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blossoms of ink,

the sighs of
spring's new
leaves looped
around the

the land filling
with the gold
arch of the sun,
white flowers
on the branches,
the ground
strewn with ivy
and green moss,

mute sun rests
in the sky,
the light pretty
joys painted in
the mind, pale
whispers of
shiny white,

gorgeous sea,
sings to
the soft flowers,
the waves start
to blossom,
blossom like
the boyish wind,

or drive on forever
like singing
been reading some sandburg today absolutely love his poetry

black birds cluster in
barren winter trees like leaves...
... caw loquaciously

lone dove on far branch
shivers in the frigid wind
then she flies away

she goes far beyond
the subtle pink sunrise to
a place of summer

(c) soulsurvivor
All three of these should be
Classic 5/7/5 form.
Please let me know if they are not!
It was the Earth's dawning,
The beauty of nature forming,
No mankind has even yet been born,
And the wondrous nature formed,
All pristine, no footprints seen,
Time elapsed, no one to measure it,
Only natural wonders the globe to fit,
Then, there came the humans, that's that,
How to wreck our own habitats!
Sad, but true, now to rue,
What was our natural world to you?
Feedback welcome.
Ocean waves singing
The graceful song of nature
As the moon listens
Moon sparrow flies far in the calligraphy of night.
Little fellow find your wild winds in shimmering ink.
Your wings are well-spoken in the sequences of open spaces.
Write your poems in the corners of your eyes

Little fellow find your winds in shimming ink.
Far from the fields you trend.
You tend the trees of speaking
Offer the fruit of images within the words.

far from the fields you trend.
for those that grow not letters in their pots.
offer the fruit of images  within the words,
You write in the simple penmanship of soul
I poeticize, proselytize
Punctuate and pontificate.
I write couplets and rhymes
And I really do it all the time.
I exacerbate and exaggerate
With no desire to intimidate.
I make similes and metaphors
Indoors and even out of doors.

There’s cussing and discussion
And sharp literary impressions
Through diversions, conversions
Allusions as well as conclusions.
And with luck, no delusions.
Just syllabically deft fusions
Of some deferential references
With a deft touch of reverence.

I rhyme thyme with fresh lime
And cardamom with cinnamon.
Sweetbreads and shortbreads.
Chicken bones and licking scones.
Rhyming pumpkins with dumplings
And matching up filets with filberts
Just as cocoa goes well with Kona.
Marmalade can be a good marinade.

I rhyme chrome wheels and automobiles,
Freeway off-ramps and Tiffany lamps.
Cellophane and vintage airplanes.
Flapper vamps and streetwalking tramps.
Also Cinderella coaches and cockroaches,
Nothing is unfair game to a busy poet.
As well as RCA Victors and boa constrictors.
Since I’m a poet, everyone should know it.

— The End —