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 May 2016 Rosh
Perfect day
 May 2016 Rosh
Sweet magnolia kisses
in the shadows of the day
Petals of desire
flowing soft upon the breeze

Scented of affection
in this magical display
Surrounded by your beauty
as we lay beneath the trees

Listening to a bluebird
so melodic is its sound
Harmonies of springtime
soaring skies of velvet blue

Lost within the moment
in this solitude we've found
Dreaming of forever
on a perfect day with you
 Apr 2016 Rosh
Heartbreak Motel
Write a song and give it my name.
Write a poem, give it my beauty.

Oh beautiful flower, full of thorns, you so smells good in spring.

Write a song and sing it..
Scream it until you lose the voice.

Soft rose, you are so pretty, but you pricked me the fingers.

Writes this poem, shout it, whisper it.
Writte it, erase it, do it all over again.

So soft and fragile but so dangerous, you touched me and got pricked.

Write me a song and gives it my name.
Not love song honey, write a song which looks like me.

The pretty flower pricked you and now you want to burn her for that.
Boy, looks at what you made.
You want to burn the most beautiful thing that you saw by pride to have found stronger than you.
 Apr 2016 Rosh
he had a dream
where she slept in his lungs,
cleared the air and breathed his blood.

he made a universe
of stars made of her
they had her name and they breathed life.

he loved her
because he thought it meant
loving himself
but he should've known that
two explosions, when finished,
eventually result
in darkness.

he thought the universe was heavy,
yet he carried her to bed every night
for a week and a half
while she battled her tears
over “what if?”
and he would put her to sleep
with gentle cradling and soft whispering
because he knew stars needed to sleep too.

he made flowers grow
in her body,
he let their stems wrap tightly
around her ribs and hold her together,
and he was scared of the darkness,
but he'd come to love the eerie glow
of the moonlight.
his fingers were drowned
in the outpouring of her agony,
and they were fixed to her cheeks
like constellations in the sky.
the person she used to be
was now a faint ghost,
etched into his memory,
but it was how he kept her alive.

the things he thought about most
were the things he talked about least
often times,
the sounds of their children's laughter
stained the fibres of his mind,
but he couldn't recall those sounds,
for they had been replaced
by his wife's shaky breaths
and painful cries.

he had a dream
where she slept in his lungs.
perhaps that was where she should be,
for maybe life can begin to grow again
and wrap tightly around her ribs
and possibly, maybe, hopefully,
hold her together.

he wished the flowers good luck,
because even gravity
couldn't bind the universe.
• written for two people in a story I am ecstatic to tell.
 Apr 2016 Rosh
Alice Baker
I'm getting lost on purpose.
Going down the bad roads,
Looking out for no one not even myself

I'm sick of this place, there's too much
That already has a tie.
I need something free.

I figure ill **** up a little more,
Maybe find myself in the reflection
Of some gas station mirror in the middle of no where.

I think I'm destined to be happy
Just not today
And not here.
 Apr 2016 Rosh
 Apr 2016 Rosh
Willing to give you so much

Buy you a rose for no reason

To lend you my ear
if there's anything on your mind

To lend you my shoulder
so you can let it all out

Make you laugh when you need to

Kiss your cuts and make you feel better

To tell you 'I love you' everyday
until our heads hit our deathbeds

Pouring my heart out for you on to paper
While I cry out all my tears
and bleed out all my blood
You should probably know
that you mean the world
and more to me
Though none of this
matters 'cause you're in the arms of another
Just an old poem.
 Apr 2016 Rosh
 Apr 2016 Rosh
Don't just tell her that she's beautiful

Show her that she's beautiful

Make her feel beautiful

— The End —