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Never be what some one
             wishes you

To be.

Be the genie,
and show
    Them your wishes.

Trust, friendship & empathy.
I like women's day.

It is the only day,
When men finally respect women

For 24 hours straight.
The vortex of the cloud dragon
has swallowed up the sun
His heart burns with fire and rage
his tail is shiny spun...

My dreams cling
to silver linings
No Dragon can keep
my love from shining!

Life is either worth living
or you plainly wish to die
Poetry is a magic carpet
And so our spirits fly!
With lightest hand
and heavy heart

My pen runs dry,
bereft and stark

That never given,
I’m doomed to steal

The grandest theft
—my words conceal

(Stealing From Laura (Muse): March, 2021)
wise words


i feel lighter this morning
which is more physical

than spiritual

this time of year serves as a reminder

a pause
then move forward

often a block buster is advertised
usually we prefer the other

quieter stuff

it was a small day yesterday

tucked in

covers heavy
My heart is truly happiest

    in a quiet faraway cottage

    a mansion would be my saddest

    in my life-book's every page
Zen Master said:

        Just be grounded

        on where you are

         you don't need to venture far
....but this metaphor
   is not for her
   she won't bother
   the literal she does prefer
Is my stubborn boss,
I can't  do anything about it,
I have to listen to what it has to say.
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