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it was quiet here yesterday
the rain came and dripped
with noises outside the back
i looked out to see the gutter
slipped and listened to the

looked at the wet glistening
on the ivy

wedged the cloth to soak
the water up then lit the fire

done some drawings
cookings. a pleasant
day for me

comparing large dresses

hoping that all will be

with morse
 Mar 2020 Polar
Glenn Currier
A poem is not finished
until it is read or heard by another.

So when you read or listen
you become a partner
in this humble endeavor.
We are
walking together
for one eternal moment
 Mar 2020 Polar
David Lessard
I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
 Mar 2020 Polar
 Mar 2020 Polar
sometimes a melody
sometimes silence
sometimes a mountain
sometimes a valley
sometimes the highlights
sometimes the shadow
sometimes the living
sometimes the dead
sometimes the desert
sometimes the sea
sometimes i'm you
sometimes i'm me
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