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 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
In your day we know the sonnet was the rage
but I can't write in rhyme or formal verse.
I feel constrained and locked within a cage.
In fact, I consider it a curse.

Now I find I'm being asked to do it.
"Just write," he says, "the form won't hold you back"
maintaining that there's really nothing to it.
"Just write to find out if you have a knack."

Though it's an assignment I have to do
I'm not sure there is a purpose for
this convoluted rhyme you used to woo
your listeners in days of yore.

How hard did you have to work to do it well?
Or did it come easily for you, pray tell!?
 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
With Poe-try you can surely
get your Words' worth.
So many words are waiting
like a Wolfe at your door,
for their Cummings into being.

If you listen, they Pound
upon your brain
They Lamb-aste your viscera,
making you Nash your teeth.
They create a Millay in your head.
So many shapes, so many Hughes!

Lusting for Moore, they Lear
at you when you least expect.
Look back at them!

Like Frost upon the windowpane
they write themselves,
then, when all is said and Donne,
melt away too soon.

Grasp them when you can.
Put them in a Rowe.
Taylor them to your muse,
use your Whit, man!
 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
Loud and arrogant,
a visceral voice
takes control,

green and purple
red and angry
fierce and ugly

cold like holy water,
but not holy
cold and white like frost
on the windows.

So cold - too cold to sleep.
Breathe under your blanket
curl up
hold your feet to your stomach
your hands inside your head.

The glow from the oil stove flickers
the heat from its distant flame
does not reach.
Its light only taunts,
makes the frost appear warm.

Frost inside the window

I scrape the crystal etching
with ***** broken nails,

Soon morning will break
and melt the frost,
moving it along the frozen pane,

along my frozen pain.
 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
Did you have a home once?
Was it warm and dry?
Did you eat food you chose -
not what someone left behind?

fast food remnants as
dry and hard as your life..

Did your shoes fit then?
Did your clothes?
Did they shield you
from the weather?

Perhaps they were even stylish...

Did you have a bed once
where hopeful dreams
softly danced among the covers?

Were there curtains on the windows
to keep out the stares?

Was there a night light and a lock
on the door to make you feel safe?


Were you loved?

Now the ground is your bed,
the stars your night light.
You have no door to lock.

Are memories locked inside?
Do they float in dreams among the trees?

And keep your soul alive?
 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
Sometimes I see and feel
a whole poem
in my mind
all at one time

like a painting
a landscape of alluring
a star-filled ebony sky
a perfectly formed blossom

or a spectacular instant

a burst of lightning
vehement rumbling of thunder
the fleeting glimpse of a rainbow

a moment of inexpressible
joy and love...

a child's delighted laughter
a new mother's glow
white-haired lovers walking


I can't seem to take it apart
and name the pieces.

The fragments are dandelion seeds
blown to the wind
once scattered
not retrievable.

But the feeling they present
as they float freely about
is worth letting them go.
Recently I had a talk
With the Lord of All
Wish I could say I came away
Feeling ten feet tall
But instead what He said
Made me feel small...

I asked him why my dreams had died
I asked him to convey
Why blows were dealt below the belt
It seems like every DAY
Why my heart was torn apart
Why did I have to pay?

For what others had done to me.
And WHY the cost so DEAR?
When would the war be over?
When would the coast be clear?
Why so many PROBLEMS?
Can't some just disappear?

He said, "You want to know, my child?
Why these knots still bind?"
He was gentle, but yet firm.
He took me back in time.
To the root, where they'd begun
And the causes? MINE.

Are there times you've questioned?
YES! We ALL have done!
We want to shame. We want to blame.
We want to scathe and shun
We want to point the finger
But now, the time's begun

To look through eyes enlightened
To peel the onion. Delve.
TRUTH's not glass, but mirror...

in which we see OURSELVES.

(C) 3/29/2017
I'm going to be doing some self appraisal.
Peeling back the onion. I've got a LOT on my plate right now. This means


Thanks for understanding.

 Apr 2017 Phil Lindsey
We don't write poetry.
It happens.
It hits you in the face and
demands to be.

Its pieces bombard like pebbles
thrown by zealous winds.
It wakes you at two a.m.
frantic to be free.

Like soul longing for body
it floats about
filled with anguish
and yearning.

The world is a poem.
Walking among its words,
often unaware,
we breathe the empty spaces.

We are all scribes,
sometimes setting down
a verse or two.


we don't write poetry.

It happens.
You only can die but once, they say,
There isn’t a second time,
We carry fears all along the years
When we think, which day is mine?
We envisage that marble headstone
That’s indicative of our fate,
Standing ***** in some unknown field,
And wonder about the date.

How often we hear that someone said
While trying to be more than brave,
But shuddering at the thought of the dead,
‘Someone just walked on my grave.’
It creeps on up, the length of your spine
The shiver that never ends,
Bringing a list of your sins to mind
With no time to make amends.

You think of that open casket,
And lying there sightlessly,
So all can stare, and look at you there,
‘I’m glad that it isn’t me.’
We wonder if we will hear them sigh
About all the good we did,
Or even know, if terror will grow
The moment they close the lid.

I think about Averill Crombie
Who said that she knew the date,
And suddenly died as she sat wide-eyed
Poking the fire in the grate.
We all went along to the service,
To say our goodbyes, as we should,
But then our hair, stood up in the air,
On hearing three taps on the wood.

We scrambled to open the coffin,
To find her still breathing in there,
And then she began to start coughing,
******* in lungfuls of air.
She tried to climb out of the casket
With many a cuss and a curse,
But then must have blown a gasket,
So we carried her into the hearse.

You only can die but once, they say,
There isn’t a second time,
She knew the date, it was simply fate
But the first time blew her mind.
I still see them lower her into the ground
When she’d died, just twice, perhaps,
But I couldn’t swear, when leaving her there
That there weren’t three ghostly taps.

David Lewis Paget
March came in
like a tired Zebra
being run down
by a pride of Lions.

But no, not now,
she's going out like
a ***** old Mule
kicking in the stall.

As you know, mules are *****,
you couldn't have said it better yourself.

Spring comes in March,
I'd like to know who ever
thought that date up.
I've been shovelling snow
while it's ten below.

I went out and bought
a rake a ***** and a ***.
Wishful thinking on my part
the ground is still hard.

I'm going to plant flowers
And raise a high fence
so the Deer's mouth will water
but it will get no feed.

Good riddance March
and your frigid temperatures
I don't want to see your face
for another year.
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