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Jul 2014 · 619
Juan Cahue Jul 2014
It's scary; not your typical Webster's definition of the term but more or less a synonym of fear.
Falling in love; knowing that you're devoted to making another human being happy and what they make you feel is identical, it's clear.
It isn't always good. Sometimes it doesn't work out according to the blueprints, there's bumps in the road, but you choose to remain in that lane.
But it also isn't always necessarily bad. There's a sense of satisfaction in knowing you're the source of someone else's joy, helping relieve at least some of their pain.
Honestly though, who can tell you for a fact that they don't experience emotions? No one.
It's just a matter of picking the right person to sit through the highs and the lows, the fights and the woes that are directly related to being in love with someone.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Happy Father's Day
Juan Cahue Jun 2014
We may bump heads a lot
We may not always agree
But whether we're on the same page or not
There's something I want to set free.
You may be short tempered
You may always get mad
There's great memories to remember
Whether good or bad.
You're my dad and my role model
I strive to be half the man you are
From the days when you fed me my bottle
To today when we've both come so far.
You're the best dad that I could've asked for
Even though it may not always show
I'm eternally grateful and therefore
I wrote you this just to let you know.
It's the 20th time we're together
And I'm blessed to have lived one more year
You're the only person who can fill me with anger
And then make me smile from ear to ear.
So on this day that belongs to all fathers
There one thing that I just wanna say
I love you for all that you've done
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wrote this for my pops on Father's Day a year ago.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Juan Cahue May 2014
I miss the the days when we were just "talking".

The days when you felt butterflies every time you spoke to me.

The times when you sent me the cutest messages without the slightest of difficulties.

Back when you smiled up a storm every time you saw me headed in your direction.

Back when we understood everything without the concern for a misconception.

But the honeymoon phase is over and we're no longer just "talking".
Things were so much easier in the beginning. Maybe I'm just new to this. Maybe I'm the only one. I doubt it.
May 2014 · 428
Style is Optional
Juan Cahue May 2014
Dwelling on the past, it went so swift it was so fast. A few years of my life but together we didn't last. Simple reminder that nothing is forever and nothing is set in stone that things can just change whenever. Expect the unexpected, live life in the moment. And if the time is now then best believe you gotta own it. See I was blind in the beginning, it was hard for me to see straight. That what I needed to find love was right in my face. But I ignored it and your feelings went away, should've known you wouldn't wait around and that your feelings would just fade. 365 multiplied by a third of 9, that's 3 years of your time that you combined along with mine. No label, no tag, not official just for fun, what we had wasn't stationary it was on the run. It came and went,  it was free, had its own set of wings. All of a sudden I could see and it was just a mess of things. We got through it like an obstacle, cause our love was too logical for senseless issues to interrupt and make it all fall apart. We shared a heart it was just one, but our time was nearly done. Cause we weren't destined to succeed as it had originally begun. The plans and memories we made, the times we spent were all erased. And now we're trying to be friends but it just isn't quite the same. I was too late, my train had left and all my feelings were in vain. You put the sentiments aside and I was afflicted with pain. Now every time I hear your name it hurts to even reminisce, about the days we were in love that I have now began to miss.
Clever mix of clichés and original lines.
May 2014 · 1.4k
Juan Cahue May 2014

Starts with a motive.
Utter attempts to pave the road that you're roaming.
Calls that you make to create a life from a moment.
Chances that you take so you can live another morning.
Energy consumed that will result from all the torment.
Surprises down the stretch that will teach you to keep performing.
Stops when you feel you've done enough to feel comforting.

