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Ryan Clark Dec 2012
Hands Held
Love Lost
Wounds Wrapped
Going, *Gone
I like short poems and I'm just trying new things. I'm not a good artist so let me know what you think so I can get better
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
Drops of Clairvoyance
Ignite cognition.
Fatigue fades to wanderlust.
Function yields to Consciousness.  
Motion perpetuates

Will I ever Sleep?
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
Oh pale rider,
I lay wondering in slumbers wake
To what beseeches unto you,
such a horrid fate

Is your path a lonesome one?
Have you had loves warm embrace?
Or are you forced to carry
the sins, only you dare to face.

O' fields tended by fragile hands,
Harvested in both day and night;
With no rest, nor break of leave
Ode to your own plight.

Though your deeds go noticed,
They are associated with fear.
The hatred that results of this,
seems to much to bear.

For who could love such a shadow,
a figure that takes loved ones away?
Many shout curses to you,
and whoever speaks your name.

Though they fear your gift,
birthed in the unknown.
My heart goes out to you,
my empathy I do show.

For if there is no love for you,
then I sincerely offer mine.
If to only witness,
the passing's of your time.

I hope my words reach you
As I shout them from my lungs.
I hope you know that even,
The Reaper... can be loved.
Worked on this one awhile... I'm not sure the poem reflects this
MAy turn this into a song cfcfcfcf-
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
A king without a crown
holds no fiefs,
no stocks,
nor borders.
His clothes are tattered and worn;
hands tarnished by dirt and calluses.
Looking upon great kingdoms,
he feels joy and admiration.
When looking upon his,
he feels content.
Although its fruits meager,
pride sweats from his brow.
He owns nothing not earned.
and his kingdom?
I may keep editing this one. I'm not sure yet
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
I lay still as if I were a breathing corps.
My heartbeat reminds me I still live.
My mind wanders aimlessly;
It drifts in and out of the borders of valid conception,
and withers to its content.

Am I alive,
or waking from a prolonged dream?
These thoughts contradict my understanding of this world.
They break the grips of my reality,
and plunge me into the unknown.

Although the notion tinges a world of fear.
My perspective shifts;
My consciousnesses fades away
and is vibrantly replaced
by a wave of blissful euphoria.

This is a strange existence.
Time is irregular;
It means nothing here.
Days seem like seconds;
minutes seem like weeks.

O' to what a mishap,
a folly happenstance,
a fringe to conventionality.
To who or what pleasure
do I owe?

Part of me wishes to leave this place.
Albeit a part wishes to remain.
I am in love with this realm,
yet I know there is somewhere else
that I must be.

So now I set sail
to find the world that I came from;
with a pleasant gift from the one I left.
                   I look upon an old existence,
                                             with new eyes.
This is my first attempt at a free form poem, so I would be interested in thoughts and/or some pointers. It's basically just random thoughts and how they shift my perspective on reality.
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
Two strangers' paths meet
The moment stands everlasting
Their hearts intertwine
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
A melody sings
Throughout a concrete jungle
Even it, can find peace
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