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In the vast darkness of the deep intoxicating night,
Sits an old soul sipping cheap liquor in the eerie orange light...

He smiles typing lines into a blank white page,
Not sure if the poison liberates him or traps him in his cage...

Occasionally he looks up, only to check his phone,
Just a reminder that he was (in fact) alone...

Deep down he knew, in truth he was not,
For the presence of someone lingering was just a lot...

He smiled for loneliness could try and try to tease him,
But never overpower the immense love he feels in every limb...

For he knew that love was ultimate, that it always won,
That if all else failed, he had, he was enveloped, he was and is loved, by The ONE.
He loves me
Cherry blossoms and roses,
Once they were just flowers,
Now even the sight of these blossoms,
Remind me of you.

Star anise and cardamom,
Oregano and thyme,
Even garlic and onions,
Remind me of how we cooked together.

Sitting in the car alone,
Or looking at cyclers riding past,
It all reminds me,
Of how we traveled together, side by side.

Looking at paintings,
Seeing street art,
The very thought of visiting a gallery or museum,
Reminds me of you.

Seeing a lake, watching the sunset,
Looking up at stars, remembering Orion,
Watching the sea, looking at pictures of islands,
Remind me of you.

Once Germany was just another country,
In far away Europe.
Now it’s a place of dreams and reality,
A place that reminds me of you.

Going places where we’ve been before,
Walking on the same street,
Or sitting in the same restaurant,
Makes me yearn for you.

As I do my work,
Go about life,
I wish you were with me,
Every second of everyday.

I love you, sweetheart.
Dear Alex,
I love you, my angel,
Beyond description.
Mystical smoke of blue and red,
Twists and curls,
Dark the night, and silent the air,
As I saw him, teeth bared.

He was but an illusion,
Of smoke and of changing shades of colour,
And of mysterious existence,
For exist he must have, that vision.

But what is an illusion, a vision?
It must have hints of truth, of reality, must it not?
Hence how would you describe what you saw?
Unless it was but a meaningless hallucination.

Sometimes the answers seems so clear,
If only one just relaxes and look longer,
Like how the stars seem to multiply,
The longer you look into the clear night sky.

Dancing flames, crackling wood,
The smoke turns thick, the illusion becoming solid,
And I sat mystified, making the vision my reality,
For it was good.

I stretched out my hand,
The smoke engulfing my hand and slowly up my arm,
Either I become one with the illusion or,
The illusion becomes a reality.

He takes shape, I see paws,
His teeth still bared, his fur bristling
The abstractness of him, the reality of him...;
I dive into the smoke, being one with dreams.

I open my eyes, and there he stands,
The complete form of a canine;
Did the illusion have truth?
Or did reality succumb to a dream?
Where is the dividing line I wonder?
And as the story of my life grew,
I no longer knew...

Where I came from or where I was going,
Whether I'm living or just being....

People I meet come and go,
Oh how great it was, but how it pains me so...

That nothing in life stays,
That everything in life is an arranged set of plays...

But faith I know I have and that is sure,
Although for occasional doubts there is no cure...

And through life with that faith I must endure,
However much temptation of denial lures...

I would one day find the meaning of all this, maybe not,
But my faith, I know, will not be for naught...
18th February 2015

Wrote it down, but never typed it out
And there you were,
Black and white.
Emotionless: No excitement, no euphoria, no sadness, no fear,
Void of art, void of darkness, void of light.

How easy it is to be distracted away,
From you, from that of which is so important,
Yet your dullness can be compared to a lonesome tree which for a hundred years had had no sway,
Or a handsome husband who is nothing but impotent.

How deep, how dull,
And yet attractive to some.
And in these wee hours when the very air seems to lull,
And I slowly drift off hoping to tear through the fabric of space and time,

I pray I don't get distracted.
Because to understand that very dullness,
Is to conquer and to finish what I started,
And to blossom in all a nerd's fullness.
Studying for your finals can be very distracting, don't you think?
I stood guard,
I watched over,
Making sure nothing passed.

Dark was the night,
And as long as I could remember.
I stood guard right at the boundary,
Nothing should pass in, and nothing could go out.

It started full of motivation,
That I could do this.
But the sun never seemed to rise,
The Night never seemed to end.

But I could never let my guard down,
And I waited, determined.
Soon the dark started to pinch my eyes,
The absence of light started to hurt.

Oh for the morning I yearned,
But it never came.
And I wished something would indeed happen,
Although that was exactly what I stood guard against.

The longer I stood, the more I yearned,
To stop guard, to just let the walls take care of themselves.
And then when I was least expecting it,
You came.

You smiled, and although it was dark,
I felt light creep and linger in that dark world.
And I stood stunned, not ready for this,
And you came closer , and everything lit up.

The closer you came, the more I lost my senses,
I didn't need to guard anymore,
The walls didn't matter,
I didn't want the light to go away.

And you came closer and closer,
And walked past the walls,
Pulling me in with you,
And there was no more darkness.

No more walls, no more waiting,
No guarding.
And as amazing as your entry was,
You stood up and left.

I still feel how our fingers lingered at the last touch,
How I wished you didn't leave.
But you did leave,
And left the world dark again.

The walls were all broken down,
And the dark was three times as dark now.
It was a desolate world,
Full of helplessness and misery.

And I had to build the walls higher now,
Because you trespassed,
You trespassed into the breaches, the threshold of my heart, my soul,
After I allowed you in, and took it all away.

And now here I stand, standing guard again.
In front of higher walls, and a more watchful eye.
In a darker world, with no morning,
Because too much was taken, and too little left.

*You trespassed.
Lost connection with everything,
Lost memories of my own being.

Fail to remember what made me smile,
Fail to see what makes life worthwhile.

Going through life half dead,
Going through everyday like I was just made.

Nothing to make me feel again,
Nothing that follows me but pain.

Deep inside I know its in my head,
But I guess its harder executed than said.

I'll wait, then for that something,
I'll push through life like everyday was a fling,

Till something happens,
Till somehow it happens.

I'll wait.
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