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K G Aug 2016
Spent days trying to forget her
I was all over her, with strict joy
With my footsteps falling softer
On foreign ground it falls softer

Swimming with a cigarette
Floating in the leafy motel pool
Lift up your burning head
To see the ashes of abandoned youth
Its familiar
It's all around you

Whenever I close my eyes
My bed starts to quiver
For the leaves, they will wither
For your ashes, they will deliver

I was unhappy, on and on repeat
Until I got home in Tennessee
To see a woman on bended knee
Tumbling to the crumbling peek
Trusting where I'm supposed to be

You're warm, my prison is cold
You're just a wolf without teeth
In solitude, I hear a noise from gold
You're just a wolf without teeth
You're the summer smoke, the reddest sky
You're just a wolf without teeth
That will drop in the guillotine and die
You're just a wolf without teeth
Running with shoes full of landmines
Asking what I saw, and apologizing until the edge of dawn
If you think it makes me wanna surrender and wrap you in my arms
Well you're wrong
So pull the curtains of loss, to get hit with a blizzard of saws
  Aug 2016 K G
I'd love to have an adventure
To different worlds where my heart can fly
To different worlds where my heart desires
And will be remembered until I die.

I'd love to have an adventure
Along with my precious pen
And write down all the things I've witnessed
And read it all again.

I'd love to have an adventure
Through the darkest part of the forest
And meet the greatest beasts
And see who is the toughest.

I'd love to have an adventure
Through the deepest part of the sea
Where a place I can find peace
As if there is no living creature but me.

I'd love to have an adventure
Where mysterious mountains hide secrets
Then I'll climb to its toppest part
By ignoring the chirping crickets.

I'd love to have an adventure
Where I can be my fullest self
Together with my loved ones
And finish the books on the shelf.

I'd love to have an adventure
With my eyes that is sharper than knife
I'll face my battles, brave and humble
Until I get to the Everlasting Life
  Aug 2016 K G
Little Bear
1)  get a canvas

2)  get some unicorn paint

3)  paint a unicorn

4)  realize you can't paint a unicorn

5)  cry

6)  paint the moon

7)  put glitter and a horn on the moon

8)  pretend it's a fat unicorn

9)  be happy

10) show your dog

11) call the dog back into the room

12) show your dog again

13) get a new dog

14) show that dog

15) tell that dog it's being too critical

16) ask that dog to leave

17) put the picture in the bin

18) decide never to paint unicorns again

19) eat chocolate

20) decide to paint a dragon
  Aug 2016 K G
poems in the clouds
every time i closed my eyes i saw myself running.
running through the trees, down the street, chasing.
who knows what i'm chasing.
Running down a dirt road laughing
as the lightening bugs light up the forest around me
its like breathing for the very first time.
its freeing.
i'm free.
i'm back home where i'm suppose to be.
but the midwest isn't home to much.
cornfields, forests, and dirt roads.
home is where the heart is
and my home is whenever i close my eyes
and i'm running and happy
i'm where i used to be.
  Aug 2016 K G
poems in the clouds
I'm laying in my bed and
i swear to god
i can almost feel my skin burning
as i lay where you did last night.
no one else would be able to tell
you were here, but i know.
and i wish i didn't.
  Jul 2016 K G
Vanessa Grace
Separation does weird things to the body
causes a continental divide
between the mind and the heart
This divide-- it causes doubt
and it distorts three truths
for three lies.
It shifts a millimeter each moment
till one day, there's been an earthquake
and you no longer can tell fantasy from reality
due to the irrevocable damage.
You realize
the memories aren't really memories--
they are perceptions of events gone wrong
and this cataclysm of love allows it.
You see, the sweetness of words whispered
now have an underlining bitterness
now have a certain edge
that makes you wonder if they were ever true
And now you notice, far too early,
the warmth from their embrace
just... leaves, too quickly.
they just don't hold on like they used to.
its ever so subtle, but ever so notable,
and its enough to make you worry
about the things you see.
And finally, you both begin to see...
.... that separation
does weird things to the body.
It causes a continental divide
between the mind and the heart
and the realization that there's no healing
when you're miles and miles apart.
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