que habló:
-¿Por qué me tiraste, infante?   ¿Por qué me tiras, traidor?
-Perdóneme tu alteza,   que no tiraba a ti, no,
tiraba al traidor de Cuadros,   ese falso engañador,
que siete hermanos tenía   no ha dejado si a mí, no.
Por eso delante de ti,   buen rey, lo desafío yo.
Todos fían a don Cuadros   y al infante no fían, no,
sino fuera una doncella,   hija es del emperador,
que los tomó por la mano   y en el campo los metió.
A los primeros encuentros   Cuadros en tierra cayó.
Apeárase el infante,   la cabeza le cortó
y tomárala en su lanza   y al buen rey la presentó.
De que aquesto vido el rey   con su hija le casó.
They are inside illusion with selfish pen             They are outside sanity with greedy heart.         They cheat fancy things with imagery eye and dash feelings into the wind. Empty lines surrounding their walls in shallow daze,all poets say hello not even me bcus my spirit is water catch me if you would probably hit the wrong side of all me little poets
Ford Prefect Sep 2017
I am a walking disease. I am angry and hateful and full of sharpened spite and I may never forgive you. I want to hurt you but that means hurting me, too. It just takes longer for me to feel it.  (All good things take time.) I wish I wasn't like this. I wish I was a happier, nicer, more loving person. I wish I wasn't so ****** in denial. I hate myself and I hate you. I am rotting. I am killing my soul. Yes, I have one. YES, god is real. Yes, YEs, YES. SHUT THE **** UP already. Hit me so I can hit you. Feel it so I don't have to. I wish I was different.  I wish I was dead. Don't help me up.
Jai Rho  Aug 2013
Nice Car
Jai Rho Aug 2013
"Nice Car"
said a man in a Lexus
to a man in a Ford
with just enough sneer
to show that he scored

Then he turned and
heard himself mumble
"Nice Car"
to someone who just
made him feel humble

"Well, it's transportation,
my helo's in the shop"
said a man in a
Lamborghini who
thought he was tops

But then a Gulfstream
roared overhead and
while two grown men
looked up and drooled
the man in the Ford

Drove off and left them
to be schooled
Don Bouchard Apr 2016
Starbucks cups of Kenya (fair trade)
Academic palaver and ennui
Interrupted by a hovering sparrow
Just outside our glassy corner
“Sparrows can’t hover”
An ornithologist told his class twenty years ago…
And here’s this sparrow,
Uneducated, I guess…
Hovers above and between us
On the other side of the glass…
Just hangs there
Maintaining for a count
One, two, three, four…
Slips down and then back up
And toward us, just above the glass,
Neatly picks a moth from the brick casing.
The helo-sparrow descends
To consume the pinched moth,
Its dusty wings
Resembling sunflower hulls
Shucked and discarded
Near bleachers after the game.
Anais Vionet  Nov 2021
Anais Vionet Nov 2021
It’s Friday evening, (11-12-21) and Lisa’s Birthday. To celebrate, we’re going to see “A Night With Bill Maher” at the New York Comedy Festival (we’ll be socially distanced, in an opera box). He goes on at 8:30PM and my last class on Fridays ends at 05:25 (in New Haven CT). We had to hurry.

We have our bags and we’re hustling out the dorm gate loaded down like a couple of tourists. “We want to be on the island (NYC) by 7:30 for our dinner reservation.” Lisa said. I gave her a quizzical look, checking my watch, “It’s 6:18,” I said doubtfully, “we’ll NEVER..”  “Yeah, we will,” Lisa interrupts, “we’re taking a helicopter ride!” “Whaa.. REALLY??” I gasp. “Yeah,” Lisa grinned, “my dad arranged it, his treat.” “Thanks DAD,” I say, as we climb into our Uber.

An Uber off-loads us by a helicopter 15 minutes later (at Tweed Airport). I knew the blue and white grasshopper-looking whirligig didn’t have a mind - that it wasn’t capable of feelings or eagerness, but the blades were spinning and it seemed eager to escape earth - like a bug afraid of birds.

After we boarded, a guy in a yellow vest and helmet said - above the noise - “Buckle up!” and pointed to our seat belts. The “seat belt” was a harness that made an “X” across our bodies. Once the doors were closed it became surprisingly quiet. The cabin could hold four but we were alone, facing forward, Lisa seated next to me.

The earnest-looking pilot turned to us and said, “37 air minutes to the 34th street heliport,” but before he could close the little plexiglass door to our compartment, Lisa said, “Afghan takeoff please!” He nodded and closed the window, it got quieter still.

The pilot throttled up, the jet engines whined, the rotors became frantic and we lifted up into the air - just a few feet. I held tightly to my seat sitting perfectly still, as though the helicopter were a frightened animal I didn’t want to startle. “Relax,” Lisa said, with a BIG grin, “You’re going to LOVE this.” The helo rotated 180 degrees, “Woah,” I said.

“Wait for it,” she giggled. The back of the chopper suddenly rose, my body pressed forward, hard, against the harness. I went bug-eyed - about the time I thought the whole shaky contraption would roll forward end-over-end and we’d die in a fireball, we sprang into the air like a rollercoaster ride. When we lurched skyward, I had to fight the urge to hurl but Lisa roared with laughter.

After a moment we leveled out. “That wasn’t funny.” I said, still trembling and deadly serious. I opened a bottle of water, took a big swig and I felt myself relax a bit. “I almost threw up!” I wiped my hair away from my face. “I’m sorry,” Lisa said in a pouty, baby appeasing way. I glowered.

“Seriously,” she said, in a more reasonable voice, “I HAD to do it - I COULDN’T resist.” Unbuckling her harness she scooted over by me and took my hand. “It was a little mean, I know. I SWEAR, I’ll never, ever, EVER, trick you again.” She said, adding a girl scout salute that morphed into a pinky promise and we were suddenly whole again.

“I mean, it only works ONCE - and your FACE! - GOD!, I should have videoed that,” she laughed again - I just rolled my eyes and turned to look out into the darkness.

Maybe it was that take-off, but at first, all I could think of was falling to a watery death. I never get nervous on commercial flights, they feel like solid, white noise filled living rooms but this chopper was small and trembling, like an economy car or a hayride.

There was a TV screen that showed our altitude (9,000 feet and climbing) and airspeed indicator (140 knots) - I had to remind myself that trustworthy physics was at work somewhere behind this clippity-cloppity contraption our lives depended on.

The view of Long Island Sound, just after dusk, WAS amazing and soon I began to enjoy it. I counted 30 ships and barges lit up like birthday cakes against the watery darkness - and the approaching lights of New York City looked like a glittering tiara being worn by the horizon.

Ok, I thought, I have to write about this.
a scary first ride for me

— The End —