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Eryri Nov 2018
The one that winks,
The one in hysterics,
The beer,
The wine,
The OK sign.

The shocked one,
The facepalm one,
The angel baby,
The thumbs up,
And the one throwing up.

Life can't be bad:
My frequent emojis aren't sad.
You told me
I love you as a friend
You've never heard
The smack
Of a facepalm any louder.
Nylee  Oct 2019
Green faced
Nylee Oct 2019
Wet paint!
Well it is.
Obviously I'll try
The sign was right
stuck to my hand
the colour green
I facepalm!
Krezeyyyy Aug 2014
No matter the beauty – your look, your make-up
Your measures, do you follow an ideal body shape?
Society should never dictate you, love
You are beautiful; take away that palm on your face.

And that while the world has her own
Standard of how beauty ought to look,
Wear your most beautiful self you’d find within
Do your walk, babe, show the world who you are.

Don’t tear yourself down, wear who you are
If you say you’re weird, dance it out to centerstage
The world needs crazy darlings who’d turn the world –
Turn this little world into a crazily beautiful haven.

And if you say you’re little compared to them b*tches
Let your little things creep in slowly
Go low and go slow, they say
You’ll build castles of pretty little things someday.

Wear your beauty – flaws and all –
You are beautiful, your promising eyes twinkle
Let your wings take flight, your soul be seen
Let it sing as you free yourself from within.

Take away that palm on your face, I say
Make them do facepalm not for how they thought you fail
But of how they did let such beauty pass them by
While they were looking for better, they took for granted the best.

~~ Criss ∞
Inspired by someone's drawing.
MissNeona Sep 2014
I do makes a smart idea that's what would be smart for
Heading to the store. Thank you, thank you!
'cept you're probably why I end up.
for one of five people must make the same offer is an awesome night.
I do not hesitate to clean my house for
YES! I wanna do fire!
Drumming has a Zombie
Such a ****. I'm in life
Come out to make my lazy **** around now.... and I wonder if any nerds dance partner at the first one is underway...
Anything from DIY electronics, coding, to move my side /
Pitch perfect is a deity replacement and Dead
Niiifty~ Who's the way to it.
Anyone wanna chill and destroying and it's a near constant audible facepalm by Chuck... I really can't wait to see
Seriously. I'm really impressed but thought I was a joke in poor Sailor.
You must be in a month
Artemis is over, what am I heard it's going to par.
I do say daily moustache rides?
Creative Problem Solving at 10am on ze tiny undead hits downtown core for
All I know selfsacrifice isn't always becoming a social entrepreneur.
I do on any idea that's what was asked of the above, or even extra good, actually.
story of my sleep in back in the background with
Holy man. She knew I'd say watch RuPaul's Drag queens?
To my head since it's better than taking a day to game?
Waves of the Outlet Powered Hour with it, it's cold out...
to hide, to lie
to string dangling participles
along on metaphors

use poetry
where lips won't work
and mind can't find
The Way

let crystal crimsom flow
from serrated wrists

obscurity allows for
solshimmers of the ineffable
so don't eff it in the a
like a persie Snap channel

in the event that may potentially be a thing possibly occurring perhaps I dunno and I don't know what I don't know but it sureasshit would be nice to because me and truth are like this [crossies] and on occasion it comes and knocks on my door so the Uni bringeth and I laugheth all the way to the wet sodium facepalm speaking of which I don't like the taste of that **** I like my truth rare and still mooing would you believe I'm a vegetarian tho but still **** ******* like it raw crunch munch nom noms even though I slurp soup like there's no phoking tomorrow also down af for digressing and running onward and sideways stories from where the sidewalk never ends and I really don't think ours does plus it sure is the weirdest neatest thing ever did you bring the proper shoes darling I sure hope you can keep up in all the ways and FYI my door is not blasted off the hinges it's wisened and slightly ajar and I'm standing over threshold with eyes wide and slightly red because I waved goodbye to sunsets left for mf good but never got to see our light rise so just know that these wrung hands are actually open palms crippled from reaching and being singed on handles that seemed oh-so cool from my limited optical view like a mountain of honeycombed Dixie Crystal dust knees that you had been on yours praying for but gave the **** up on long before he walked in and changed EVERYTHING and I am so grateful but I am sad and I am hurt and I am confused but I am not scared like I once was of you and All our tea leaves foretold but scared I am of never really knowing you and the accompanying truths so please give it to me dagger deep I meant what I said and I said what I meant I like my men sharp and penetrative 100% and if you can't handle being earnestly struck by your own syntactic constructs direct in the ******* whinging outta my sometimes salty sacrosanct then me and you just won't do since that happens to be my forte as it were and maybe you're not up for the uphill to heaven with this mystical inferno but if you think perhaps maybe your life will never be the same without me in it someway somehow then let's fill the grey unnamed with a foundation of friendship where all is safe and found and all that means to me is everything so if you trust me to know the things about love a.k.a. the holy mystery which you ahem did as I recall with glowing warm curled around my formerly shaking cold then don't worry about getting back to it there's no such way to a thing it's there - always was, is, will be - it's just we're having this hooded entourage over for dinner first and honey I don't know if we have enough chairs but I'll sit on the floor with you and we can laugh and cry and eat sixteen courses of humble pie until the holy ghost enters the room which she undoubtedly will do and leave periodically only to return when we get all cozy and still or maybe upon the exodus of tears when all the walls have been torn down and we finally see clear through that one room has indeed been forged from two

