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May 2018 · 793
A Vague Impact
Ruby Nemo May 2018
how can you know?
it's merely a show
a sleepless night
three meters below the rising sun.
in the impact zone
I watch as you chase
a love out of your league
but time will erase
all memories with ease
stop by, if you please.
you're so vague, I struggle for words
to define our fate
maybe I'm catching a glimpse of
what looks just like bait,
so they can reel me in...
pull me under...
I'm a sucker for love and need to take cover
Don't let me go!
I need something to hold on to!
your careless affection
I'm sleepless tonight.
Lying awake, drowned by anger and
sadness and fear
yet still wanting you here
Ruby Nemo May 2018
slightly ****** but not enough to moan
she takes the day and makes it her own
so much responsibility!
so many obligations!
so many plans!
thinking maybe a doze would be better
than constantly trailing
a thread of conscious mannerisms
yes, most certainly.
a shawl to throw over me
a cover for an unresponsive world and
mimicking cheap actions for cash
I'll think I will let her stay inside today
May 2018 · 176
I am unsteady
Ruby Nemo May 2018
Do I want to enter wholeheartedly
Or is it easier to prohibit emotion?
Trustworthiness is earned
Yet falling seems inevitable
How can I respond,
When my heart is still broken from the last
I want to give it my all
Disregarding the past
May 2018 · 118
Desperate Housing Grief
Ruby Nemo May 2018
In the general I am abiding
Recording scenarios of importance
Scheming with the nobles
To hire a switching head
It’s unsafe to continue into tomorrow
Implode before you try
A trial worth a single coin
Flares can’t cause immense pain upon
A swath of amenities foregoing change
Bringing a forceful bond.
Sometime will be worthwhile
Though not today, another mile
Will do to aid in your indoctrination, darling
The experience of a lifetime
Hopeless admiration runs deeply
Seeping into uneducated minds
Representation becomes toxic and all I want is
To see you strive for one more nod
It’s unusual to not want you
But my mind weaves mysterious trails
Through the broken lifetime - reality…
Coding your brain to the desires of a higher party
Dominate the status and ride this new wave
I’ll be stuck in a cave, resolving a memory
You have no influence on me
Boredom overflows from the outside in
I’m sick, I’m disgusted, I am injured within
Let the girl sleep, she’s lost in her dreams
Taking the drive
One image at a time
Making an accidental stop
At the house of your mother
Uneasy like no other
Fighting to be free, run away with me
Or from me, depending on
Desperate grievances that conduct an old light
Of the movement, I am fond.
Tripping on feedback
Hesitant to paint your head black
So sick of the stacks
Piling up on the table, advances unable
Common brainchilds I may lack.
A swampy movie to preoccupy
Tearing everything down
Apr 2018 · 113
Hard Ass, I Ain't No Bitch
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
soft spoken murmurs slide in
to invoke horror or darling,
a song
to smear untrue stories or to resist
didn't catch that, honey,
creating a face to match an unfamiliar voice
common issues haunt you
a tack in the side, along for the ride
you get it, I get it, let's get up and go
sleeping late and forgetting your tea I promised so long ago
Apr 2018 · 133
Keep 'Em Low
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
seize my heart and take the rest away
frazzled on a sunny day
I hope to God you're here to stay
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
walking in a straight line
you won't listen to any whine
but when you call to interrupt
you won't interrupt anything at all.
everywhere I turn you'll turn
either following or admiring, but I truly can't care
I can admire your restless soul
and the days we spend
I'm able to pretend
stare at me until I cry
melting in your arms, I'm not the only one
laugh with me until I die
one wrong step and
Blood will take your name
one eye closed and the other on the cage
flooded with wisdom
******* by memories
free me, I'm yours
neither my doing nor
yours in your little secluded reality
lie to me, make me feel better
shaking 'til a snowstorm blows
worries into flakes and I
will walk in a crooked line
maybe I'm high
maybe I'm shy
maybe I just want to be close to you
Parliament. 04-23-18
Apr 2018 · 132
Circus Show
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
behind a roadblock standstill
no one I meet could ever fulfill
take your thoughts, your actions, your words
and lay to rest at the foot of God
the future is approaching slowly
I arrive with caution
a wary understanding
and a repeatedly broken heart
this time shall be the last
as ever to gasp for air
above and below, it's a circus show
and I am the center stage.
with eyes glossed over and a malicious intent
goodbye to all the years I've spent
in doubt, in service, in pride
I'll travel alone for this ride.
Apr 2018 · 2.1k
Hit Me Hard
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
a feeling of nearness when I see the countdown
hit me twice in a day, unable to comprehend
my love for you's a sin
