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he's watching your every move
awaiting for you to fail
once he sees your back is turned
he'll pounce over the rail

he's eyeing your every step
snickering upon its lips
once he sees he has a chance
he'll break out and zip

low and behold the watcher
no one knows from whence he came
once he thinks you surely failed
he'll swear to do it again

cowering in the corners
awaiting for you to subside
once he thinks you are gone
he will no longer hide

he's watching your every move
awaiting as to attack
dang cat isn't so smart
Master is coming back
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
It’s what you would call fate
That I’ve stumbled across such a handsome face
I was just on my way to dance on the moon
Which I will not do alone
If you’re intrigued to join me in this metaphoric waltz, please do
Jump from star to star
Be sure not to stumble in the path of a meteoroid
They will rip holes in your heart leaving you unable to love
As we approach the moon
You and me hand in hand
We start to dance
So that everyone will see this great perhaps
Of me plus you
Dancing softly to “seaside by the kooks”
Gracefully on the moon
im not exactly sure why I wrote this
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
I took a lot of medication
I've been sick since you left me
And now I'm feeling sad again
See, I went to this party
But even with the music blaring
And people all around me
I can't deny that I still feel
Really ******* lonely
This couple right beside me
Is going pretty hard
I remember when we were them
Before we had these scars
They're hotboxing the bathroom
The whole place reeks of ****
But I don't want to get messed up
I cling to sanity
I really ******* miss you
My heart is screaming loudly
And I wonder where you are right now
And if you're thinking of me
The couple right beside me
Has left now, holding hands
They're ******* in the bathroom
But they left their beer cans
I know I took a lot of pills
I know this can't be good
But ever since you left
Now one's understood
The pain I'm feeling deep inside
They all tell me "he was lame"
But truly you were perfect
No one else could be the same
I'm scared of where you are
What you're doing, and with who
I know you have no trouble
Finding girls to sleep with you
And maybe it's that thought
That finally sends me off the cliff
Or the couple in the bathroom
Who make me think "what if?"
What if we had made it?
Could that have been our life?
You mentioned a couple of times
That you could see me as your wife
But now it's all in ruins
Shards of us lay at my feet
I know I failed you
So now it's time to fail me
I don't know what I'm thinking
Suddenly I'm grabbing beers
I keep on chugging down and down
And then I hear the cheers
They don't know what I'm doing
They think it's all a game
They don't know that I hate beer
They don't even know my name
Everyone is watching
As I down another can
They don't realize that's it's over
My final race has been ran
I know I haven't got much time
Before the medicine reacts
And maybe I will die tonight
I may just hit my max
Yet that doesn't bother me
None of it really does
I stopped caring long ago
About what is and was
I hope that you sleep well
And if my life is ending
Don't think you could've helped me-
My heart was way past mending
While I may still live in the night
The stars have finally come out
And I do not long for day
I am a child of the sleeping sun
But the difference is
I have learned not to trip
In the darkness
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
lines over lapping lines
like my train of thought
I mull over the same things
contemplating exactly what I did wrong
and how I  can change the things I did
but you see my memories and thoughts
are not exactly the same as over lapping lines
because you can erase a line
you cant erase your memoires from your mind
and sometimes it feels as if I'm dragging a 50 pound weight
like its wrapped around my legs
so running after you can not be an option for me to choose
I'm weighed down by 50 pounds
of guilt and self hatred
and like lines over lapping lines
ill always come back to the same questions
but trust me I'm trying to pry this weight from myself
but its merely impossible
so ill give up the chase and allow these
lines to overlap
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
It was an average Sunday morning consisting of cartoons, breakfast on the stove, and hot chocolate.

I yelled into the next room, "Dad is breakfast almost ready?"

After no response I yelled again, yet still nothing. I decided to get off the couch, and after that nothing would ever be the same.

As I entered the room my dad stood as though he was the prisoner of Medusa.

He began to shake and his head proceeded to slowly approach the non forgiving marble counter.

I ran to the kitchen and caught him in my arms just before his precious head impacted the counter.

There I sat, a twelve year old boy holding his father in his lap while his father's mouth began to foam.

My father's head sat so perfectly within my lap and I watched my father's soul began to lose touch with reality.

I screeched for help, but no one answered.

How can a boy still trying to master his multiplication table be asked to hold his father in his arms as his breath slowly ceased to exist.

I pushed my ear into his mouth to see if any breath of life was left, I heard nothing.

January 14th, 2009.


Happiness came knocking, no one was home.
 Jan 2015 Rachael Judd
I can feel you still lingering on the tip of my tongue
your name spills from my mouth
like the pills slipping down my throat, so that I can forget you.
and you see dear
you are still here
in the depths of my mind and heart
yet I see you as a stranger, for we do not cross paths
but I remember you vividly
probably why you still linger on the
tip of my tongue
and your name spills from my mouth
like avalanches fall.
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