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 Nov 2016 Rosh
I forgive myself
For shamelessly staring
I can forgive myself
For the missing years
That pile on
Between us
I could forgive myself
For falling in love
And having my heart
Torn out once more.
Indeed I could tear out
My very own heart
As long as yours is safe and warm.
Such is Love in Sacrifice
Or Sacrifice in Love.
Whichever way you put it,
You're one of those Light Bodies.
Visibly imperfect and somewhat lost.
Maybe not entirely but certainly in some way.
How could my Light guide you home
When you shine so bright
I can't tear my eyes off you,
Hell I couldn't see home if I tried.
In some way you became
The missing Sun ray
And I became the troll
That wanders in the night.
Alas, such is life
All the good ones
The missing puzzle pieces
Are hanging on another woman's arm,
Or are gay as ****.
 May 2016 Rosh
Alex M
What is Pain
 May 2016 Rosh
Alex M
Mama, what is pain?
Pain is hurt
When what gets hurt, Mama?
Your feelings, your body, your life
Have you been hurt, Mama?
Many times
When, Mama?
When your father left us
Why did he leave, Mama?
He was in Pain
 May 2016 Rosh
 May 2016 Rosh
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Be like raindrops
Never be afraid
of falling
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Excerpt from a famous saying of an unknown author
 May 2016 Rosh
subpar star
i showered 4 times on the day you left
scrubbing and scrubbing trying to get you off my skin.
i turned the heat up all the way,
and let the burn take my mind off of you.
i threw out all your t-shirts and hoodies,
and hoped if i erased any trace of you from my sight,
it would erase you from my heart too.
i repeat "you dont love him anymore" in my head
until it becomes monotonous and numbing.
i convinced my heart it was okay to beat without you,
and my lungs that it was okay to expand
into the voids you left in my chest.

i saw you the other day, at some ****** punk concert,
and for a second, i felt a pang of nostalgia.
but like a lightning strike it was gone.
you asked my friends why i don't text you anymore
and they told you the truth:
i don't love you anymore.
 May 2016 Rosh
Rhet Toombs
I've been searching for you
In an endless sea of white
With a frail head
And split intentions
Searching memories
Currents of you
Bringing scars of past breaths
Half buried
A cruel reminder
Of how deep this can go
Sum of parts brush past
Impure space
Glowing total
You are so near
Falling with grace
I want you
And will wait once more
 May 2016 Rosh
Amy Grindhouse
The decay
you've wrought
with your doubled up beating
and distortion assaults
gives me no choice but
to fixate on new sonic romances
and I'm in love
with the way she cradles me
in that sedated groove
and the caress
of those faint record scratches
I need to
get through new time signatures
as I grow older
and apart from you
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