Success is what you make it.
May 2014 · 354
Old Sentiments
Juan Cahue May 2014
I'm here in this position, my heart is pierced, my thoughts are fierce and there's no one to listen. Cause you're not here, I speak in vain, it's a constant demolition. I still feel torn, I still feel worn, I'm still in this condition. You chose to do this. But who's to blame? Not you or me, it wasn't our decision. The time was wrong, it didn't last, and now it has me thinking: Is love for me? Is there a learner's fee? I'm done with all this wishing. My time is up, I've spilled my cup and my feelings are slowly dripping... Away from you, away from me, away from all captivity. Alone they spread, to get ahead, for all they need is liberty.
This was written in August of 2013 talking about an old situation I was in a few years back.
May 2014 · 624
4 Red Stars
Juan Cahue May 2014
We're from a city where we hear sirens when we're in bed sleeping. Where some go to sleep happy while others go to sleep weeping. Home to the nicest people, and the worst criminals. Where we get messages, both clear and subliminal. The city of wind even on a warm summer day. Where it randomly rains or it snows, but after all it's okay. The town where people leave and promise to return. Where roads lead to success and everything we have is earned. A place so beautiful we wouldn't trade it for the world. A location of joy, for all boys and girls. The home of the Bulls, Cubs, Sox, Bears and Hawks. The city where no one crosses at lights, they just jaywalk. Where we hop on our bikes and ride to lake shore. And as the time passes, we wish we had more. Where we've made memories and friends for a lifetime. Where we can go back and trace every event on our timeline. Where we feel free as a bird often, and then trapped as if we were in a dome. A city named Chicago is what we call home.
Chicago, where else?
Juan Cahue May 2014
Pardon the insecurities. It's just they're nothing new to me. But I trust you so I know there's nothing bad you would do to me. Baby there's no one see, with who I'd rather be. So when I say I love you never doubt the sincerity. You mean the world to me, I mean that honestly. Because to tell the truth you're the only one able to sweep me off my feet. You can take everything, but it's a little bit. The most valuable belonging you can have is my heart, and for you it beats.
I just really like the rhyme scheme in this one.
May 2014 · 2.1k
An Eternity
Juan Cahue May 2014
As I lay here my mind begins to wander, but the only thing on my mind is you. As my brain feels like a hurricane picking up everything in its path, you're the only thing that manages to escape this whirlpool. It's as if every day that passes, this cloud that I've been riding on since day one just gets bigger. And the more I float on, in love, the more I understand, the less I feel like a beginner. It's a change, it's like nothing I've felt before, it's never been this strong. Usually it takes forever, it takes ages, but this time, it hasn't taken long. I still ask, "What have you done to me? How did I fall so fast?" And then I realize, you and everyone of your characteristics are what make me want to make this last... An eternity.
Happiness has been around as of late. Let's see how long it lasts?
May 2014 · 722
Premeditated Happiness
Juan Cahue May 2014
I'm starting to believe that I'll never know what it's like to hold you in my arms again. The way I used to when I had the fortune and opportunity.

I'm beginning to understand that time doesn't pass in vain and that every second that goes by erases more of what remains, along with a little part of me.

It's been ages since we've seen each other face to face, yet I know I've never seen your beauty on another canvas. You're unique, nothing even comes close.

And here I am, years later, caught up. Reminiscing, writing down my thoughts in some stanzas. Pulling words from my mind like the petals on a rose.

Trying not to surrender, avoiding admitting defeat, even though I know it's you I lost. The worst part is it wasn't even a battle to begin with.

But maybe there is hope. Maybe there's enough spark left in us to rekindle the fire, and melt away all the frost that has formed on our relationship, and turned what he had into an ancient myth.

Who knows? I do not. You do not. Do we even dare discover if one of us holds the courage to backtrack and retrace our steps? Or do we continue with our lives, always wondering what could have been?

The idea sickens me. The thought of moving forward and letting you escape my grasp without the slightest of closure. It's like you never left. For old time's sake, let's turn back the clock. Let's enjoy our company and make it as beautiful as the end scene to your favorite movie, and go back to where it all begins.
This poem is from November of 2013. Writing about a past relationship that was never really established that always left me wondering what could've been but never once regretting any of the times that we spent together. Feedback is more than welcome. Enjoy.

— The End —