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Daughters of Time, the hypocritic Days,
Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes,
And marching single in an endless file,
Bring diadems and ****** in their hands.
To each they offer gifts after his will,
Bread, kingdoms, stars, and sky that holds them all.
I, in my pleached garden, watched the pomp,
Forgot my morning wishes, hastily
Took a few herbs and apples, and the Day
Turned and departed silent. I, too late,
Under her solemn fillet saw the scorn.
Christopher Lowe Jan 2014
We are living in a hypocritic
Of disordered order
Where wise men wonder
And the politicians wander
Liars prevail
While the truth falters
This thought must weigh a ton
Maybe scares you to death
But you're a part of the program
Too valuable to be left
James LR Apr 2019
We think that we are all unique,
yet none as good as Him.
We alone face trials deep
And dark and dank and grim.
Thinking ourselves so wise or strong
Thinking that we alone did fall.
Esteeming that we are alone,
Walking through life alone.

Yet truly we are all the same,
hypocritic fools: all men
and if in His image are made,
what does that say of Him?
Sum It  Sep 2013
Scribble Me
Sum It Sep 2013
Half pages of scribbled line
you can't make out any sense from it
close your eyes and touch with your heart
you may feel something
did you?


A face that smiles with mask of paint
you can tease the hell out of it
close you eyes and laugh again
you may feel something
did you?


Words, words you see
words you hear
Words irritating you
you can't understand anything from it
close your eyes and try to hear
you may feel something
did you?


You see messed up paper
you don't see its rejection scribbling the love

You laugh at a red bulging nose of clown
you don't its flames of heartache

you see lots of hypocritic words
you hear messed up babbling
you write for my incorrigible
abuse me
stab me
tell them i am a thief
tell them i stole your space
write about my insanity
sing about my irritation
burn me with lectures of reality
Reject me

Add one more scribble on my page
Written on July 15, 2013
Bhumi  Sep 2016
You Hold My Hand.
Bhumi Sep 2016
The world is scary,
You hold my hand !

People change, quarrel happened
You hold my hand !

Distance arises between us,
People is the reason behind,
You hold my hand lighter than before !

I used to explain you, covince you,
You couldn't understand,
You believe the world,
You believe the hypocritic people around you,
Who were nothing when we met,
Your grip to hold gets even lighter!

I failed to convince you,
Influence of people were more on you,
No conversation exchanged,
I waited for you,
But you didn't come,
You left my hand !
You left my hand !
You left my hand !
Leo  Oct 2021
Hypocritic youth
Leo Oct 2021
I watched you building borders
Riding north on golden tigers

Feeding famished families
All the brass that you could muster

Running rackets round rodeo
Seeping lifeblood from your victims

Until they scrape their tired bones
To feed you marrow

And yet you've come to loathe
The wild children


Through misanthropic misdemeanors
Rage against the dying

Of the systems you have set forth
To feed into their ire
Edna Sweetlove  Nov 2014
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
O yea, judge a lady not on the company she keepeth,
It may be a reflection of her lack of choice
Due to the ugliness of her face, tragic be that,
Verily, measure her not by the tears she weepeth,
For she may be weeping tears of humiliation, forsooth,
Pronounce thee not upon the words she speaketh,
Her accent may not be of the finest calibre
Thanks to her lower class upbringing and bad teaching
In this accursed socialist society we are curséd withal.
Who be one such as I to contemn her in hypocritic words?
In dark’s solace I'll just take her hand and let her share my camp-bed
And in innocent insomniac lust we'll **** like puppy-dogs.
corey larson  Mar 2015
corey larson Mar 2015
Its been a long time coming. Better. Late then never honey.
A song I promised long since past. A very fragile task.
You see. I value honesty. And such a song must speak the true.
I had to get to know you first. To really understand the you.
  You are a selfish greedy scab.
A silly self absorbed once had.
Holier than thou
Hypocritic. ****

Fungus. Lies between your thighs
treachery defines your eyes.
I think its safe to say you are a nut.
Now I lay me down to shriek
This death of kiss upon my cheek
A taste of curse I cannot shake
This pain of truth the sharpest stake
Your hypocritic travesties
Have only but empowered me
To wage this war and **** my plight
In rage against your dying light

Now I pray me down to weep
Such great misfortune I must keep
This binding rope has set me free
No sin remains to harbor me
Alive in fires of purest ice
As death contrives to still me twice
So swiftly from its poisoned veins
Engraving soul with jagged stains

Oh, how I've paid it weak
So futile, all these words I speak
Such wasted breath upon the masses
Faking selves and kissing *****
How much heartache will it take
For selfishness to finally break
What is it that controls the minds
Of those who tighten their own binds?

Break me down, for I can't sleep
Another nightmare comes to creep
Into the world of waking dreams
To burn the flesh and rip the seams
Such fabric of decay is woven
Lies we've lived, denies we've chosen
Is it regret, or what we deserve
For taking orders and losing nerve?

Let me drown in desert's dust
My skin to crack, my bones to rust
Much better than to drown within
With haggard sight and crooked grin
Mistakes I've made, and pay the cost
I'll never gain all that I've lost
But maybe I can leave this place
A memory that's not disgrace

So, lay me down my soul to sleep
Embraced by light that I still keep
And may tomorrow bring a smile
Through all the pain and loss worthwhile
May I still see the beauty there
And leave a taste for those who dare
To find what madness cannot take
Before we lose what's still at stake
Scotty Shot  Nov 2014
Scotty Shot Nov 2014
My name is St. Jimmy
with a heart like a hand grenade
But the tracks were bleeped
An idiot was I made

I eat 20 packs a day
But haven't smoked a single one
I am a romance machine in my head
But I've never actually had fun

I am a model by day
A rebel by night
Nobody actually knows it
But crack up I just might



— The End —