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 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Dear Father,

I have sinned,
Even when I knew it was wrong.
I sinned when I acknowledged your presence,
I rebelled against you and didn’t care.
I am dirt who hates you at heart,
I can’t stand being in your presence.
I am filled with malice and spite,
I break bread with my sin,
I dig up the bones of my weaknesses.

Dear Father,

You loved me still,
You cared for me despite this.
You saw me as precious,
You called me holy.
You lifted me up,
Held me close,
Drew me near,
Called me to you,
Claimed me as your own,
Adopted me as your child.
You loved me still.
Groanings of my heart, the reason the gospel is so hard to believe is because I am so evil, and the Lord loves me not because what I am or what I do, but because He claimed me as His.
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
mr t
a pencil
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
mr t
When pens run out of ink
We throw them away
When pencils break
We sharpen them
When I performed my piece "not a pen" a good friend of mine told me this, and it brightened my whole day.
A lover you are not, but a brother you forever are

Your weeping soul is lost in the dark, behind cold bars

They swore with their life that they spoke of no lies

But we were blinded, the truth was always in your eyes

Where are you now? Do you even consider us as your family still?

You can try to hide your crystal clear emotions, but the silence can ****

They believe they ended us, but we refused to quit

The heart is deceitful above all else, who can understand it?

Though you sadly think the charms will forever be apart

We refuse to break the chain of the two hearts

Though the fire of blame may be on you

We beg you to put it out. Our voice of forgiveness is true

Yes, their hearts are full of lies

But the troubles you may be going through could be....

*Mercies in Disguise...
Mysterious this note maybe. Don't think too ******* it. It's only meant for one, but enjoy this poem if you can.

Thank You...
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Michael DeVoe
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Michael DeVoe
I am as a willow in her old age
Whispering curious questions in my rustle
When the Santa Anna's blow
Holding answers in my weeping

I am as a skateboard riding pug pup
Marvelous to those who can still find novelty in a one trick pony
And those who will never meet me
Because I **** everywhere else but on camera

I am as a the coming tide
Coming in eventually
I swear
So long as the moon will let me

I am as left up Christmas lights in August
All things equal I will be worthwhile again
So long as the owners don't move
And they still like blue icicles next year
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Michael DeVoe
I need one more
I need to forget a little more
I need to remember a little less
I need to remember a lot more
I just need to remember it differently
The way I wrote it
The way it ends when I'm sleeping

Dear bartender
Make it a White Russian
As white as her dress would've been
One Pina Colada
Tan as the sand would've been
One more Gin and Tonic
Sparkling as her eyes
***** Cranberry
Red as her lips
A triple shot of silver tequila
As clear as my intentions

Marry me

Bartender I want to drink until I forget she said no
Bartender I want to drink until I forget I ever asked

Dear Bartender I want to drink until I remember she said yes
***** til my head rings wedding bells
Gin til my body ticks raw rice
*** til my cheeks flush honeymoon
Tequila til my ring finger itches
Whiskey until she loves me too
Whiskey until she come back
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon
Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe
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