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 Jun 2016 m i a
Joelle A Owusu
England will shake
And Great Britain will break.
Blows to the head, from the heart
Is what’s torn us apart.
Divided we stand,
With no outstretched hand.
United no more
With fear at the core.
A poem about the UK's vote to leave  the EU.
 Jun 2016 m i a
 Jun 2016 m i a
Ever inflicting pain,
I stand up and the pain comes,
I live and the pain is unbearable,
I eat and regurgitate from pain,
I think and the pain destroys my mind,
I sleep and the pain is still there,
I am depressed and the pain that I feel is my depression.
It's a poem
 Jun 2016 m i a
 Jun 2016 m i a
Sit next to me and whisper your secrets into my ear.
Utter to me every weakness you possess.
Give me the chance to hear the stutter in your heartbeat,
allow me to taste your sweet, sweet love
then cut off my tongue.
 Jun 2016 m i a
"Imagine living your life pleasing everyone, but you."
 Jun 2016 m i a
and i long for my
name to be immortalized
in his guarded heart
Haiku #5
 Jun 2016 m i a
Fight and scrape
For ever miserable
Devalued dollar

That is the globalists plan for me

You know they are having a family dinner
I left because I'm not a success I guess
I don't have a good job

I don't feel welcome there I guess
So now I'm at the Starbucks
 Jun 2016 m i a
 Jun 2016 m i a
Saw a single clover...
Peeking out from the crack in the wall.
All alone... With no other.
Shivering in the wind.
Still it braved the unknown.
Just to see...
What was shown.

Touched the single clover.
So much courage within something so small,
so green and frail.
Standing tall in the torrential gale.
So much I could take and learn from it.
I shall make it my daily inspiration.
I shall leave it be.
So that on my daily walk back,
it could say to me,
"I'm still here, you are too.
Let's keep on, keeping on,
till our days are through."

On my walk back today,
I have looked forward to see the clover I've learnt to adore.
Only to find that it had gone missing...
It just wasn't there anymore.
The crack was vacant...
I looked all around.
I finally looked down...
And there it was on the ground.
A twisted corpse of what once was...
The storm earlier had ripped it off its perch.
The winds had overcome and left it in the lurch.
Grounded and defenceless,
It quickly became the target of many footsteps
belonging to people too oblivious.

The clover is dead.
But it's still so green.
As I looked at it,
I imagined what it would have said,
"Keep on, keeping on.
You won't truly know...
You won't really learn...
And life won't show,
if you get too afraid of the storm.
And then you won't grow.
Stick your head out
and never be too scared...
To see and be a part of the wonders of the world
that the universe has infinitely shared."

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