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 Dec 2015 karen dannette
MS Lim
They call me 'an idiot'
I stammer and with words I struggle
I am slow and have a an 'IQ so very low'
People to me are a puzzle.

They use strange words
My condition is 'congenital'
Others go even further
I suffer from a 'brain deficit'--'a disorder neurological'

But I can keep a job
Always hardworking and punctual
I dress neatly, know how to take the bus
My boss said 'Peter is not brilliant but reliable'

Dad minds the farm, mum takes care
Of my little brother Tom and Tanya my tiny sister
I give my parents half my monthly salary
So that my siblings will have a good education and further

Their studies perhaps in uni
There is always joy and warmth in the family
We share, we laugh, we sing and make merry
Despite what others say--I am happy, truly blessed and happy.
We can not live on
without both man and woman.
Collectively one,
we're meant to work together
as equals in love and trust.
 Dec 2015 karen dannette
MS Lim

Because I was born into poverty
I learnt some of life's most valuable lessons


Because I don't over-rate my skills
I suffer from few disappointments


Because I could not flatter nor compromise
some people kept away from me


Because I recognise the ways of the world
I am not easily fazed


Because I know life is too short
I don't fritter time away in idle indulgence
* taking a pause after this--moving to other themes
I am destroying myself so others can't
It's a twisted kind of control but it's the only kind I got
You're poison to my body every beat of my heart is making me worse... And worse
The prettiest faces hide the ugliest secrets
I know this for facts because I'm always asked to keep it
The prettiest mouths say the most terrible things
I know this for facts because my ears heard it all
The prettiest eyes seen the worst sights
I know this for facts because I've had to close them
The prettiest bodies has the most scars
I know this for facts because I've had to cover them
The prettiest minds have the darkest thoughts
I know this for facts because I've had to erase them
       ~Corona Harris~
Just because the Title says Cinderella don't think that it's a fairytale
 Nov 2015 karen dannette
I know that you can never be mine..

Loving you is part of my everyday life..
Overcoming the pain is just too hard.
Vanished love of yours..
Every teardrop is a waterfall.

You said that you will never leave me
Of all words that you have said.
U*s against the world..
how I loved you with my whole heart and soul.

You were my first option
but then you left..
and still,
I love you.

WHO created and is supporting ISIS ?

WE ? ... !

The USA ... ?


and we pretend to be ..... falling in love (?)

We ... ?

We who do not in any way

Control our own lives ?


Who do not in any way

HAVE a life of our own to love within (?)


Life (?)

Can we even be said to            be alive (?)

To love ?????


we are somebody's ***** SHOW !

some *******'s Vision !



Wanna be free ?



Maybe then you can even know

What " love " means  

sun bring light in my darkness
earth feed thy hungry soul
moon brake bread with thee
sky I shall fly with these wings
wind lifts me up with compassion
day give me my portion
night I rest in your arms
Lord we shall not be diminished
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