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Turt Jun 2013
With your words that made me fly somehow.
But hidden within ur innerself its always been your sweetest lie.
Talking bout your dreams devouring me like ashes twisted and slowly disappearing.
The truth acts like a spirited-away. Letting it fly back to its inside.

There's this always inside of you. Something hidden and somethng blocked. Stopping you from outpouring what's inside.

Mind and heart was in despair. They were always contrary but hearing all! With your honesty, i know there is all the droppin of everythng. All numb but eyes were all blown. I cant stop it.
But all a could say. Everythng was fragile.

Revenge has always been part of the human soul. not in its anatomy form or any interior or exterior aspects.
But functioning with its own parts.
Its the anger! Where it all starts. Jealousy and hurt were the main stream and always end to suffering.
Thats all for love. We'd all be needing for us to feel even.
Just a pinch of happiness just to get fair for someone that we love but did somethng wrong within us breaking us. Attacking every tiny vessels which in the end, Turning us into an evil creature.

It was a buss - telling me it was that simple thing. Not to make it more bigger. But lets end this up.
Still it hurts,... Still. Its another woman. Such senstivity arising.
Sarah Ellis  Mar 2010
Sarah Ellis Mar 2010
I know what lots of people think
I know just what they say
I hear them talk behind my back
I hear them every day

But no one really knows who I
Or anyone can be
If all they do is criticize
The part of me they see

There's more to me than dull, gray eyes
And bushy, ugly hair
I know I'm short with crooked teeth
And I don't really care

If all you see is ugly me
Then look deeper inside
Look into my innerself
And see just what I hide

I always envied all the girls
With popularity
The girls with perfect shining eyes
I fumed with jealousy

Even though they laughed at me
And called me certain names
I still dreamed to be like them
For this, I was insane

'Cause why on Earth should I regret
That I don't look like them?
I like myself and how I look
On the outside and within

Anyone that laughs at girls
Less beautiful than they
Should come to see their hearts of black
Are worse than eyes of gray

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words won't break my pride
'Cause when we're dead our body's gone
And we're left with what's inside.
Shashi Sep 2010
An angel told me yesterday
To live
One has to die first
And I did

Now is this life
Where my thoughts corrode
My innerself
And mind takes over
My Senses
And finds no solace
The Chaos balancing two opposites
Continues to lives in past
Looks upto future
But never stays
The present

Is this life
Where all one does
Is to pay for
Karma as they call
While one does not even know
How much balance one still has
To pay

How can I live my life
Whenever I ask the angels
They let me die
Another death.
@Shashi 09/2010!/photo.php?pid=6809522&fbid;=471204147867&op;=1&o;=all&view;=all&subj;=127127217313510&ai;;=-1&oid;=127127217313510&id;=689712867
kayy katrice  Jun 2015
kayy katrice Jun 2015
Work to do.

I've always dreamt of impossible realities,
I've learnt from certain fatalities,
Things get hard with every second passing,
Your innerself dieing and anger lashing;
Get a grip on your emotions and pick yourself,
Because nothing can degrade you but yourself,

Guard your mind from useless words,
Let not become the castle of queens an empty hearse,

Keep chaising the dream you live for,
The dream you've placed in your soul's core.

Keep the spark alive until your last breath.
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
So many ways to love.
So discover it.
So many ways to care.
So locate it.
So many ways to feel.
So feel it.

Take a mythical journey down the path of expression.
And I guarantee you adore what you're after.

So many ways to fail.
Don't do it.
So many things to try.
So try it.

Let your innerself free.
And be what you would like to be.
Forget the dreams.
And make it a reality.

So many ways to say I love you.
So say it.
So, do we run from it.
Out of crassitude with gross vision
Awakened to just another lip
A mind deaf and obstinate to my
A heart so hard , the passion
From your cup I tested the wine
felt amiably pleasant in a moment
your decietful tone blurred my
A vocal utterance breaking through
my defences
On the eve of crossing the line
my liberty denied being subject to
your concience
my innerself detected an accurate
vivid sign
A discovery that revealed a Vision
Poetry is music and music is is
my voice, the brush that paints my feelings.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2013
Sometimes, you wonder about us as folks.
The way we think things should be.
Because, many times it doesn't concern us.
We just wants to be part of the mix.
Or , least thik it makes common sense.

Oh, why do he has something like her on his arm?
I know he can find someone just as beautiful.
And this is where judgement begins.
Her innerself just might had impressed him.
Cause many gorgeous women depends upon looks.

Oh, why is she with him?
As, if it's our life that they are living.
And same as before.
This might be man of choice she wants to love.

