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rosalind Aug 2018
today i think of you

and i’m okay

i don’t miss you

but more so the idea of you

your kisses on my lips

and hands in my hair

late messages of “i love you”

that i never really believed

i want to go back to that

to love filled stares

and intertwined fingers

but with someone

that when they say “i love you”

i believe them
healing heart break-
rosalind Aug 2018
it is not your words
that pierce my heart
like a bullet
but the absence of them

they leave me broken
shattered into pieces
withering away
unable to be put back together
rosalind Jun 2018
confusion plagues my mind
distorting my thoughts
into a jumbled mess
making it impossible
to think about anything
but you
rosalind Apr 2018
i crave it like a drug
i am an addict
searching for my next high
through your words
that tell me i am enough
for i cannot tell myself
that i am worthy
rosalind Mar 2018
i regret the words
the moment
they leave my lips

no matter how many times
i say i’m sorry
you don’t believe me

my heart breaks
this is not what i wanted
i have made a terrible mistake

the tears in my eyes
fall down my cheeks
as i try to explain my words

you don’t give me a chance
you turn away
disgust in your eyes

then i fall apart
piece by piece
the more you are gone

i have made a mistake
a terrible mistake
and there’s no going back
this one is meh but i wanted to post something
rosalind Feb 2018
the absence of you
leaves me aching
for more of your touch
i never thought i’d miss
just a little short one
rosalind Feb 2018
You cause me pain
but I can’t let go.
The strings of my heart are too
intertwined with your yours.

Keeping me close enough
to become deeply attached.
Enough that i begin forming
a future for us in my mind.

I think letting go
would snap every string.
Leaving me broken
even more so than I am right now.

So I will push through
the pain you cause me,
Because anything is better
than the pain of loneliness.
i don't know how i feel about this but i wanted to post something
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