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blade meets silver scales,
flesh protests with fleeting thrash—
life yields to the sea.

plastic wraps the gills,
airless world beneath the waves—
drowning without fight.

carried far away,
a graveyard of shining fins—
nature's quiet plea.
Winter has decorum
unlike his sister Spring,
he is slow and ponderous
but she's a giddy thing
Blue skies above
a tumbling crystal stream
Flowing pure and clear-
Oh what a lovely dream
Saw a beautiful river today
..And as the bird flies, the sky waves,
and the sun rays, and the clouds play
about the tops of trees, until the day fades,
and night shall be set free, so morning’s weight lays
fined for a rest, city light’s pollute I can attest,
now dark shan’t take its all important place
too weak becomes our concrete space,
disoriented becomes our eyes, so we can’t view best
they, we, remain at 50, just fifty %, more or less..

So how can anyone truly see?
I’ve remembered a dream
When it rains
Little branches get wet
And droplets form on them
Not falling
Just waiting to drop
Some want it
Want to fall to this puddle from which there is no return
And some love it up there

They will drop though
That's for sure

Will they be shaken accidentally by a girl taking a walk?
Will the water build up so much
And they aren't strong enough?
Will they evaporate?

They will all fall

Is that comforting?
Is it crazy?
I was the ******* the walk today, it was freezing and raining but it was great. As I type this my hands barely work :)

(This note was written by the branch that is a side character in this poem. He was hoping this was his time and wondering who will write for him a poem where he is the star)
Why can't I seem to enjoy things?
Why is my stupid brain always getting in the way?
I need it to shut up for once
Give me a break

Stop freaking out
These are just people
You are like them
Except not normal
I say to myself

I want to go home
I want to go home
I want to go home
I want to go home
I repeat
And over
I can't stop

I say it
Standing in my own house
On what are now my floors

Why does everything have to stress me out?
Why can't I just live?
It isn't that big of a deal

Mind filling
Often for just living

Hatred at self
For picking
My skin
And causing my own pain

I need a break from my head
It seems to hate me

Go away
(this note was written by the innocent assistant in your head trying to calm everyone down. She might need break more than me for she is literally and not figuratively inside my head.)
I would give him a piece of my mind
Tell him how every single problem I have is his fault
But even then
He wouldn't get it

He'd say I'm crazy
That I'm young
That my mom got in my head
When she's the one who says not to argue
He doesn't understand that I still have feelings
And opinions
And that they come from me

He sends me a message
I want to respond
I even typed it out
But don't send it

He would go insane
And my mom would suffer from that
So I just say

Bite my tongue
Be grateful it's not worse
Take the manipulations
But make sure to record it for later
So I can recognize them

I might love him
To some extent
He is my father after all
But I can't remember a time
When I had liked him
As a parent
Or a person

I don't say any of it
Hope you can't relate :)

(This note was written by that kids show backpack that instead of holding a map in it held all of the hopes and dreams of children that school slowly crushed)
America will now get what it voted for-
What it wanted more than decency.
It will unfold for 200 weeks.
Wish I didn’t have to be here to watch.
Getting it all out of my system.
She slipped away with no goodbye
No parting gasp or widened eye
One heartbeat she was here, then she was gone.

I didn’t know it was the day
When she would gently drift away-
The nurses said that time was down the road.

For many hours I’d held her  hand
And when I could no longer stand
I sat nearby to read a magazine.

I cannot say with certainty
The moment that her soul leapt free
I feel ashamed and live with secret guilt.

I never should have touched that book
It robbed me of a final look
That might have told me she was on her way.

I had to wait til Laura came
And here her call my Mother’s name
And cry out, O my God - I think she’s gone.

I tell myself it was Mom’s will
To slip away when all was still
But yet I should have stood there at her side.

I might have sensed her spirit’s flight
Or seen some otherworldly light
Instead I idly looked at wedding gowns,

I feel I didn’t make the grade
And ever since that time I’ve prayed
That she’ll forgive the lapse and love me still.

Wherever she is dancing now
I hope she realizes how
My love is wrapped around her like a crown.

And as she starts eternity
With body new and spirit free
I hope she knows her heart lives on in me.

I think about her all the while
Sometimes with tear-sometimes with smile
But she walks closer by me than before.
The wisdom that she shared with me-
The training in the way to be
Are part and parcel of my very soul.

I’ll always be a part of her
Through any change that may occur
My love and fond remembrance will not fade.

So though she left without goodbye
To claim her mansion in the sky
I know she’ll save a corner there for me.

And come that future afternoon
Maybe distant, maybe soon,
I’ll hold her hand in greeting, not farewell.

And she will say she overlooked
My sitting down with bridal book
And that she knows I did the best I could.

She knew the measure of my love
And as she joined the realms above
Considered me to be her good girl still.

Then all the pain I’ve hid inside
Will disappear and I can glide
Into my own eternity at peace.          
I wrote this in 1998 when my Mother died.  Didn't post it because of its length.
How many mountains must I climb
To catch a glimpse of sunrise.
How many boulders must I move
To clear a path to my doorway.
And how many rivers must I ford
To leave this gloom behind me.
Not too chirpy this week
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