futuristic endeavors are far out of reach
for I'll never experience something so
unexplainably deep
and harsh on my soul
but I'd like it to continue into the endless spectrum of wasted time
until someday luck brings upon
maybe a call, maybe none.
Apr 2018 · 90
The Mistress
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
Dark and senseless
It all seems endless
Where frozen memories abide
Entering the lives of the unborn
A patch of emotional stability
To keep her sane til night
She's clothed in white
Knowingly guilty but she tries to hide
Colored with doubt,
The memories play out
Not a single scene she remembers
Apr 2018 · 157
WAit... It'"s R3D???
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
Tonight                  could           be unusual
You'll n e v e r              m/e/e/t    me again
?what's it change?
L0V1NG with all you've got
I'm lying there underneath the HOT
Burning sun with my hand in the s...a...n...d...
You're o  b s  e s  s e  d with y.o.u.r ability to
Change w'h'a't's "around" you (but)
Just a w-av-e_ that runs -t-h-r-o-u-g-h- you
And maybe today you can stay
Just $lightly quiet......................................
Pre-tend like I AM YOURS>>>
Like we have it m*ade, though
(Nothing)'s for .certain.
$$ You're not g. e. t. t. i. n. g.  paid $$$$#$
And the people I meet 411(all) laugh
& throw & their & heads & back
Unless I sAY spoken words and utter some views and let feelings slip because then
I am a str A Y
With no where to l A Y down and
No reason to pr A Y
I have nothing to s A Y!1!!!
You're a B>>E>>AST of a man, with UR hair in disarray and your shorts are untied. . .
But let's ,ignore, the disorganization of the ^^w,O,rL,D around us
Taking ThIs moment beFORe us
It'll ring like a cHoRuS.. . . ... . ... ... .. .. . . in and outside the W ell.
We'll make it like n/e/v/e/r beFORe
No feet on the fLOOr ____
Just a !j!u!m!p! into un certain ty
(v)(v)(23)(fv)(4)()(z)()(0)(0)()()(9)(). Where no one will be W/ me
And while eA GleS take the j OOURRENYEEEYY . . .
P a s t the One empty"              trailer"
On                  the s.i.d.e of the                                            road
You and I, we'll CoRRoDE!
After "s"t"o"r"I"e"s untold&
Memories unfold
We will n e v e r grow O L D!!!
Apr 2018 · 98
Enduring Questions
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
the finale is foggy
let'***** the road
trying to get under my skin but
unaware that I am unaware
of your current state of mind
retracing those colored lines
get a grip before you get caught
a solo runaway
to the home at the bottom of the trees
familiar names appearing on the billboards on the interstate
we're under the same stars, but
you see a cloudy canopy
I see every wish a person fought for
hours pass, but the hands stay still
avoiding unnecessary encounters
never running out of ideas
never running out of time
He loves you, but there's somebody else
stuck in a revolution
state trooper on my tail
and I won't chase it until I fall.
Apr 2018 · 83
Has Been
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
There's something about your intent
That makes me question sincerity
If a grown man can fly,
Let the phantom roam freely.
It's not repeatedly beneficial
Exhaust empowers me like never before
A stain on your heart
A faithless testimony
Feet on the seat, head underwater
The future has an undeniable direction
Sympathetic stories to heal your root
Don't let me lie (to you)
The most beautiful still
Is the one the eye can't perceive
A dreary melody to relieve
Apr 2018 · 91
Timeless Illusion
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
don't be fooled by a timeless illusion
it's possible that, in the absence of culture, there is enough time to change a perspective
these rhythms make my head spin
scattered confetti in place of tired eyes
as the road swerves, not the driver
desperately praying to remove all thoughts and replace them with song
In theory, it works, but it won't ever
take my body to a permanent venue
a flowing lake overtaken by drowning flocks
Apr 2018 · 152
Upon A Mystery
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
to invent excusable outcomes
new man? new problems
awaiting me when I come home
can't I just blend forever
into the back of this car seat
maybe so then quiet can fulfill
attending false needs
and rectifying foreign relations
which never resembled harmony.
you lay out the floor plan
address solvable issues
but perhaps I'd rather rely
on the uncertainty a nighttime friend delivers
so I'll stay out here
among creations of another king
until the choir softens
leaving fate to determine
upon further mystery.
Apr 2018 · 81
Unusual Please
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
You're my annual breath of air
A staple piece framing the gallery
Where specks of past lives lay
You can be a ticket away
or leave it all for good.
You're my once in a lifetime disadvantage
The way my brain can't stay
in this world of make-pretend sympathies
You soiled my artistic incline
Until castle-high water
froze upon me
Mar 2018 · 97
I Don't Remember
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
I remember the first day

