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 Apr 2015 奇妙な
 Apr 2015 奇妙な
Her nights were sleepless,
Her eye bags were deeper,
Her nightmares were formidable,
Her soul was gone.*

Her blade was sharper,
Her voice was silence,
Her weight was lighter,
Her sleeves were long.

Her cries were painful,
Her tears were feelings,
Her hands were scarred,
Her heart was tormented.

*Her face was sunken,
Her eyes were dried,
Her lips were blistered,
Herself was lost.
Thanks to those who were gone;
If I spoke louder,
Would you listen?
If I raised my voice,
Would you hear?

I know you only yelled
because you wanted to
make it more clear,
because I couldn't understand
that I was only hurting myself.
But please don't be so loud,
It makes you sound like him.

Silence is so ******* loud
And I cannot stand the
oppression of the voices
Screaming in my mind.
At least when there's sound,
I don't have to listen to
My mind criticizing myself.
None of this is related
Purple and blue and black
fade to yellow and green.
Sickly marks marring
pale as moonlight skin.
There are so many bruises,
I fear that even a golden soul
has been blackened beyond healing.
I guess you didn't understand that when you hit me, it left marks that weren't just skin deep.
When there are storms,
and the rains beats relentless
against the cool glass panes,
and the rumbles of thunder
shake the walls i've built;
I curl up in bed
with a favorite book
and a steaming,
fragrant cup of tea
and think, perhaps,
*It is almost a good life.
Stars bright,
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Please grant me this wish tonight.

Or so the stories say,
That wishing stars,
Though oh so far,
Grant Wishes.

If you ask,
By saying the rhyme,
Or try again another time,
The wish will come true if you wish with all of your heart,
And then maybe,
Just maybe,
The magic will start.

So wish you may,
And wish you might,
See a wishing star,
 Apr 2015 奇妙な
Poetic T
Little angel of stone, weeping raindrops
As your gaze ever down
By what is seen the white, just
The white ever bright. Your
Wings will not release, not free
You from this gaze. It is a posture
Of which you never move, and you
Cry tears of raindrops. As below wanting
To hold onto that out of cradles reach
You want to avert this
What lays before you, this nestled
Shell of empty white, you watched
As life was breathed, till stillness
Was birthed in this place, ever gazing
As what was faded away. Now there is a
beneath you, gazed upon fragile white
Bones of innocence, lost in a place
Not fit for the living but know this fixture
Beneath your gaze is still. You weep raindrops
On to this still white that rests below.
 Apr 2015 奇妙な
I refused to be chained
Up by my past
But the walls I built
Imprisoned me instead
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