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1.5k · Jul 2015
Third eye.
Neko Majin Jul 2015
My minds eye gone blind, I can't even see my dreams, as I wander in the black haze called my mind, I try to define who I am, and what is mine.
I'm unaware of who I was, and who I aim to be, but I do know what you say simply doesn't suit me. You'd have me march to your drum, and be as you are, but even if I'm blind, I can see that won't get me very far.
1.3k · May 2015
Neko Majin May 2015
A new thing has happened, a new consensus reached, new wise men crying out in the streets. A message as strange, as it is bold, conveyed to those who are of yet not very old, spreading like fire to those who desire it.
A wisdom that fills the mind with understanding, and the heart with wrath, they no longer desire the common path, a small few among many, the trail blazers rise.
The wise see through the facade, leaving the lies for  the fools, and the pawns, they see the existence with no purpose that the masses adore, In ignorance they find peace, in the lack of knowledge they are content.
A lie no different from the last is enough to throw a life away without regret, blindly excepting whatever is presented as a worthy cause.
An absence of knowledge, and a surplus of faith, spiraling towards an unavoidable fate.
1.2k · Mar 2015
Neko Majin Mar 2015
Awoken from a dream that never ends, aware of the lies that disguise the worth of mortal lives. Taught to mimic what's seen without ever knowing what it means, I watch the masses shift between souls with free will, and machines with a set of programmed commands.
Robots on a conveyer belt, the world is spinning we are all trying to hold on to our sanity. Humanity individuality, what makes us different is slipping this constant need to be different. Is what makes us the same.
A collaboration between myself, and grey storm
900 · Aug 2015
The night sky.
Neko Majin Aug 2015
Under the stars we'd spend our nights, observing all of the heavenly lights.
Under the night's sky, in peace, and rest, a moment in time entirely ours. Your hand in mine, truly one of a kind, a night bright with a quiet affection in no need of words, a glow of the heart, lighting the dark.
Now under the black speckled sky, I don't know why, but a single tear leaves my eye, alone in the night, looking upon the heavenly light.
Time passed along, and so I'll carry on under the stars.
Something I just wrote with the input of a friend.
899 · Mar 2015
The song of life
Neko Majin Mar 2015
As a life enters the world, a new song begins. A song filled with passion, and beauty, a song graced with an elegance that can never be mimicked.
  A song, perhaps sang in vain,  it's  beauty created only to fade in time, only ever appreciated by the soul who performed it, A melody as tragic as it is beautiful, a work of art that can never truly be appreciated by another, fated to be forgotten in time.
795 · Feb 2015
Quick poem
Neko Majin Feb 2015
Born into a world of hardship, and stress, we toil in vain for the sake of vanity, we struggle to make names that will be remembered for the ages, while our bones rot in the earth. Short lives wasted on preparing for a tomorrow that never comes, missing out on the joys of today.
589 · Aug 2015
The Race.
Neko Majin Aug 2015
Racing the reaper, his speed so slow he'll never catch me, I'm like lightning, as if he'd ever over take me.
Time moves on, and our race goes on, his speed the same as always, yet I seem a tad slower, still I out pace death, it's truly effortless.
It's as if I'm running out of steam, is this a dream? A threat so far off, now riding my heels, so this is how death feels, cold, alone, an accursed fate, so to death I yet refuse prostrate.
With the last of my strength gone, I fear I'll be moving on, in a race with death is no rest, no finish line to cross, only points in the road to pass as you move along, once again, it appears it's death for the win, this is the end.
487 · Apr 2015
Neko Majin Apr 2015
Most lies are perceived to be true, in a land of facades, and charades.
A reality beyond comprehension hidden behind the barriers of privileged knowledge, the common minds conditioned for blindness, walking a path with darkness intense enough to blot out the sun, aimless wanderers  never  desiring to see what rests beyond the charade.
Souls without understanding of any sort, failing to comprehend even themselves, simply excepting whatever is presented before them.
430 · Oct 2015
writers block...
Neko Majin Oct 2015
Me oh my, I can't help but ask why. Why am I stuck in a slump, thinking while seated upon my ****, I have no clue, no answer, no solution, how can I possibly come to a resolution?
I'm in need of eyes, but I've no idea how to catch them, I'm in need of ears, but I know no words to which people would lend them.
To touch a heart, to cause a smile, can I go the mile?
Where to start, when to depart, this is actually quite hard...
Couldn't think of much
423 · Feb 2015
Faded Light
Neko Majin Feb 2015
I told you once, that you were a light as bright as any star, and that you could shine even brighter, however I doubt you remember. When we were nothing more than children, I could already see the light in your eyes, and I did all I could do to protect it as we grew.
As time moved on I watched you become what I knew you were meant to be, a jewel forged in the fires of life's trials, a golden treasure refined in adversity. You became a light in the darkness, and the desire of many.
I warned you not to let them change you, not to let them extinguish your light, but it never mattered.
As time moved on, I watched the light leave your eyes, as the world spun, I watched as you were used, as months turned to years I watched you become something hollow, someone I never knew.
I'm telling you, I miss who you were.
Just a poem I wrote for a friend, this is my first stab at it to tell the truth.

— The End —