Dancing in the temple where we swayed the night right by
Out the doors you followed
Near dusk, we yawn
Turn towards the moon and sing 'til dawn

Remember when you opened the door
Even when I got there before
Millions of gestures and simple words
Ending my doubts, the scene was blurred
My dreams filling reality's vacancy
Better you, than anyone else had taken me
Exploding in our heads like a thunderous waterfall
Remember when you said I'd feel free?
Mar 2018 · 87
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
all around, they surround
tossing their ballots at my face
read mine, look at me, this way...
stiffening up, I can't stay close
turn away towards myself
only one person worthy of trust
what would you think if you knew?
Mar 2018 · 183
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
restoring decency because it's all you try to do
doubtful objectivity
I could question you for monstrous heights
shrink and cower when defendable
you sound like a chick
distractions own lives when you club them
remove thyself from the competitors and seekers
maybe seriousness is to be taken lightly
like a fish lecturing a doctor
negative hesitation balances victimization
but then you want to be higher
agree with me
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
lying awake undercover
she questions the purpose of the way
the day shifts from
utter happiness to just pretend
losing a friend
strangled by selfishness and dishonesty
when the real importance is love
she can't master the art
alone, weeping until the sounds disappear
reality will never take you
I'm a hostage to the culture
to my thoughts and their desires
wasting away as opportunity passes
nothing left to lose, nothing to protect
cherishing every last second
until each day begs her to stay
shivering and alone
but what can be done?
Mar 2018 · 127
Hidden in Plain Sight
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
don't be fooled by the majority
your people are right in front
they're hiding behind
louder voices and
****** languages
the quiet ones really know
take it at face value
if you don't want an answer
when they're called out
that's when
you'll know who's for real
Mar 2018 · 391
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
crank the bass to beat away the day
my memory is infected
paranoid of a repercussion
waiting for minutes on end, but no one answers
feel the rhythm through each streetlight as
they sway left to right
I'm l o s t in the night
only a few things to keep you out
indulging in changing news
and stuffing my days with silence
incorporate my feelings in their lousy poems but I
could write them better.
thoughts infiltrate a peaceful brain
turn it up, drown it out
first step is finding time
then finding a place
then staying quiet
move in sudden bursts
no color, only black and white
hit the road but through tinted eyes
music moving me more than you ever could
stay away, I constantly pray
in your world, finding a new lover just
means a new problem so
I'll swim solo for now
cranking up the bass, calling out to the single walker
step aside before I fall
Mar 2018 · 162
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
pull me in just to
pull it all away.
Mar 2018 · 123
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
don't change me cause I'm not looking at you
everyday offers chances that change
but just because I won't take them
sitting back to enjoy the view
or maybe too lazy to try
Mar 2018 · 106
NO MoveMent
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
I'll turn a cheek
offer no wave
drink no drink so I can still think.

