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 Sep 2023 ryn
Ciel Noir
 Sep 2023 ryn
Ciel Noir
flowers flying on the breeze

sunlight dancing through the trees

ripples moving through a stream

strange that this is all a dream

symmetry and synchrony

entropy and empathy

can't believe how real this seems

strange that this is all a dream
 Sep 2023 ryn
A Poet
After a year
 Sep 2023 ryn
A Poet
Could this be real
That after a year
I fell for you again

Stronger than the first time
Not drunk from wine
But from your cup of tea
Love as broad as the sea

I’m full of happiness and joy
My handsome and charming boy
The bound is stronger
And I adore you more than ever
My lover.
 Sep 2023 ryn
 Sep 2023 ryn
of all the things i regret,
You will never be one of them.
 Sep 2023 ryn
JA Perkins
Genuine like a child
Candid like an open book
Exotic like The Wild
Reassuring like a second look
My baby
 Sep 2023 ryn
A.B. (Part 22)
 Sep 2023 ryn
You are my favorite chapter
in the story of my life.
Your page is dog eared
so once I reach the end,
I can come back to you.
Random thought I had. I'm not sure if it's any good.
 Sep 2023 ryn
 Sep 2023 ryn
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
my favorite poem
 Sep 2023 ryn
B D Caissie
The ephemeral beauty of a bloom.
Is cherished because it’s gone too soon.

Petals weaken and colours must fade.
Falling to earth whence it was made.

Light shines upon thee though tears fall like rain.
Find peace for blossoms in heaven forever remain.
 Sep 2023 ryn
c a r o l i n e
if eyes could tell stories
share it to me, my hand will be well in cheek
‘cause dreaming our life would be all magic

if skies were like warm sheets
i’d fall through the clouds
'cause laying with you is all I need
 Sep 2023 ryn
when I awaken
I extend my finger
towards a panel of dancing light-

did you know that its veins were torn from a mountain?

a whole hierarchy of angels
living inside the earth
were turned to transistors

so that my letters
could glow in your hands.

when I learned this
I began sleeping beside a stream,

in the places where I could watch
wires dance-

beneath wooden pillars and their flimsy black arms
whispering secrets in permanent embrace.

every night I would dream  
to the forward noise
of churning water;

of fluid drifting through the air unseen
or pouring from life long past-

for the maintenance of symmetry.
 Sep 2023 ryn
i believe,
even the stars
get tired.

when the night sky
had folded them away
back into the darkness

and the moon,
that lonesome thing,
has doused itself in shadows.

so will you too, my friend
shy away from the light
as if it would burn
if it reached you.

maybe you feel,
you just are not strong enough
to face the day.

that the midnight hour
is a broken thing

and oh, the silence
is deafening.

and you and i know, even the stars
are tired.

you mourn for them
as their light expires.
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