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 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
We're trains on two different tracks,
Living parallel lives, only passing by.
I have dreams of a head on collision,
One where the breaks are hit just fast enough so neither one of us is comepleatly destroyed.

But I might not mind being destroyed by you
if you take your time with me
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
One day you'll find someone who makes all those broken pieces of your heart feel like the most beautiful jigsaw in the world, who cherishes your cracks and fills them with gold dust.

She wasn't wrong when she said you deserved better.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
One seed of doubt gets planted in my mind and suddenly I'm lost in a jungle.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
You made me feel as though I was wrong
For needing air in my lungs
Love in my heart and
Reassurance somewhere inbetween.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
Throw down your ammunition
i have enough to tear myself apart.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
There are times
When the only way I can see
Is through you.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
When did we
Come to the conclusion
That destroying houses
Is far more beautiful
Than creating them?

*When did we learn
It was okay
To break instead of build
Homes in others hearts?
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
It is not your fault that he could not recognise the entire cities you set on fire every time you spoke his name.
 Jun 2017 Khar Yang
Cup Noodles
can we forget about each other
leave our memories behind
and meet again
for the first time
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