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You've asked for Cloud Nine
But we don't have to deal with trine
We can get to the prime
Sending you to Ten
Even Eleven
When I think of this, it's a duplicate of Heaven
It dates like a Sweven
But time can't eradicate the value
Peaceful as the beaches of Kahaluu
There's no limits on the elation I want to bring to you
Make love on the soft sand
Saying words only the Motherland
Should hear
These aren't formalities, dear
They're semsuality
Coming from the best place of me.
I'm astonished I'm not getting grey hairs
I'm stuck in the cross hairs
I thought this would wind down
As each step unfolds
But it just expanded the road
You think I stress out too much?
I've been apart of every hand clutch
The most used crutch
This has taken a toll on me as well
You aren't the only one stuck in a well
Not everything is as swell
As people make it out to be
The pain just stays silent
As the thoughts grow more intense
These scenarios are getting more violent
As the time treadmill goes on
Fervent headches
Should be a thing
But I hardly get them
Lucky me
Throughout my good fortune
I can only find the flaws
Everyone else is dealing with
And it might add a restless spectacle in me
Insatiable as they come
I might be somebody's bottle of ***
Beating the problems out like a drum
Whether you're from the big city or straight out of Krum
I can redeem you back into it all
It'll take some work
But it's nothing I'm not acquainted with already
Keep those positive thoughts steady
And the activity heavy
You don't want people thinking you're petty
I miss the days of Tom Petty
We're all trying to survive in this great country
Some live in the country
For that exact reason
To decompress
To wind down
From the hecticness that humanity brings
I hear the phone ring
Who could be up at this hour?
Life is a speeding missile
We're all used to the dismissal
You got nothing to lose
So let the the fear come loose
So it can go elsewhere
If you want something with me, tell me
Secrets should be kept secret
Unless it's this
Don't wait until it's too late
When I have a wife and potential kids
Eating on fine China plates
Make your move
I'm perpetually unaware
Or don't want to assume
So don't mark this down as doom
By not initiating anything
Because I'll give everything
When that connection occurs
I can be opened to all of the allures.
  Mar 2018 Peter Robert Hamilton
you are not your age,
nor the colour of your hair,
you are not your weight,
or the size of clothes you wear.
you are not your name,
or the dimples in your cheeks,
you are all the books you read,
and all the words you speak,
you are your croaky morning voice,
and the smiles you try to hide.
you're the sweetness in your laughter
and every tear you've cried,
you're the songs you sing so loudly,
when you know your all alone
your the places that you've been to,
and the one that you call home,
you're the things that you believe in
and the people that you love.
you're the pictures in your bedroom
and the future that you dream.
you are made of so much beauty,
but it seems that you forgot,
when you decided that you were defined
by all the things your not.
We clamor for the answers
On why Poetry always takes a back-step to everything else
We've lost all the components of the belt
It's still beautiful and heartfelt
But it fails to implement welts
Inside the barriers
That refuse to be our carriers
For any more to be in public print
You better have the green eqivalent
To enter this contest
That you might not even win
No wonder why we're so vulnerable to throwing our work into the trash bin
Why should I lose money I worked so hard for
To be circulated in the financial parkour?
I'm not trashing them
No disrespect
But after a hefty inspect
I think we can do better
I'm so used to rejection letters
I'm just not opulent or sophisticated enough
I don't have a yacht like Billy Collins to splurge about
I write purely what gives me an urge about
Don't care for the money and the clout
It won't make me pout
I can tell you what Poetry is about
No need for the textbook explanation
That's not your destination
It's about who you are
How you feel
How these thoughts reel
What happened in your tri-optics
And how we can solve it
The world has churned out a campaign to ignore and omit it
And they're almost successful
Almost is as useful as a horseshoe against hand grenades
Let me drink my Lemonade
Writing line after line
I know I'm not Elitist enough
The edges of these words are kind of rough
Or as the Poetry Foundation says vague
Then explain why these poems almost always become trending?
I guess I'll buy my seventy-nine cent pen and express myself
Sit down and be laughed at the ones with their prestigious titles
Looked at as another wannabe
Even though I have the spirit like Ken Wantanabe
I guess what will be, will be
I'm just another bee in the Harvest
Trying to be Independent
Another lost soul in the forest
I take pride in my work but I'm considered the poorest
By the highest of the contempoaries
With their personal Secretaries
Thank you for your submission
But it puts you into the Obiutary
That they'll forget about

I'll make my own way
Starting today
Or was it many years ago?
It's hard to truly decipher.
That Billy Collins quote about buying a seventy-nine cent pen and express yourself has always ****** me off. This is why we haven't gained any serious traction amongst the decades.
Let me know If I make too much noise
Trying to appeal like the modern Noyes
I can be Batman, he can be my Alfred
Washing out all the dread
One by one
My work is never done
Heaven knows why I measure my toise
Thinking I landed a Croise
But instead it looks like a kindergarten project
These lines I reflect
Are meant to create a sect
That disannuls the usual meaning of the word
I'm not dishing out a gird
I'm splitting the morally absurd
Into all the fragments I want
Labeling none
I can relate to revolving doors
Because they never stop
They never drop
The momentum
World filled with white
Commonly labeling knight
Spent so many nights trying to get it right
So many Nebulas saw me as a light
Made me think a little more open
Ready to bring the heat like Copan
Commonly called Peter Pan
Just got used to it all
I come back when I fall
The lone exception
Their biggest pushed deception
Is that the tale never happened
Till I was given the time slot
Ninety ninety seven
Praying that I'be been blessed by the Tree Of Heaven
Would be endorsed by Seventh Heaven
Can't be affiliated with the fake father
I know this is quite a fother
But I got to bring this to a poise
Blue, teal, turquoise
I feel my own noise
I chose to be the Spiro Disco Ball
A constituted mystery
I'm my own consistory
Flashy, want to be loved by all
I might not make that goal at all
But I'll continue to turn
The life of the party
I hope this delivery is never tardy
Give up, I hardly
I'll turn until there's no meaning and purpose left.
When will that be?
A mind so brilliant
Genius that's consilient
Everyone thought he'd die but he was resilient
But he crafted a legacy that's so transilient
It's almost impossible to match
These hateful comments that he achieved nothing and will go to hell
Don't worry, stay in your thatch
Nobody will remember you there
Nobody will hear your blares
You crafted your own mare
In the name of struggle
Take a deeper look into the mirror after your mouthwash guggle
And tell me what you have accomplished
People won't have time for you're always angry or complaining

In his words he couldn't omit
But he found a way to transmit
Across all ears and minds
Perishing on Einstein's birthday
Such a Genius is hard to find
We'll never be able to replace him
Our race didn't deserve a Man like him
The day felt much more grim
Without his brilliance flying out of the whim
R.I.P Stephen Hawking
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