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I want her to be by my side.
She wants him to be by her side.
By me, The Raven.
 Mar 2016 m i a
 Mar 2016 m i a
There was dust,
There was darkness,
There was cruelty,
But there was also a flame
And within this flame lived
So much love....
This love wanted to shine
wanted to be seen
wanted to be noticed
The flame forbade them
For fear of being broken
But love couldn't be contained
And love was hurt
Over and over,
Until love locked themselves away;
The flame grew dimmer
Kindness tried to help
But the flame lashed out in fear-
Kindness grew bitter;
The flame grew dimmer,
So dark,
So small,
So alone,
But there was also a spark,
And in this spark
Was Hope-
With hope the spark still lived,
And with it grew courage,
The flame grew brighter than ever before,
And love was free to shine even brighter
To be honest I don't know if this even counts as a poem anymore,but once I started I could not stop myself....
 Mar 2016 m i a
Marie Love
What if?
 Mar 2016 m i a
Marie Love
What if she's not doing it for attention? What if she's doing it, because she's crying out for help? ..
 Mar 2016 m i a
We are all the same
With different aim
In the life's game
So never say a word of blame
against the other
Which can make you ashamed
It won't bring you fame,
we are all human
so don't be inhuman
which is very inhumane
 Mar 2016 m i a
 Mar 2016 m i a
Look into my eyes...
         What do you see?
A vision of what you
think I am,
Or actually me.
False identity,
always so quick to judge
You look at me and
         see what you want
Convinced you
have it all figured out
What I'm about,
What Interests me
            An altered version
                 of the person I am
All I ask,
And all I can hope for
Please, try to see me.
I gotta stop this
chill for a while and
give it a miss.

What I could do then
is pick up a new pen and
write a letter to you.

To think is the new pink which became the new black and as I look back I can see where this all went wrong and it'll not be too long before I do give it a miss and write to you a letter.

It feels so much better now
and I feel emptier.
 Mar 2016 m i a
 Mar 2016 m i a
"you've never been in a relationship with a guy before, so of course you're scared."*
no, you don't get it.
i'm not scared of them.
i'm not scared of men, i truly am not.
i'm scared of myself, because i tend to ruin everything i touch instead of
turning it into gold and i'm tired of being the one who breaks and destroys
everything and everyone around me.
i just wanna build and love and create and be filled with joy
instead of constantly feeling like i'm rotting from the inside
is that too much to ask?
she's trying so hard
 Mar 2016 m i a
Once upon a time I was in love,
With that smile with those eyes,
Now I'm so hurt I don't feel anything,

Sometimes I feel I wanna disappear,
You are not by my side,  
I'm filled with ignorance and fear,

How cruel of you to leave me,  
When  I was totally yours,
And keep me behind these doors,

Set those eyes to look ,
For love instead of faults,
Talk to me now break the walls,  

I'm in love still as you can see,
I'm hoping for spring in autumn like a tree,
Either come and bring spring,  
Or leave me to the hands of the axes,

© AROODY2016
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