I'll sit on your couch
so as you entertain
won't meet your eyes
it's many of their first tries

don't tie me with lies
I can't regard a handshake
or even a smile

I'll offer no wave
so long as you stay
right in your own place
don't come near my hand
must sit, can't stand

if pour me a drink,
of only you I'll think
Mar 2018 · 142
Come Here
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
know me before it's late
feet hit the ground, but I feel up high
have you done this before?
this story feels different than the others I have read about
it's simpler
thoughts circling too fast to rationally progress
acting on ambition and curiosity
sort through my heart like a music case
let's pretend we are comfortable
even if enjoyment comes from discomfort
intricate conversations, and I will try hard to concentrate
to digest the moment
like a distant movie that I barely recall
you overrate life, build it up to be more exciting than reality
admiration never felt this harsh
knowingly entering
the night where
futures change because of your delicate voice
I won't ever stop thinking
of the arcade where the last quarter rolled
under the bar, but you took my hand and said
let's walk, let's forget, let's live.
song by Kath Bloom
Mar 2018 · 151
Fantastic Liars
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
does connection have a purpose
creating memories and special little jokes
digging deep into another person's brain
into their soul and heart
is there truly a point
when every connection comes with a catch
a stab in the back, perhaps
or indifference towards you in the end
what's the reason for a lover, a friend?
Mar 2018 · 255
vous changez
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
Donne moi du temps
Mais fais le pas durer pour toujours
On a reçu la même opportunité
Mais je te laisse l'avoir cette fois
Juste rencontre moi là
Trente secondes jusqu'à quatre
Je me placerais dans tes rêves
Et te donnerais le goût de la liberté
Peut-être que je peux changer ton avis
Peut-être que tu changeras le miens
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
you can throw your hands up
I wouldn't care
you can bounce through the hallways
fingers in your hair
I won't look away
rather focus upon
the light leaving the day
why should you care?
your gaze shifts on me
like I should have the answer
upon the seam of my sleeve
you can dance in three colors
I could make it four
but you're in your own world
not a foot on the floor
Mar 2018 · 210
bliss between the branches
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
will a man love me, like the willow loves the day
the way her branches cradle the setting sun in the evening sky
clinging to every memory that comes her way?
Mar 2018 · 154
before sunrise ☼
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
impulsive decisions brutally shaping life
a fading image of angels
time stops for one whole night
the memories could be fatal and
challenging to his future endeavors

if he wouldn't have kissed her
with words about magical presence
poetic bums forgetting about the present
separated by the northern winds

too afraid of losing each other to really hold on
she missed the night but
his hope never lessened
a love worth waiting for, it makes you patient

why waste time on anyone
when one day, to have a love that curious,
when getting to know someone isn't strenuous,
but entering her mind and all its cabinets
he recognized himself in the reflection of her green eyes

a simple story
timeless with regretful inevitabilities
no matter how destiny plays out
he will always wonder . . . . . . . .

what if?
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
lacking knowledge of what I am here for
being arrested at the foot of someone else's door
Mar 2018 · 126
White Demon
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
Shockingly bright skin
Black wrinkles and long flowing
Hair, and taking a
Purely unfailing grip on the
Window where I can't rest
I can't seem to be still
Nervous until
His fingers without nails
Eyes without depth
A touch as cold as his every breath
Reaches out to instill fear
Hopeful thoughts until he
Leaves you here
Dream 02-28-18
Feb 2018 · 241
teh baet of scoeity
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
wloud yuo go for em?
I dno't maen as a somlutae
but rhater
a ditasrciton to keep teh rlaetiy aawy?

