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You heard me !
I don't write silly love poems anymore .
At best they become bleak .
They are the ships at sea scuttled by storm .
The aircraft that lose power and crash into the ground .
The miners of affection when the roof comes down .
Don't ask or make a sound .
I'm committed to silence so don't you mess around .
THEIR evermores doomed from first kiss and sworn bliss .
From the cradled vows
to the certain anyhows
Don't ask me about love poems anymore .
What ever happened to Valsa George ?
Not a word for years and of you I ask and do implore
Has she gone on to meet her designated  fate ?
Is it now of me to inquire
because it is now much too late ?
Will her words pass on as well ?
Dumped into the black hole of the internet's Hell ?

Oh , well !

What is will be
May your best be allowed to soar so free
The crackling pine cones of summer
silent in the early autumn mists
shouting geese gathering in dancing lake
the world lays back north for winter slumber

The holding place / The tablets of your memory / Little slivers of death / We can keep finding ways to go further
It's not your fault

the lines on your face

are familiar seismic places

some are lakes

some are caves

some have seen their better days

but the thought of you

hiding a hundred years

of advanced technology

from your ovaries

and letting them wither away

keeps paranoia from lowering its

Gray clouds in my mind,  
Heavy whispers pull me down,  
Hope’s light feels so far.
There's a nobody
in everybody's pocket
that's been stuffed in
and forgotten

A full bloomed rose
of any color
dethorned , betroved
and begotten

A day in paradice
reserved for one
but somehow has
all been undone

Take a chance on
the life belittled
dumped and stuffed
into someone's pocket
Put it and them in their places
No matter what it is
Don't forget
Don't dwell
Be in the moment today and in the future
Don't waste either
It's a lot more than been there and done that
Look deep within your heart to find something and enjoy
Cherish everyday
There are no guarantees about tomorrow
I wasted way too much time living in my head
Put it and them in their places
Find some joy and happiness today
After all we have been through and will go through
Seize the day

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