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I do not seek the darkness,
the low road, the negative
thoughts and deeds, the
follies of my fellow human
beings have no place with me.
What is truth and what is not,
opinionated talking heads
spewing and spreading doom
and gloom like peanut butter
on fresh white bread.
I prefer some strawberry jam
on my PBJs and feel-good
smiles afterwards. Not heart
burn and an upset stomach.
******* spread on bread,
fool me once, shame on me,
fool me twice and the hell with you.

I awoke this morning to sunshine,
and some positive thoughts of
things to come, what a difference
a day makes. 24 little hours.
A Catastrophe
Guarantees change forever
Broken eggs happen
Reality, Webster’s Word of the Day
A monumental tragic event and utter failure
Every once
in a                 while
you.                 need
to         talk
to a
child.                 just
so you
life  again
willful And
freedom        through
the.                       eyes
Of                               A
Little.                                 child

Song inspired
1)Both sides now by Joni Mitchell
2)The sound of music movie song, my favorite things
Innocence 7-21-24
At family gatherings, I like to sit at the little kids table. It’s a more honest conversation. The way they look at the world is a beautiful thing they miss nothing yet parents don’t seem to realize..
I don’t believe in heaven
But if I somehow did
I know you’d be there waiting for me
How you were back when you lived
I don’t believe in heaven
But if I went there I would see
Three little furry faces
So happy to see me
I don’t believe in heaven but
Sometimes I wish I could
If you had ever spoken I think
You’d say that I should
The closest I’ve been to heaven
Was being loved by you
The innocent love from pets now lost
Is the truest love it’s true
Seeds of doubt churn with streams of hurt
Leaving it's mark from brain to heart like ruts in plowed dirt
It all collects and pools, a bottomless oddity here
Who's the capture, who's the prisoner? That's never been clear
Up to the moment life boils over the razors edge
Ribbons of crimson spill quickly, careening off the ledge
You had to have known it's all hollow, must I follow?
Must I always question while you threaten the finality of every tomorrow?

I quit insta to
join this. Sadly I can't fix
haikus with makeup
One morning at sunrise,
I walked the beach
Looking for shells.

High on the bank,
Where no wave could reach,
An old man watched intently.

After a while
He gestured with his hand,
Calling me to him.

"You have many lives to live,"
He said (in a strange accent)
As he picked up a handful of sand
And let it run back to the ground
Through his fingers.

"That's a lot of lives", I said,
Watching the last of it fall
And trying not to look afraid.

"Not the sand in my hand," he said,
"The sand on the beach."
He extended his arms,
Raised his eyes,
Then vanished
Before I could speak.
Based on a dream
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