wuold you go fro me,
so I dno't hvae to go aolne?
I am araifd taht if I eemgre
all tahts lfet wlil be sikn and bnoe.

wloud you go otu for me,
so I dno't hvae to sohw my fcae
in the clod hareetd baet of scioety
and teh dlaiy trerors taht srruuond me?

wolud oyu go for em
nto as a firend
but rhater
a lveor, to hlod froveer and keep aawy the dmeons?

yuo shulodn't go fro me
I cna't ofefr mcuh of aynhting
but I'd rhater it be oyu
tahn me out tehre in the meriaatl wlord
Feb 2018 · 349
Gas Station Love Stop
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
get in the car, let's go for a drive
racing speedy far, making it alive
gas station love stop
bet you've never felt your heartbeat drop
no call? no problem
got my own life to live
adrenaline rush to blow a fuse
you've got nothing else to lose
the more falls apart, easier to depart
scream so they might go deaf
but keep it hush, your uncharged theft
juicy trip top and affection
you won't forget the night
you became free
lost all sense of direction
thanks to me
Feb 2018 · 119
it's cool as shit
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
happiness feels immeasurable
days go slowly but us,
we make time speed past
jokes about misfortune
but it's all fun and games
your laughter fills the hall
it fills me up, too
I'd lie and say I don't know you
never a day passes,
car spoken dialogue.
take me there
just so you can
take me back.
every girl is jealous
every guy wants at least one.
but me and you have got something new
equal and dumb all rolled into one
every adult knows, laughter shows
accepting as you are, coming as I am
debating and fabricating
new ideas and old reasoning
I've never had a friend like you
Feb 2018 · 106
Fool's Errand
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
The Eye of Horus taunts
I keep within my walls...
Upon his mistress, he calls
Gory bloodlust haunts.

Secretive sanctions underground
Disguised in white-
Hold me tight-
Every passing brake light...
Keeps her highness spellbound.
Feb 2018 · 168
Predictable Aphoria
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
she dips her toes in, testing radioactivity
requests slow motion waves at dusk
friends with strangers, plans rearrange
will she lay in troubled happenings?
her love is a virtue, but what if she hurts you?
no intent to stay with just one

he expects absolute devotion
requests exploding praise upon the morning
try hard, but what about the end game?
differences flowing through similar paths
but what he does not realize
she is but a free bird, soaring down valleys with a closed ticker

a threat, self seeker, her morning liqueur, sir
upon further investigation
you're all three

maybe that makes you toxic to me
Feb 2018 · 168
could've should've
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
I am...
wasting away, frozen in the car
picking buzzwords from common conversations
hail clinks against the windshield
a dusty melody envelops her
leftover tears seep into soles
when I could be...
wasting away in the lively sun
throwing away responsibility
as the ocean waves splash against her back
an island aria entices her
the hot pavement beneath sandy soles
where I should be...
Feb 2018 · 162
a Single Care ")just one("
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
find me at the hall in\between
Love and sadness
frighten me summoning signs
roots slides pick it up
muffled sounds blend
into the noise
searching so hard for subtle change
did I run after you?
Now it's not me but just one
friendly lunch, overwhelming coherence
if you leave I can make up for you
Bothersome don't affect much
walking through the hall without a single care
I'm single, and you care
Feb 2018 · 104
terror no. 19
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
one's silence costs everything
first gun, a real kicker
another's daughter - a pouring mess on the floor
his photos spoke too loudly
so loud that no one listened
one's brush off costs another's lover
slumped in the corner
never providing another kiss
speak up, ******, speak up.
don't label, it's fatal
don't care, some things are crucial
forever guilty for the spills
one's cheek turn costs a legacy of terror.
Speak up, be safe.
Feb 2018 · 249
swing lovers -
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
discrete arm circles
toe tappin' tipsy
speaking through tongues
at the doo-*** with my honey

we meet the market!
his apple butter swooped her up
pearly whites, loose curls, "coming, dear!"
in my group, in orbit

a moldy example of a native
mark the girls, wink wink wink!
but me,
oh, me
piling up Z's before the sun says hello
Feb 2018 · 4.5k
my white privilege
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
I should be sorry for being white.
but I don't look down upon others,
still I should feel bad.
for what happened in the past
somehow, I am responsible

they put me down
telling me I can't understand
all lives matter.
but only if you are part of a minority.

