This drug,
It's destroying me
It's wrecking my life
to the point where I can hardly breathe
It's hard to stand
It's hard to make it through the day
Without this drug
Its hold is getting stronger and stronger
When I'm depressed, I run to it
When I am weak, I cling to it.
What does it do?
It helps me for a second... for a minutes
It helps me to forget the pain that I am in...
The doses are becoming larger
the tolerance becoming stronger
My body shakes for it
Yearns for it
Dreams about it
This drug numbs the pain of my reality
But this drug is causing more pain in my reality
....the little reality that I know....
Maybe I am being overly dramatic
Maybe I just like to draw a show to myself
But I think I am really trapped
If I don't push this drug away,
If I don't lay it down now,
There may be no turning back
With every ounce of my strength
With the little will power left in my body
I push this drug away
I am not sure how I will make it through the day
I am not sure how I will deal with my reality
But I can't let this drug consume me any longer
If I let it win,
Only one thing can happen
And that is death...
I am not ready for that,
Not yet
Because there is still a small flicker of life
stirring in my bones....