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Randy Johnson Mar 2016
Families who pray together stay together, that is true.
Families should pray together because it's the right thing to do.
Families who pray together will please God and they will be blessed.
Families need to pray together because many marriages are a mess.
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
Even though false idols like Baal no longer exist, many people still idolize things today.
These people idolize money and *** when they should only idolize Jehovah God always.
God is offended when people idolize things other than him, it's something that he hates.
If you're such a person, you'd better change because it's something God won't tolerate.
God is the only one who should be idolized, not other wicked things.
People who idolize anything other than God had better watch out because disaster is what it will bring.
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
I'm a rich man but not financially.
I'm rich because God loves me.
I'm a rich man because God cares.
Everywhere I go, he's always there.
I'm a rich man because God will send Jesus to resurrect me.
God loves people so much that he will let us live for all eternity.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
There is something about me that people find hard to construe.
I'm only eleven years old even though I was born in 1972.
Because I was born on February the 29th, I only have a birthday once every four years.
I am the only eleven year old in my town who is able to legally vote and drink beer.
When people hear that I'm eleven, they send their kids to play with me but it's something they soon regret.
When the parents see me, they think I'm a bad influence because their kids see me drinking and smoking cigarettes.
But smoking has caused me some health problems that almost made me croak.
I'm the only eleven year old in the world who has had a heart attack and a stroke.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Because of the allegations that have come out against Hillary Clinton, she's a person who I don't trust.
Hillary supporters don't want me to tell you this but I must.
Because of these allegations, I can't and won't trust her to run this country.
If I was a politician who was facing such allegations, people wouldn't vote for me.
I don't trust Hillary to be in The Oval Office.
She shouldn't be elected, I firmly believe this.
If you're going to vote for her, you have that right but what I've said had to be mentioned.
I don't think that Hillary Clinton is trustworthy and I have to bring that to people's attention.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
The fruit that Adam and Eve ate may not have been apples, it could've been oranges, bananas, peaches or pears.
Many people assume that it was apples but none of us know because we weren't there.
Adam and Eve were stupid, they chose to obey a serpent instead of The Lord.
Their punishment was banishment and losing eternal life, they lost their reward.
But whatever fruit it was, when Adam and Eve ate it, it became the world's first sin.
Adam and Eve's stupidity caused all of us to pay the price, it causes our lives to end.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
While Jesus was on Earth, one thing that he taught people was his father's name.
He told people to call his father Jehovah, that is what Jesus proclaimed.
God's name is seldom used now, I've only seen it in The King James Bible once.
People have neglected to call God by his true name in Jesus's absence.
Jesus knew that knowing God's name is important and that is what he taught.
Jesus was the greatest Human Being who ever lived and I love him a lot.
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