I should be sorry for being white.
I should apologize for the things I never did,
things I never said and never thought.

because just the fact that I was born with a different skin color makes me unsympathetic and evil.

the fact that I am white means I am stupid,
means I am responsible,
automatically places me in the wrong.
I am constantly reminded of my inability to empathize.

all because I am white.
who are the real racists here?
Feb 2018 · 285
A Constituent Element
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
journey like an opened letter
concern creeps through corners
monotonal lucidity attacking reality
speedupthevideo to pack the info
can't be left blank, must have some supplement

it's mental, more cynical
uninformed ***** take your seat
they'll tear you apart long before
you melt

seduction raises no awareness
my focus seems stable
has the fog gotten to your head, darling?
another explanation is deceivable

everyday operation is painful

sewing together your ideas into a DUMB PILLOW

you sleep on it, closed minded attraction

In need
Feb 2018 · 97
reverse my sadness
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
stepped on a crack
go back, please go back
reverse what you said
before he fled
can't sleep when you're in bed
take me back to when
happiness didn't depend
on your replies
since you lied
Feb 2018 · 118
me and u, in my dreams
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
engaging lucidly to keep you with me
waking, working, no thinking
until dark night arrives
opening my consciousness to be with you
Feb 2018 · 120
word processing
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
rage sounds throughout cottages
killer fists pass by
illusion of wrap-around porches
steps leading the blind

protecting profits
popping out of the armchair's left
morality looks like me

cartesian dances surround their eyes
cursing makes you credible
Feb 2018 · 132
(HIS) stages
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
Stage 1
barely noticed
consumed in habits
all work, some play
he came for pennies, not love.

Stage 2
experiencing a feeling, too hard explaining
mysterious woman
reappearing in the outskirts of his brain
thinking nothing of it

Stage 3
recognizes her stares
acknowledges her interest.
'how can I twist?'
he begins to play the game.

Stage 4
she is a beauty, will give her that
is it worth it? she has a man
wants to chase
but she isn't the one

Stage 5
keeps her hanging
straight answers are foreign
some day, 'I could have her.'
putting himself first
keeping his image
can't fall off this tower now.
Feb 2018 · 125
(HER) stages
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
Stage 1
eyes land on you
can't afford to fall now
jokes cracked and feelings suctioned
must be a coincidental circumstance.

Stage 2
dreams being occupied.
vulnerable heart.
guilt takes over.
she longs to stop thinking of him.

Stage 3
maybe she looked
maybe she will wonder
but she has love, can't get hooked.
an undercover feeling seems no harm.

Stage 4
whole body pounding
it's real, happening
guilt turned to justification
her eyes find him once more.
once more, she falls.
once more, he is there.
a simple stare
a short word
she wouldn't dare

Stage 5
her time
perfect schemes, a flawless manipulation
optimism consumes her
but the train screeches
trying harder than before
always worked before!
sometimes it hurts to get used
Feb 2018 · 103
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
you've scraped her heart hollow
injured deep within
fuel me baby, set me off
I can't fly when you hold me here.
hurt in his eyes behind all the glamour

she knows that she is right for him
he doesn't want to figure out
too much to lose
he's got his own name burned into his chest
to him, all that matters.

enchant me darling, don't be shy!
take my hand, we will rule the town!
can't you hear me crying?
she'll open your mind
ideas you have never contemplated.

it's meant to be! open your eyes so you can see!
her tricks fail to impress him.

constructing sentences, work work work?
come through.
pounding so deeply, images become blurry
my eyes working against me.
this feeling is familiar!
the only remedy
would be
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