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  Jun 2015 Ralph Albors
I miss your fingers intertwined with mine
I miss the way our bodies fit together perfectly
I miss your lips on mine
I miss your lips on my neck
I miss your touch
I miss the way you say "I love you"
I miss how well I slept with you
I miss how being with you felt like home
I miss being weird with you
I miss how being with you felt so right

Oh god
I'm not sure of a lot of things,
but I'm sure of you

And I miss you

Ralph Albors Jun 2015
Cool, calm and collected,
She took a leap of faith,
Kissed the pavement.
Exhibit A: Strong messages can be conveyed with few words.
Ralph Albors Jun 2015
Someday and one day
are implicitly dissimilar.

"Someday I'll find love"
is full of ambivalent hope.
"One day I'll find love"
expresses certainty.

"Someday I'll go on an adventure"
really means "I sure hope I get to travel."
"One day I'll go on an adventure"
implies "I will leave this town."

"Someday I'll love someone else"
means "I'm not over my ex."
"One day I'll love someone else"
means "On to the next chapter."

Someday and one day
are commonly mistaken as equal.
But someday won't come,
while one day is just around the corner.
Inspired by some advice I gave my best friend over the phone.
So, basically, it's based on a true story. Sort of.
Ralph Albors Jun 2015
Agrio y amargo, penetras mi lengua
como otra lengua lo haría.
Y es que vas más allá de lo físico,
más allá de lo surreal e intrínseco,
llegas al alma y al corazón
y los nutres de tu seno ferviente.
Eres madre, eres padre,
eres hijo, nieta, primo, amiga.
Permites tu cultivo; te sacrificas
para que seres hipócritas te ingieran
mientras discuten política, economía,
religión, literatura, guerra, amor.

Preparas la tierra fértil del intelecto
para laborar la poesía y la música.
Una pareja se enamora al platicar
mientras beben y degustan tu ácido,
y tú, espectador omnipresente, ubicuo,
exploras las mentes a las que llegas
utilizando la autopista neuronal.
Eternizas tu gestión desinteresadamente.
Son escasos los que te aprecian,
pero inconmensurables los que te reconocen,
así como un religioso reconoce a su dios,
pero solo lo valora cuando ha de necesitarlo.

Eres dios, y por eso el hombre te adora.
Ralph Albors Jul 2014
It's getting harder to write.

Tears run down my face
As I stare at the blank paper
And realize that it's you.

It's getting harder to write.

This window of emptiness,
This episode of hollowness,
Is the result of you.

It's getting harder to write.

You triggered everything,
That has ever been wrong with me.
But I'm a great liar: "I'm fine."

**I lost my ability to write.
After months of being okay,
I relapsed
Because of you.
Ralph Albors Jul 2014
I still love you so much,
Even after all the pain
You brought to my doorstep.

But I could never admit it,
So I began lying when you asked
If I still felt something for you.

And when you asked if I was okay,
I would sternly say "I'm perfectly fine",
And that I was happy you had moved on.

Sometimes I would even mention
Some fake new love I'd wildly invented
And all the fake love I felt for her.

But the lies were actually for me,
Because with them I could pretend
I was happy and didn't need you.

They helped me live a life I wasn't living.
A futile life with you, without you:
*The idyllic life.
A bit rusty with my writing, as I haven't written in over a month.
Ralph Albors Jul 2014
You who repaired
Everything wrong with me
And held me when I was in need:
You deserve so much more than you're given,
Considering your august deeds.
But nobody conceives
What you truly are,
This rictameter is dedicated to any person whose positive acts and deeds are often overlooked by others. You are important.
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