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rosalind Jan 2018
thoughts spiralling down
distorted into darkness

telling me i’m not
enough, that
i’m a failure

i know they
aren’t true

but for

i still
idk if i like this one :/
rosalind Jan 2018
There is a storm in my brain
Thoughts spiralling down with gale force winds
Picking up pieces of life i don’t want to remember
Forcing me to endure the storm till it passes
Then it is calm, but not for long

Sometimes it returns as a tornado
Swirling around, chaotic but quick
But other times it is a hurricane
Crashing down on me, wave upon wave
Relentless and lasting

It is agonizing and confusing
The inability to think,
To know what’s happening inside me
It makes me wish i were asleep
Or that my heart had stopped beating

It makes feel like i am falling apart
Where nothing makes sense
My thoughts are not my own
Everything I think
is from someone else’s brain

But that feeling goes away
The storms never last forever
Though there is always aftermath
Thoughts are always lurking
Just underneath the surface

Waiting to come back up
Even worse than before
To pull me apart
Piece by piece
And destroy me
rosalind Dec 2017
each time
i look in your eyes

another piece of me
breaks inside

piece by piece
you tear me apart

moment by moment
falling deeper in love

hurting me
in the best way

missing you
more every minute

i am constantly drawn
back to you

utterly unable
to stay away

you are breaking
down my walls

and i just might let you
rosalind Dec 2017
the cacophony of life
overwhelms me
like a tidal wave
unbelievably loud

washing away
everything in its path
till there is nothing left
but you and me

only us

you’re all I needed anyways
i feel like i might revise this one ://
rosalind Nov 2017
I’ve forgotten how to breathe
The air is caught in my lungs
Unable to travel up my trachea
Causing my lips to turn blue
And my body cold
Pain runs through my body
My mind races
Wondering how i let you get this close
I have made a deadly mistake
I shouldn't have trusted you

I’m dying
And it’s your hands around my throat
rosalind Nov 2017
the shell of a human
that is what I’ve become

the wreckage of your destruction
nothing but refuse

just waiting to be tossed away
and forgotten
i'm in a Mood idk
rosalind Oct 2017
all I can hear are the thoughts in my mind
banging against the walls of my skull
begging to be brought to life
when all I want is
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