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hours drip slowly
onto a taunting empty page
the soul’s depictions brushed simply

a palette of whispered words
dry as if it were thoughts painted
onto a tightly stretched canvas

it's been said so many times before
     form clots at the tip of the quill
finally surrendering to gravity’s flow
as the ink scribes the paltry ruminations;
flooding the same stifled notions
another way into another moment

metaphorical sleights of hand
incarnate onto the absolving
       sheet of parchment;
traces of past now’s ensconced
       in considered words

        miles of silent reverie,
        like a spider reprocessing,
        carefully savoring
        each fine silk thread of web,

        spinning the womb of time...

© H.A.  Rivers 2012 … All Rights Reserved
... dedicated to all lonely, wayfaring word whisperers,
lost within the silent confines of a bared soul
The night
enter a fresh new realm.
The same day is cast in different hue...
Vibrance in colours dissipate...
consumed by the dark.

And feeling my presence
blend into nothingness.
This night reeks of
blatant nonchalance.
Careless shadows stretch and dance
as I wrestle with my vision
to determine mindless silhouettes.

The trailing taillights
of nocturnal traffic.
In my city that never sleeps.
They simply disappear into the dark
with each tick of the hand.

The half moon,
eaten away by the void.
Minutes elapse into eternity.
And seconds beat hard
upon my bastion of hope.

The ground
that lay quiet before me.
This earth that bears my weight...
This earth that has my shadow
shackled to my feet...
Offers nothing but quiet solace...
Fighting to calm the storm
in my head.
longing creates canyons
a row of well behaved days
a new physiognomy for metaphors
the night has paused
no semiotic skin between me and my lover
listen to the spaceless desire
this woman lost in me
my womb chimes, utopia
take me
into your world
like i own it.
hold me
into your arms
like im the most fragile.*

let me be your world
let me be your dreams
let me be your one and only

daydream letter 6
a video thought in your temple,
will be obstructed by the obstacles opposite of the walls.
wings spread towards the nest,
will be tested through the tempestuous turbelence.
like the silky ribbon dressing you after the strenuous heat:
a honeyed reward, comes after the acrid voyage.

- t.m
In this world of pain and torment
We ask ourselves..
Is it really worth it?

This life of crime
This life of hate
The world unbound
In a suicidal state

Run around in circles
Hear the echoes of tormented souls
Race beyond compassion
There is no love

Hunting the lifeless bodies
Of those who once believed
The endless amount one could show
How much they cared

The darkness has risen
No more love to show
The darkness takes flight
Compassion is all but dead

Life can be cruel
But just look beyond it
The light shines so bright
As the world comes to an end

Remember the passion
The life we all once knew
Where our imaginations could bring us
Everlasting love

Fight for a new day
One we can all enjoy
Embrace the horrors
Of a world thats brand new

Breathe in the light
Of a thousand new born stars
For the love has come back
The time is now

The gift of eternity
And the passions that we share
The life of a baby
And the hope of a brighter tomorrow
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