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 Apr 2015 奇妙な
 Apr 2015 奇妙な
After enough heart breaks
I finally found a perfect hypocrite
who loved me "supposedly" unconditionally
our days were full of light
felt like moon was a little closer

like a flower we blossomed
we emitted a heavy fragrance
haters choked on it

each day we fell more and more in love

woow to that love
it was crazy and adventurous
while I bought her guns and bullets
bows and arrows

she got me flowers and chocolates
wrote me heart quenching poems
and at night ,serenaded my heart

I painted her staircase pink
and got her ***** dresses
her walking upstairs
the view I enjoyed

But sigh!things just changed
its dawn, sun is up and the moon far gone
Medusa turning me into a stone
would have been merciful

maybe I did overdone something's
believing I was cementing our fragile relationship
after all
the road to hell is filled with good intentions
 Apr 2015 奇妙な
I told you I would
leave, but I never
said goodbye

I told you it
would end, but I
never said it'd die

I deleted you out
of my life, but I
never had you blocked

I closed the door
to you, but I
never had it locked

 Mar 2015 奇妙な
you are not delicate.
when your flesh bruises, when your bones break, when your head aches, when your lover leaves, you will carry on.
there is a reason tears do not burn skin.
your muscles were made to lift your heavy heart and leaden legs.
you were made to carry on.

so when he tells you "i don't love you anymore," your bones will not allow you to collapse, your muscles will carry you forward. there is a reason your eyes are in the front of your head. don't look back.

you will not break.
you are not a cheap manufactured toy.
you are an exquisite human being hand-crafted by the likes of god.
your weak joints cannot be snapped.
you are made of blood, sweat, and tears and you are resilient.
your heart will not break. the average human heart heart has over 2 billion beats in it. until you are old and wrinkled, your heart will be there, ba-thum, ba-thum, reminding you that yes, you are alive, you are so alive.

your bones don't break on a nightly basis.
a force of 1,700 pounds per square inch is required to fracture a femur, and yes, i know his words felt like punches, but your ribs are quite alright.

i know that your past sits on your shoulders, i promise that you were made to bear its weight.

your heart strings are made of solid steel and though you may not have an iron grip, you learn to catch the curveballs. i promise.

so no, you will not break.
you are not delicate. you are strong, you are beautiful, you are unique.
you will not break.
you will endure
don't give up

— The End —