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Laken Cooper May 2015
You're the only thing I hear,
The only thing that I want to be with,
You're my heart's Last Song Syndrome,
Every line I'm remembering,
Every you I'm thinking,
My heart is singing your name out,
What a beautiful melody,
What a beautiful symphony,
But just like a typical song,
Get lost to trend
But still a memory of you,
Laken Cooper May 2015
It is wrote when you want to *end
to end a sentence,
to end a paragraph,
or to end a story.
End of everything.
But period is written to start something new,
start of a new sentence,
start of a new paragraph,
or start
of a new story.
When someone put a period in your life,
always think of the positive side of it.
Period is written for you to face the new chapter of your life,
to start a new beginning,
End is connected for a *new start
Behind the period. And honestly I'm suffering from period pain right now.
Laken Cooper May 2015
Feeling blue,
remembering you,
hearing the words that aren't true,
believing the love said by who

The feeling gave me butterflies,
and again remembering those lies,
Is this what I get as a prize?
Wounds will heal as time flies

You are my life's injury,
you were a Beast makes me believe to be beauty,
and now remembering our story,
makes me feel *gloomy
Laken Cooper May 2015
Little things* which means nothing to you,
don't you know that it means a lot to me?
Just a simple "Hi." from you,
a simple text message, even if I know that you sent it to others too,
Your gestures, even if it's just a simple one,
don't you know how it makes me smile?
How it makes my heart skip a beat.
Little things that you've done has its big effect on me,
too bad, I'm the only one who likes  the feeling,
the only one who appreciate those little things,
because it's normal to you,
it's your everyday gestures from different girls,
it's your way to make them fall for you
Little things to me means *nothing to you
Laken Cooper Apr 2015
Love* is seeing imperfect things perfectly
Their flaws, which catches you,
Their smile, which means nothing to others but means a lot to you,
"Love is blind.", Indeed it is,
Turn-off's and on's isn't a big thing when you're in love,
Just the fact seeing them makes you happy,
makes you smile instantly
foul smells, unpleasant things or anything doesn't matter if you
really love them
I doubt people who says that they already have their true love
Where's the love there?
Love, because he/she looks good? 
Because he/she is rich?
Loving someone despite their flaws and issues is what we called true love
Added by trust, respect and faith are the perfect ingredients to achieve true love,
Just by accepting them in any imperfections that they have will mean a lot.
Bored. Yay.
Laken Cooper Apr 2015
You are lucky,* because you have your parents with you,
some kid out there are longing for their parent's hug, kiss, comfort
which unfortunately they can't have

You are lucky, because you are surrounded by good friends around you,
Have you ever experienced having no one beside you?
having fake people around you,
who claims themselves as the true one but their only purpose is to put you down?

You are lucky, because you can move and see things freely,
How about the people who are uncapable of doing that?
blind* people who can't see the beauty that God has given us,
deaf people who can't express their feelings and so on

You are lucky, because you are given a chance to learn everything,
Poverty hits us, the main thing that is affected is education
Many people wants to learn and you are lucky that you've been given a chance to be one of them

Do you ever think how lucky you are?
But why are we not contented?
Instead of being thankful,
Why do people always crave for something more?

*"Craving is suffering."
We all are lucky, we must appreciate it.
Laken Cooper Apr 2015
Sometimes what a lonely person need is silence
Where you can think about things freely,
without anyone asking further questions
without anyone judging you
Just yourself fighting with thoughts that's running through your mind.
Silence is the best way to analyze things,
best way to contemplate
Alone no one will ever know
Where you can embrace yourself in
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