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It's funny how you never look for company
until there's no one left to keep it.
 Mar 2015 SeanMcHale
you're so afraid of getting hurt
that you're hurting everyone else around you
With all my insecurities
Faults and failures
How could anyone love me?

With all my past mistakes
***** deeds and regrets
Why would someone care for me?

With all my angry shouts
Suspicions and paranoias
What is there to love about me?

With all these scars
Curves and stretch marks
Who could possibly want me?

With all these little dark thoughts
Depressive words and suicidal stanzas
Where is that one to love me?

*And finally set me free?
Whether Martin, Malcolm
Jack or Bobby
there will never be but one.

These men were few
their dreams were great
their jobs did not get done.

Taken too soon
by bullets all
killed for their beliefs.

Equality would have to wait
will it ever come?

Will another arise
to carry the torch?

Will someone continue
to beat equalities drum?

If by chance it does one day
and all are viewed as equal,
brotherhood could finally come
we might start living peaceful.

As we look forward to that day
there's something we all can do,
treat each other equally
spend some time in another's shoes.

— The End —