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 Sep 2015 Raakel
Jude kyrie
I know you hide your scars from me
Scars that only add to your sweetness.
Perfection that is only brighter for the flaws
It matters not if you are shining
like a new born galaxy.
Blinding all with your beauty.
Or if you are broken and worn
your heart full of broken promises.
I will love you regardless
of when you are a becalmed ocean.
Or the eye of a hurricane.
Know always
I am yours.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Jude kyrie
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Jude kyrie

*I saw you looking at me
It was like you could see inside me.
So deep all my scars and secrets
could not hide from your eyes.
You showed a half smile
enough to say
I could heal your wounds
tend to your scars.
You could be safe with me.
I think I could love you
Like you always needed
Like you have never
been loved before.
I raised my eyes
And looked into yours
And I knew
I could love you more than that.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Since she will always be my destiny,
my best is yet to come.
By the time she gets her claws in me,
I'm already done.
But I rather be her remedy,
than be with just anyone.
In all reality it's just the two of us,
in our world,
and I'm her number one.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Jude kyrie
I think I love her too much.
Once I did not think
that was possible.
But it is.
I count her heartbeats
In the night
like seconds
ticking on a clock.
Afraid they are being
used up and
will run out.
When we kiss
I pull her
so close to me
so tight it hurts.
Each kiss like
a morsel of food
to a starving mans
insatiable hunger.
Even when apart
I hear our  hearts
beating as one.
Inside each others chest.
Like two planes
destined to crash
in mid air.
Leaving only
the aftermath
of silence.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Jude kyrie
Even as a boy.
I always thought  I knew
what love  looked like.
She was soft curvy and blonde
with beautiful blue eyes.

I looked for her for years
and she finally showed up.
When she showed up
she was brunette wore glasses
that hid her brown eyes .
she hated my music
hated my friends
and in the end
she hated me.

It was ten years
before  love returned again.
This time she had a
short blonde pixie cut.
Green eyes and a perma smile.
She taught me that when a
woman is smiling it does not
reflect what she is thinking.
She played music all the time
that someone  else bought her.
She did buy me
my favorite ice cream though.
But she would eat it all
in midnight food binges.
as her music played.

I am now waiting for love
to come again.
It's been five years
but I know love
will show up.
I am sure of it.
when love left me I asked it to
leave my door open.
I kissed love softly goodbye.
And there were no tears.

I whispered softly to love.
thanks for coming to visit me.
I love it when you are around.
Don't be a stranger Love.
come back and see me soon.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
I can't handle
another death,
leaving me out here
lost and alone

I can't handle
another mourn,
leaving me lifeless
as a hollow stone

I can't handle
another grievance,
letting you go to
a world unknown

Because to save
your precious life,
I would give infinite
deaths of my own

 Sep 2015 Raakel
Willard Wells
Sun dropping on the horizon,
light fading as the night over takes the light.
A gentle breeze reduces the heat of the day.

Sitting on the grass,
watching the sky turn from dark blue,
to black with the twinkle of stars.

My mind drifts in and out of dreams.
Thinking of you,
the light of my life.
 Sep 2015 Raakel
Daniel Thorne
I'll be there for you, to the ends of the earth I'll go,
I'll find you when your lost, through storms and biting snow.

I'll help bring you closer, to The Father in the sky,
And I will always love you, even when you die.

When the light bulb's broken, I won't get another dwelling,
I'll just fix our hearts to shine again until with love they're swelling.

I love you over all the world, from the mountains to the seas,
From Earth to Heaven and back again through every deathly disease.

Thank you for always loving me, despite the uneven odds,
I know you're something special, your heart belongs to God.
Just a love poem. (I seem to be really good at this XD)

— The End —