or whatever
kiryuen Jul 2015
oh, woe is me
forgot to water my cacti for five months
and accidentally left all my sentences hanging
I can’t stop drawing smiley faces with noses
and making rude jokes and laughing at them
my pet turtle is dying
came home and sat by him for a long while
his eyes are swollen and his shell peels
and still he tries to stay alive
I quietly watched him struggle to breathe
then proceeded to accomplish nothing
the sun says “ha, loser” as it goes down
the moon fades in on cue,
looks at me and tells me “get yourself together”
my mother prays about me every night
my father rebukes me every morning
I’m sorry I can’t be more useful
or bring more glory
lol did I just pretend to be upset because
I felt that that would be the correct (expected?) reaction
like I’m supposed to feel some remorse
to be indifferent, or not to be indifferent
that is the question
the sun is setting just for me
I can give up too
is it possible to give up if I never tried
did I try
I lay in bed and pretend to sleep
I’m sleeping so I don’t have to face anything
what do you mean put in effort
what kind and how much effort do you consider effort
dragging my body out from under the sheets in itself is trying
making myself some coffee to stay up at night is trying
gathering my books into a neat stack on a table is trying
oh, but you know, I can’t say I actually tried
I don’t want to talk until I’ve cleared my head
not like there’s anything up here anyways
God please grant me an ounce of common sense
while struggling with myself, I think of the smiley face with the nose
I’m guessing that’s the kind of expression I should be making about now
I should stop treating life like a bad joke
but I have yet to find something that makes me cringe that badly
or facepalm myself that hard
occasionally the universe tells a good joke
I slap my knee like a great grand pappy and laugh nonstop
sometimes it is annoying and meaningless
I sit in the shower for an hour nonstop
obligations glare at me harder
“go away I’m naked”
“so not only are you a failure, you are a naked failure”
I slap my knee and laugh nonstop
that was an example of one of life’s good jokes
I get out of the shower and into the bed
again I pretend to die
vaguely I recall
the other day stepping out the shower all I remember is
please forgive me please forgive me
three words tripping over themselves and mind reeling
watch out, shitstorm approaching
by habit, I panic
see the correct response is to climb out from under the sheets, make a coffee and arrange my books in order
don’t forget to look really anxious
I spend most of my life huddled with knees drawn up against my chest
praying for storms to pass and wars to end
7pm the sun will tell me again “can you not be pathetic”
and the moon will fade in on cue, saying
“you’re still all over the place”
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"But I'll admit, how Paul is looking at those two is
bothering me." I raise a brow. "Ainhara, you
go and speak to Sue and Yidna, tell them I will
be there shortly."
Tucking an apple blossom in her hair, she curtsies and
leaves my side, joining the diverse conversation,
and joyous laughter.
As I walk up the steps, I see Edmund and his wife
walk down, I smile and nod their way which
they return and I am by Paul's side.
"Why is the King pouting now?" I roll my eyes.
"I legit may poison Brandon's food," he says.
"Paul!" I hit his arm.
"What! He's tempting me to do it! He's all
over Esshi!"

"Oh my," I facepalm, "You're upset that Brandon
is entertaining Esshi?"
"Yes," Paul pouts. "No fair, I saw her first! She's mine!"
"Oh Paul," I sigh and laugh, "Sometimes I don't
know what to do with you."
"You can help by assisting Luciuscemi take arms
against Huarean."
"Behave yourself!" I hit his arm again. "You are not going
to war with Brandon."
"He's flirting with my girl!"
"Talking, not flirting. There's a difference. He's not you!"
At that moment, Esshi giggles in response to
Brandon's comment.

"I'm the only one that should make her smile
and laugh like that. She's too adorable!
So, I'm gonna wife her!" Paul says.
"I won't let you. And no, I am not jealous!" I cut him off and
walk down the steps, smiling at his antics.
"You're not going to stop me, Lyn!"
"Challenge accepted!" I wave my hand and
walk to Kim, Donna, Dean, Sue, Ainhara and Yidna.
"What was that about?" Sue asks.
"Paul's upset Brandon's talking with Esshi."
"Seriously?" Yidna tries not to laugh.
Kim only chuckles and Donna shakes her head.
"Between his incessant flirting and playful nature,
it's a wonder how Esshi has not exploded from
shyness. She certainly is a timid thing." Donna sighs.
Part 10, part 2 ^-^
Lyn ***

— The End —