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  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Obadiah Grey

Shoveling sand up Sally's ***
n passing gas in the Lido,
Fitties camp n a loose hipped *****;
somefuckers dog named Fido.

Oh yeah; shove-halfpenny with gennyreny
and pitch n toss in big alley,
candyfloss, Bruce Lee's Big boss
n slurping on Sally's valley.
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Tigers hunt, Sheep bleat
Eagles soar, Bears sleep
Only one imperfection
One blot on this earth
Only one mistake
In this chaotic universe
The biped that thought
I’m special, they are naught
I will chase them and herd them
I will cow them and hurt them
I will conquer their will
As I sit atop my hill
All that I see is mine
My power is divine

Indeed power is divine
or at least above the touch
Of the lowly biped,
Slave to ego, its crutch
Time cycles around
The circle of life
Each fool with a title
Sits pretty for a while
On a mountain of bones,
Bloodshed, false pride
I’ve won, I’ve crushed them
Look how they run and hide

Oh, don’t you see,
You sad little fool
One of these days that
Boomerang will find you
Your house of cards is swaying
The hounds of hate are baying
Your great successor has arrived
Same delusions, different stripes!
When will people surrender their grandiose delusions for a better, larger, more positive way of life? How foolhardy to think that any one of us can conquer the earth..or control how other people live..and how small minded and poor spirited that anyone should wish to..!
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Nina A Attia
What if at the very end we were asked?
What if at the very end we were offered?
A chance , a one of a kind opportunity..
To do it all again.
All of IT,
With one catch!

Not to do a single thing differently,
to lose all the knowledge we gained,
and start over as if we were never there!

And we took it simply because
we hoped there would be hope.

We took it because we were stupid enough to *Hope.
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
If only life
would afford a do over...
I would cut down on
the hours I've worked...
Take more time to appreciate
my sons and
     the stick figures holding hands
           with heart shaped puffs of smoke
               bellowing from the chimney
                    in the picture of our home
                          they drew.
I would learn how to share the pain
      my friends may endure
         keeping in touch
            not letting months go by
               buried in work
                  instead of sharing a glass of wine.
I would know my worth
   not waste precious moments of life
      on worthless relationships....
Go fishing with my father
      Hug him - just because
          Take every opportunity just to say
              I love and appreciate you....
Not waste so much time
          trying to please a mother
              who never wanted me.
I would learn to love me - first.
And when I met you
     all you would see
         is me getting smaller
                as I walked away.....
  Nov 2015 Paul Butters
Brother Jimmy

Let it out
Let love in
Let it go
Let love win

Love every soul you see
Make love for lovers' sakes
Make happiness make glee
Mend all folks real or fake

My end will come from my beginning
No happenstance no random chance
Nor penance, plucking from your winning
No loss from staunch opponent's lance

Oh would that we could wane
Our dim dichotomies' details donned;
Outside this window pane
Oh wildest winds, we want to wander!

Penance plunders grace
Perchance, do you hear laughter?
Pick up your fallen face
Quick think: what are you after?

Remember what was ransomed
Remarkable requests are made
Requisite responses that result
Sacred sacrifice - ransom paid

So stop the secret scratching
Soothe your screaming skin
The way your thoughts keep hatching;
That tell-tale heart ticking within,

Take a look around
This is a lucky life we live
Though time takes senses: sight, and sound
Taste, scent, and touch - like sand through sieve

Paul Butters Nov 2015
Should we all stop eating meat?
No, we’ll starve of protein doing that.
But yes, it’s morally right.

What about plants?
We’ll starve: fruits and berries are all right.
Eat meat instead!

Are we doing enough to avoid nuclear war?
Not enough, we are doomed.
Too much: the next level is with nuclear-holocaust-mutations!

And global warming?
Our greatest threat.
A hoax!

What should we do?
Just what is Good?
****** if we do and ****** if we don’t.

Should we be pacifists or should we fight?
Anyone Out There to put us right?
If there are,
Their lips are kept tight.
Even God, with all of His might.
One Man’s Good is another Man’s Evil,
From a great blue whale to a little Boll Weevil.
For now We stay on a lifelong quest,
Seeking out what might be the best.

Paul Butters
What is "Good"??? Sparked off by a TV documentary on Buddha, Confucious and Aristotle. I nearly wrote a sci fi story instead: humanity on trial!!!
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