Some of the best looking folks have been with people for looks.
And probably found out that's not, what they wanted.
But this is just a  opinion.

Except, we as folks just needs to remember.
The one we love, they probably judge too.
Cause looks are in the eyes of the beholder.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2013
Some say, I'm serious too much.
They just down see the clown in me around you.
I keep this hidden.
Only reserve for you.

Yes, I'm a fool concerning you.
But in a good way.

If my humor makes you smile.
Then you comprehend this side of me, as sweet.
If a wink of my eye is notice by you.
Then I accomplished making you you blush.

Love has a way of making you do odd things.
Like on the spur of the moment surprising her.
With flowers.
With cards.
Or maybe on the spur of the moment romantic love.
Which I won't speak further about.

But the wise minds know, what I'm talking about?
A scream.
A shout.
Where you both letting your innerself out.

So, if some only see the serious side of me.
That's just because they not the one claiming to love me.
Cause you only see the silly side of me.

The silly side of me that makes you laugh.
The silly side of me that keeps you smiling.
Or stop the tears when you feel the need to cry.

I guess this's the reason , I'm your guy.
Narinder Bhangu Jul 2018
innerself potentially decides
between wrong and right
in a jiffy,
that stays eternally.
poetry that sprouts
from such a bud
remains green
as a falsified desiccates
to elope ephemerally...
when poets become thieves
and thieves poets
poetic flow
even then,
in its riverline
travels to unknown
away where beauty
in thought and action
as thieves write poetry
and poets the theft, dismally.
Brandy Nicole Mar 2015
As the moon grew full
so did the sorrow in her mind,
the night she picked up the knife
instead of the pen
For the drops on the floor were more poetically true of
her innerself than her open ended words on that paper
could ever be...
leeaaun  Jan 2019
Birthday Girl
leeaaun Jan 2019
Once upon a time
I came into this world
Where I've made bad decisions
and wrong choices.
Where I don't like everything.
Where everything's different
than my expectations.
Where my strength seemingly
lost beneath the shadows of my soul.
Where I had trusted the
wrong people once again.
Where everything I do,
I am at loss.
I find myself standing no where.
I cannot achieve my dreams
So, I have to dare myself.
Dare myself to dream.
To fly high and high
in the starry sky.
I have to stand again
to make a change in my life.
I have to let the colors of
my heart take command
that " Yes, this time I will. "
I have to paint myself in a picture,
where I am nourishing my soul.
Where I am reaching my dreams.
Opening up my heart
and letting go all
the sorrows and grief
from the past one year I have endured.
Closing my eyes
and searching for self love
which can make my soul glow.
Telling myself once again
that everything starts with me.
One warm hug can make me
full of life and energy
to appreciate myself more
for all those mistakes
I have made.
I found myself reflecting
on the memories of the past.
And I wish I could hold my broken self
in my shattered hands.
Strengthen myself and
wash away my all fears,
Give the world around me
peace and happiness.
So, my innerself can once again know
that I still have time for
the breaths I have yet to take.
For all those unwrapped memories,
I still have to unfold.
For those passions, secrets and dreams
I have yet to discover.
I have strength in me for all
the new adventures of my life.
I know, destiny is strange with
its twists and turns.
I've learned that I still have to
learn a lot.
Again, I am going to live this day
like the first time.
I make promise to myself
that I will make the most
of the moments again and again.
Maybe I will mistakes again
for the first time.
But I will smile,
I will feel hurt and cry old tears.
I will try for myself again.
I will pray to ALLAH for
guiding me on they right way.
After the completion of every year
On a special day of my birthday.
I will write something again to
encourage myself for the next year.
I will write some words to
heal my injured soul
with the bruises of last year.
I will console my soul.
The birthday girl
on her birthday will
appreciate her soul
and gather courage
to complete one year more
with the words " In Sha Allah"
on her lips.
The best gift I always give myself on my birthday is a poem written to me by myself.
At the helm of knowing the truth,
somewhere, far off your comfort zone,
on the tiller of becoming
someone's shadow,
In a slow motion to diversity
quite certain of a million ways to succeed,
only to get fastened and lost in a cold world

At the notion of love being a
heartache, nothing but pain
Much as you can't recognise the man in the mirror,
the door to your heart remains
to the sharing of your troubled
When you thought your head was standing upright,
your body firmly on your feet, the wind came tossing your joy away,
your confidence got swept aside
and your innerself drooped
When you walked to the dead end
but still wanted to breath,
your soul willing to live,
your heart yearning to give
when you were seated on your
your face wrapped in your hands,
whispering to yourself ,
that it will be alright,
Thats when you dig too deep to
find yourself
written on 5 may 2014

— The End —